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    Malú is from an upper-class family and her single mother doesn't want her to play with Jorgito, who she looks down on because of his lower-class background. Jorgito's mother, a poor socialist proud of her family's social standing, places similar restrictions on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malú and Jorgito. When the children learn that Malú's mother is planning to leave Cuba, they decide to run away and travel to the other side of the island to find Malú's father and persuade him against signing the forms that would allow it. (DVD container)
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    A story of burgeoning labor rights amongst poor fishermen in a small village in Mexico. (IMDB)
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    A andança de Fabiano e sua família de propriedade em propriedade, a dificuldade em ser gente e os sonhos de conforto material. A oscilação entre o servilismo e a revolta do cangaço, o retorno à andança pelas caatingas. (Cinemateca Brasileira) --- A poor family in the Northeast of Brazil (Fabiano, the father; Sinhá Vitória, the mother; their 2 children and a dog called Baleia) wander about the barren land searching for a better place to live, with food and work. But the drought and misery destroy their hopes. (IMDB)
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    Los hermanos Santos y Rufino Peralta (del Carril y Laxalt) se emplean como trabajadores en los yerbatales del Alto Paraná. Allí se encontrarán con condiciones infrahumanas de trabajo y la codicia de los patrones. Además, Santos se enfrentará con un capataz por el amor de Amelia (Adriana Benetti). La rebelión va madurando, al tiempo que se va gestando la formación de un sindicato de trabajadores. Finalmente, los obreros se alzan y castigan duramente a sus explotadores. (Cine Argentino Online)
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    Narrates the story of the trip undertaken by a young Ernesto Guevara y Alberto Granado. Before becoming one of the most famous relevationaries of Latin America, Che Guevara decided to travel throughout various Latino countries on his motorcycyle. With his friend by his side, he set out to get to know the people of the countries he visited, their lives, their costumes, and their social standing. Based on the books Notas de viaje, diarios de motocicletas, by Ernesto Guevara, and Con el Che por Ameríca Latina, by Alberto Granado. (Translation by Jessica Batista).
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    "In the snowy mountains of Bolivia, in the highest city in the world, an infamous Indian crime duo known as "Los Tortolitos" agrees to transport 50 kilograms of cocaine to the Brazilian Amazon for a shadowy figure named 'El Negro'. The couple's journey takes them through deserts, valleys, and cities and into the heart of Bolivia, a world rich in color, music, and joy on the one hand and poverty, corruption, and racial marginalization on the other....Equal parts road movie, crime drama, and social critique." (Josh Rosenblatt, The Austin Chronicle)
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    Costa y Sebastián trabajan juntos en un proyecto ambicioso que van a rodar en Bolivia. La cinta que van a filmar tratará sobre la llegada de los españoles a América poniendo el acento en la brutalidad de su empresa y en el coraje de varios miembros de la iglesia que se enfrentaron con palabras a las espadas y las cadenas. Pero Costa y Sebastián no pueden imaginar, que en Bolivia, donde han decidido instalar su Santo Domingo Cinematográfico, les espera un desafío que les hará tambalearse hasta lo más profundo. Tan pronto como estalla la Guerra del Agua (abril 2000) las convicciones de uno y el desapego del otro comienzan a resquebrajarse, obligándoles a hacer un viaje emocional en sentidos opuestos. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    Everyday the children of the neighborhood known as "Tire Dié", in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, wait for the train to ask for money, shouting "Tire dié!" (toss me a dime!) to the passengers. (IMDB)
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    Num domingo carioca, a vida é retratada através de cinco pequenos vendedores de amendoim. Em Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista e Estádio do Maracanã, pontos turísticos da cidade, eles procuram compradores para seus produtos. O calor escaldante de 40 graus acaba por unir as aflições dos moradores humildes, que buscam algo de melhor para suas vidas. Depois de um dia atribulado, a alegria de viver toma conta de suas vidas, quando participam do ensaio geral das Escolas de Samba. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Spirit of Light (Great Othello), a talented composer of sambas, tries to sell his music and succeed in Brazil, but gets tricked by opportunists and finds himself trapped in the schemes of the music industry. Left unconscious after a train accident, he recalls moments from his life and career, based in a neighborhood in the north of Rio. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    Pedro Bengoa is a former union worker activist who, after wiping clean his past, finds work in the Tulasco company's mines. There, Bengoa reconnects with an old friend who proposes that they simulate an accident and then fake that he is deaf to earn a higher salary. Unfortunately, his friend dies due to the explosion, but Pedro takes his fight to the multinationals until its last consequences. (Translation by Angel Carrillo)
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    The Secret Nation is a political drama in which Sebastián Mamani, a farmer who rejects his class status, returns home to be punished for his repressive actions during the dictatorship. Dancing the Danzanti until his death, Sebastián hopes to erase his past and be reborn. (Translation by Angel Carrillo)
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    The film tells the story of the Boteros, a middle-class Mexican family struggling against poverty after their father's death. Ignacia (Egurrola) is the Boteros mother, a desperate woman who chooses to sacrifice the destiny of her three older children, in order to protect Gabriel (Laguardia) the youngest one. She believes Gabriel will climb the social structure and bring back the lost fortune to the family. But destiny has other plans for the Boteros and tragedy will overcome eventually. Based on the novel of Nobel Prize winner Naguib Mahfouz. (
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    When a group of Mayan Indians decides to organize a labor union to improve conditions in their village, their community is violently destroyed by the Guatemalan army. Teenage siblings, Rosa (Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez) and Enrique (David Villalpando) manage to escape the massacre and decide to start a new life in El Norte -- the USA. The two trek through Mexico, meeting a variety of characters and facing trials and tribulations on their journey toward lives as illegal immigrants in Los Angeles. (IMDB)
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    Conflicts between old habits that perpetuate marginalization and a new moral era, in the context of the social tranformation that took place in Cuba beginning with the victory of the 1959 Revolution. The construction of the Miraflores neighborhood in 1962 by its residents: the conflicts, contradictions and changes seen from a personal, individual perspective. The film is based on true events and combines documentary wth fiction. (Translation by Jeimy Hernandez)
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    The carpenter "Pepe de Toro" lives with his mom and his daughter in a neighborhood in Mexico City during the 1940s. After being accused of a murder that he didn't commit, he starts a battle against injustice. (Translation by Angel Carrillo)
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    Martín es un adolescente que escapa de Ushuaia, ciudad más austral del mundo, en busca de su padre. Este viaje es el hilo conductor, donde el protagonista confronta el peligro, el amor, la amistad y los desafíos de la naturaleza. Viaje inicial en el cual la épica, el barroco, lo grotesco y lo fantástico se confunden. Viaje interior y periplo al corazón del continente latinoamericano, pasando por pueblos antiguos y conquistadores hasta el presente, donde se conjugan corrupción y nuevos genocidios. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    1912, VOCES PARA UN SILENCIO es el titulo general para el proyecto de tres capitulos dedicado a la historia del Partido de los Independientes de Color (PIC). Una aproximacion necesaria a esta pagina tan poco conocida de la historia de CUBA. Se trata de un material documental , didactico, cuyos recursos principales son las voces de los historiadores y figuras de la cultura cubana que de alguna manera se han ocupado del tema y expresan sus valoraciones. Pero este capitulo es una especie de introduccion al tema que pretende cubrir algunos antecedentes en la historia de lucha de resistencia de los afrocubanos. Un recorrido necesario para ir paso a paso en la trayectoria del movimiento negro en cuba desde la epoca colonial, las luchas por la independencia y la situacion de los negros cubanos una vez que la Isla de Cuba logro su independencia en 1902. Aparece la referencia de lideres negros muy importantes desde el siglo XIX como son los casos de Juan Gualberto Gomez, Martin Morua Delgado. Se habla de la importancia de la figura de Antonio Maceo, de Quintin Banderas.
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    In director Jayro Bustamante’s feature debut, Ixcanul (2015), a Kaqchiquel-speaking family negotiates their survival as farmers on a landowner’s plot in Guatemala. Looming in the distance is the Pacaya volcano from which the film takes its name. (Ixcanul means “volcano” in Kaqchiquel.) At stake is the future of María, beautifully portrayed by first-time Mayan actress María Mercedes Coroy, who is to be wed to the landowner, Ignacio (Justo Lorenzo), in the interest of securing her family’s access to the land they work. In the distance, said volcano separates their world from Mexico and the United States, to which María’s lover, Pepe, soon migrates in search of an imagined better future, leaving her to grapple with his loss. What at first seems to be a community and family-driven drama, drawn in long shots across pristine highlands, takes a turn toward social realism once María’s actions catch up with her, putting her family’s future at risk. María’s quiet existence will suddenly implode as her acts of surrender—to her lover and to her fate—bring on both community and broader social interventions. María embodies the tense relationships between Mayan communities and the state, between labor and profit, and against the confines of both tradition and modernity. Source: Córdova, Amalia. "Review of Jayro Bustamante’s Ixcanul." NACLA Report on the Americas, vol. 49, no. 1, 2017, pp. 114-115.
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    Cuatro episodios que muestran diferentes aspectos de la vida en Cuba antes del triunfo revolucionario. I: María, una joven mestiza, se prostituye obligada por una extrema pobreza; II: Un campesino, enfrentado a la pérdida de sus tierras, se inmola junto a sus cosechas; III: En los días posteriores al desembarco del Granma un grupo de estudiantes se proponen un atentado al jefe de la policía; IV: El acoso del ejército de la tiranía hace que un campesino de la Sierra Maestra se incorpore a la lucha armada.
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    Noelí, una joven dominicana, viaja todas las tardes a las playas de las Terrenas. Allí, junto con su pareja, busca la manera de sacar ventaja y ganar algunos dólares a costa de alguno de los centenares de turistas que rondan el lugar. Entre sus clientes ocasionales, Noelí mantiene uno fijo: Anne, una francesa de edad madura que con el paso del tiempo ha encontrado en la isla un refugio ideal donde pasar sus últimos años. El novio de Noelí se hace pasar por su hermano y elabora un plan en el que Noelí viaje a París con la francesa y le envíe dinero todos los meses. Para Noelí, la relación con Anne se basa primordialmente en la conveniencia, aunque los sentimientos se tornan ambiguos a medida que el tiempo de partir se avecina. Adaptado de la novela “Dólares de Arena” de Jean-Noël Pancrazi.
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    El documental intenta abordar el fenómeno migratorio interno en Cuba, donde, a pesar de las estrictas regulaciones que lo limitan, cientos de personas se encuentran en precarias condiciones de vida; fuera de los programas de subsidios del gobierno y viviendo en el margen del delito. Una mirada a una Cuba no muy conocida, pero no menos conmovedora, una mirada a las necesidades, sueños y aspiraciones de su gente.
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    Convertido ya en un hombre, Ernesto regresa a Valle Bermejo. Recuerda su niñez, los que fundaron una cooperativa que agrupaba a los pequeños ganaderos del valle, los tiempos de lucha contra el cacique Andrada, en defensa de la lana de sus ovejas. (Cine Nacional Argentino)
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    This documentary attempts to tackle the racial problems in Cuba today, through the voices of researchers, officials, musicians, artists and the general public. (DVD container)
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    Alicia está desamparada. Escapando de la violencia armada en la que perdió a sus seres queridos llega hasta La Sirga, el hostal de Óscar, el único familiar que le queda. En la Sirga a orillas de una gran laguna intentará reconstruir su vida. Pero este lugar en el que se siente a salvo no será ajeno a los conflictos. El regreso de Freddy, el hijo que Óscar esperó durante años, sus enigmáticas intenciones y su posible vínculo con uno de los actores de la guerra, traen hasta La Sirga lo que Alicia más teme. (Film's Official Website)
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    A CRUSHING LOVE, Sylvia Morales’ sequel to her groundbreaking history of Chicana women, CHICANA (1979), honors the achievements of five activist Latinas—labor organizer/farm worker leader Dolores Huerta, author/educator Elizabeth “Betita” Martinez, writer/playwright/educator Cherrie Moraga, civil rights advocate Alicia Escalante, and historian/writer Martha Cotera - and considers how these single mothers managed to be parents and effect broad-based social change at the same time. (
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    El monumento de la Virgen en El Panecillo divide a la ciudad entre las personas ricas del norte y las pobres del sur. Jorge Chicaiza vive una humilde infancia en el sur, pero cuando ya es un adulto y su situación económica mejora se mude al norte y hace todo lo posible para encajar y ser aceptado en ese ambiente. Mientras trabaja en un banco de la capital conoce a Greta, la amante de su jefe, y se enamora de ella. Ambos buscarán juntos la forma de dejar la pobreza. Source: Balastro Jiménez, A. Análisis de contenido del cine ecuatoriano entre los años 2006 y 2012 a partir del estudio de tres casos: Qué tan lejos, A tus espaldas y Prometeo deportado. Tesis, Universidad de las Américas, Quito, 2013. 
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    Cuatro años antes de que Robert Flaherty estrenara "Nanook of the North", autor Alcides Greca hizo esta experiencia en Sante Fe. El filme no solo se anticipó a antropología visual, pero también borró los límites entre ficción y documental. La primera parte describe la situación de miseria de los Mocoví que viven en el norte de Santa Fe. La segunda parte reconstruye (en parte con las mismas protagonistas) el ataque de los Mocoví al pueblo de San Javier en 1904. (
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    Guy, un niño haitiano que huye de la pobreza, presenció el asesinato de sus padres mientras cruzaba la frontera dominicana. Años más tarde, se enfrenta a los asesinos, enredados en una vorágine de venganza, amor, odio racial y un futuro incierto. (Parada RD)
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    A fictional account of the Sirionó community of Ibiato, just before the historic 1990 March for Land and Dignity to the nation's capital. A revolutionary guerilla fleeing from the dictatorship's military forces is mistakenly accepted as the teacher the community has been expecting. (Native American Film + Video Festival)
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    The Mrs., an old widow, and Aridia, a young maid, live together in a house filled with orchids in the center of Santo Domingo. Aridia cleans, the Mrs. gardens, and when work is slow, they can share some gossip. But sometimes, the atmosphere gets too tense: the Mrs. wakes up grumpy, she blames Aridia and when Aridia tries to defend herself, the Mrs. has to remind her "where her place is"; in time, they end up not talking to each other. But the hours pass by, the soap appears on TV, something happens in the neighborhood, and, out of nowhere, the Mrs. and Aridia come close again, ending the day sharing some laughs. The film is an excuse to watch their relationship closely, to perceive what happens when the border seems to diffuse itself in a place where difference of social class and race remain deep in the culture. (Cinema Tropical)
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    Alberto is returning home from Santo Domingo for the funeral of his father, killed by a local loan shark who is untouchable thanks to his police-force position. The son arrives to find that his old man has already been put in the ground. He is expected to stay on, however, for the nine nights of novena, or rezos de los nueve dias, a prospect that disturbs him, though it’s not immediately clear why. In time we gather that there is a gulf between Alberto’s faith and his family’s – while both evoke the name of Jesus, the similarities don’t go much further. With his pressed white shirts, humble comportment and Bible tucked at his side, Alberto is the very picture of the clean-living evangelical, dismissing talk of a curse on his father as so much “nonsense”. But back home they practise their own indigenous strain of Christianity, one heavily streaked with Catholic pomp and influences from West Africa, known as Los Misterios. At the centre of Cocote is this push-pull between Alberto’s Christianity, of the pacific and turn-the-other-cheek variety, and the more fervid, half-pagan beliefs of his extended family, particularly his adoptive sister Karina (Judith Rodríguez), in whose minds the crime that has been committed demands repayment in blood. Source: Pinkerton, Nick. "Cocote." Sight and Sound, vol. 28, no. 8, 2018, p. 54-55.
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    Relata un año en la vida de una familia de clase media en la capital mexicana a comienzos de los años 70. Roma es un retrato íntimo sobre los esfuerzos de una familia para mantener su equilibrio en momentos de conflicto personal, social y político. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    Coraje is about the last few months in the life of María Elena Moyano, who was killed at the age of 33 by the Peruvian revolutionary movement Sendero Luminoso. María Elena was the founder and leader of the so-called Women's Federation of Villa El Salvador, a slum district that had been built in the desert on the outskirts of Lima and was run by the inhabitants themselves. This community won several prizes abroad, such as the Spanish 'Principe de Asturias' and the 'Messenger City of Peace'. Two months before the brutal attack, María has spoken out against the campaign of hatred and violence of Sendero Luminoso and even though she was called 'Mama Coraje' by the local press, that condemned her to death.The film is narrated by a female Spanish doctor who remembers María's last months. We see the difficult conditions in which the vital and charismatic María did her work: the economic crisis, the hunger in the Villa, the bureaucratic opposition and increasing terror of the Senderos. But Coraje is above all a lively and intimate portrait of a fascinating woman who is not portrayed as a inviolable heroine, but as an ordinary woman with two children and a husband who is characterised by doubts and despair as well as courage. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
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    While giving an overall look at the documented history of BLACK MOVEMENTS in Brazil (during the 70s and 80s), ORI tells the story of a woman, Beatriz Nascimento, activist and historian, who searches for her identity through research into the history of the "QUILOMBOS" as warrior establishments and focuses of cultural resistance, from 15th-century Africa to Brazil in the 20th century. (Culture Unplugged - watch complete film here)
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    La Soledad is a dilapidated villa located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Caracas. It used to be the home of director Jorge Thielen Armand’s great-grandparents, but when the owners passed away fifteen years ago, the property was unofficially inherited by their lifelong maid, Rosina, now 72, who remained to care for the house and raise her grandson, José, now 27, Jorge’s childhood friend. José works as a handyman, dreaming of a better life for his six-year-old daughter Adrializ, amidst Venezuela’s economic crisis. Waiting in long queues for food and the medicine Rosina so desperately needs is part of José’s routine. When he learns that the legal inheritors of the house plan to sell the estate, José struggles to try to find a solution that will keep his family away from the crime-ridden slums. Yet the house holds a secret that could save them all: a treasure that is rumored to be buried in its walls. Set in the beautiful derelict eponymous mansion and played by the real inhabitants, LA SOLEDAD (THE SOLITUDE) poetically depicts Venezuela’s socio-economic crisis through José’s struggle to save his family from homelessness. (Festival Scope)
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    El largometraje Nana retrata a la nana o la niñera, esa que sin que los padres lo adviertan y reconozcan, pasa a convertirse en la persona más importante en la vida de sus hijos. Crudamente se presenta el trabajo doméstico, por lo general feminizado, desde una realidad que se suele invizibilizar. Mujeres mal pagadas, mal comidas, que dejan a sus hijos para irse a cuidar y dar amor a los hijos de otros, sin saber si los suyos comen o no. (Diario Digital RD)
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    En el Valle de Azapa, un grupo de afrodescendientes se organiza para realizar el primer censo afro de la historia de Chile, buscando el reconocimiento del Estado, el cual ha invisibilizado su cultura y rasgos africanos durante más de 200 años. (Cine Chile)
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    A present day AfroCuban woman [Mercedes] seeks her roots through her family history. Old photos, newspaper clippings jealously guarded by her grandmother, and her mother's stories reveal her great-grandparents' history. The historical truth raises the curtains through a love story. Reality and fantasy get mixed in, but all the elements integrated into the narration point towards the central figure, the woman, and to a moving chapter of turn of the century Cuba, when there occurred a violent repression of the AfroCubans who protested out of the frustration that fell over Cubans after the War of Independence. Thousands of descendants of Africans dedicated their lives to the struggle against Spanish colonialism in Cuba. They also fought against the slave system which kidnapped men, women, and children from the African continent and converted them into anonymous cogs of the sugar and coffee plantations. In the War of Independence (1868-78 and 1895-98), AfroCubans joined the Liberation Army (the Mambises) following the ideas of important leaders such as Jose Marti, but also inspired by the example of the Black generals of the War, such as Antonio Maceo, Quintin Banderas, and many others. Unfortunately, at the turn of the century, AfroCuban veterans felt the contempt of a Republic born distorted and completely alienated from the principles raised up by Jose Marti: "One Republic with everyone and for the good of everyone." Racism was part of official injustice. The process of cultural, economic, and political marginalization of Blacks in Cuba at thedawn of the present century is connected at a deep level with the fate of other African Americans up and down the continent. Peruvian, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Columbian, North American, Argentinian, Brazilian, and other Blacks saw themselves deprived of their place of honor in the official history of their own countries. The protest organized by AfroCubans in 1912 was beaten back by the National Army itself and ended in a real human massacre which had its main scene in Oriente Province. This is the synopsis of the story our central figure is going to discover through her family. (AfroCubaWeb)
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    The third film in a trilogy about Guatemala, this installment explores the sweeping historical significance of the war crimes trial of General Ríos Montt and the toppling of corrupt president Otto Pérez Molina. Sundance Film Festival veteran Pamela Yates gracefully engages the indigenous Mayan population who experienced genocide at the hands of a long-standing repressive government. Silenced family members and eyewitnesses come forward to share their individual stories with the desire that their underreported, horrific treatment receive the attention it deserves.

    Spoken in Spanish and native Mayan languages, 500 YEARS delicately weaves archival footage with new interviews and emotional courtroom scenes to shine light on a growing movement to fend off the systematic aggression toward an underrepresented people. Focusing on the recent events of a country that has suffered for generations at the hands of a ruling elite, the film hails the nation’s citizens banding together on a quest for justice—and emerging as a beacon of hope. (Sundance)
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    Filmed over the course of 40 years, indigenous expert and filmmaker Vincent Carelli seeks out the origins of the Guaraní Kaiowá genocide. A conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guaraní Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness. While fighting against the Brazilian Congress in order not to be evicted from their homes, the 50.000 indigenous people demand the demarcation of the space that belongs to them. With rigorous investigative work, this Brazilian director recorded the birthplace of the resistance movement in the 1980s and tells, with his own voice and those of the indigenous people, of the social and political injustices suffered. The stunning archival historical images, new footage, both color and black and white, hearings in Brazilian Congress, and even interviews with those opposed to the Guaraní Kaiowá’s rights, reveal the crudeness with which they coexist every day: among the violation of their civil rights and the fortitude with which they confront the usurpers. This epic documentary has become a sensation in Brazil and the ultimate testimony that unifies these unheard voices by “ethnocide actions,” the cruel synthesis of a conflict without a foreseen solution in the near future. (Pragda)
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    Domésticas is not a film about maid-servants but a film by maid-servants. Domésticas wants to give them a voice. Or rather: voices. No less than 3 million women in Brazil work as 'domestics' and they all have stories to tell. Domésticas is however not a film about the life of the maidservant in the city, not a critical look at harsh reality: this film is about the characters as storytellers. Domésticas is the film version of one of the most popular and widely praised modern Brazilian stage plays. As preparation for the play, hundreds of maid-servants were interviewed and the five most important characters were compiled from the conversations. What makes the film special is not just the subject, but also the form. The film starts as a documentary. The five women talk to the camera about themselves, about their desires, frustrations, problems and pleasures. As the film progresses, more and more space is given to pictures to illustrate their stories. They are universal stories about women wrestling with loneliness, ambitions, conflicts with partners and children, loss and pain. But it is not all bad times. New, exciting encounters, music and mutual solidarity provide sparkling interludes in their heavy existence. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
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    Que horas ela volta? tells the story of Val, a woman from the Northeastern region of Brazil who works as a live-in maid for a well-to-do São Paulo family. At first, as a very brief scene in the beginning of the film indicates, she worked as a nanny for the family's only child, Fabinho (Michel Joelsas), now a late teen, and for that reason she still has very strong quasi-maternal ties with him. She and her employer, Barbara (Karina Teles), appear to have a warm, friendly, relationship until the arrival of Jéssica (Camila Márdila), Val's daughter, who comes to São Paulo in order to prepare for a university entrance examination ("vestibular") at the School of Architecture. Having been raised unaware of her mother's actual situation, and not having seen her mother for over 10 years, Jéssica finds herself, unexpectedly, living temporarily at the house of Val's employers. She is a self-assured young woman who does not understand her mother's social resignation. With time, her presence at the house creates all kinds of problems: Barbara is driven to distraction and Carlos (Lourenço Mutarelli), Barbara's husband (who is responsible for the family's fortune), becomes so infatuated with Jéssica that he ends up proposing to her. The film has a happy, light-comedy ending: Jessica obtains much better results than Fabinho in the university examination, and Val quits her job and rents a house with her daughter in order to help the latter look after her own son, whose existence is revealed only towards the end of the film. (Source: Sá, Lúcia. “Intimacy at Work: Servant and Employer Relations in Que Horas Ela Volta? (The Second Mother).” Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies, vol. 24, no. 3, Dec. 2018, pp. 311–327.)
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    É um documentário de Bruno Pacheco, produzido nos primeiros anos da década passada, com poplações indígenas de diferentes regiões do país. O filme é um resumo das movimentações políticas- e seus resultados- desde a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, sob o ponto de vista de lideranças indígenas e as expectativas quanto ao futuro. Preservação da cultura, terras, respeito à sua identidade indígena, acesso à educaçāo e saúde sāo alguns dos temas mais importantes para essas proulações e guiam seus movimientos e articulações. (Povos do Brasil)
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    Documenta la vida de una comunidad de prostitutas en la Ciudad de México, mostrando cómo estas mujeres luchan por una vida mejor y la posibilidad de un amor verdadero. La directora intenta motivar al espectador a enfrentar sus propios prejuicios acerca de la prostitución, el sexo y el envejecimiento, reflexionando sobre la complejidad y las distintas formas que el amor y la soledad pueden tomar. Carmen, Lety, Raquel y Esther, que tienen entre 50 y 80 años de edad, trabajan en las calles de La Merced y su vida se desarrolla alrededor de La Plaza de Soledad. La edad no significa nada para estas mujeres que todavía bailan y seducen con la misma energía de su juventud. Pero con el tiempo viene el deseo de buscar compañía y seguridad, ya sea en sus compañeras y amigas, en hombres mayores o en su fuerza interior, cargada de autosuficiencia. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    Paulina es una abogada con una carrera floreciente en Buenos Aires, que elige volver a su ciudad natal para dedicarse a la actividad social. Fernando, su padre, años atrás hizo lo mismo, y ahora es un juez progresista que se destaca en la conservadora sociedad local. Paulina empieza a trabajar en un proyecto del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, de "formación democrática y difusión de derechos," dando clases en zonas periféricas de Misiones, marcadas por la pobreza y la marginalidad. Luego de la segunda semana de trabajo, es interceptada y violada por una patota. Ante la mirada atónita de quienes la rodean, Paulina decide volver a trabajar en la escuela, en el barrio donde fue atacada. (
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    A man (Jose Maria Vais) from the Inka period is transported to a present-day rural school, where he learns alongside the children, unseen. When the local politician wants to close the school, he helps them to keep the school open. (
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    Two Diaguita children are grazing their cows when two men on motorcycles come along and tell them it is their land. At school the two kids learn that measurements were different at the time the property was divided, and the land is actually theirs. [This short film is part of a larger media project, "The Empty Classroom" produced by Gael García Bernal, in which eleven directors portray the impact of school dropouts in Latin America through a complex and diverse feature film. We travel to seven countries and explore the reasons why almost half of secondary school children never graduate.] (
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    En estos cortos podremos ver y escuchar al EZLN respondiendo a la traición de la clase política mexicana. En abril del 2001 el Congreso de la Unión negó el reconocimiento de los derechos de los de los pueblos indígenas de México al traicionar los Acuerdos de San Andrés, que habían sido resultado de años de diálogo entre la clase política mexicana, el EZLN y delegados de los pueblos indígenas de México organizados en el CNI (Congreso Nacional Indígena) y establecían y protegían la autodeterminación de los pueblos dentro de su territorio. El Congreso aprobó una ley distinta que no correspondía con lo acordado. El EZLN, en respuesta, rompió toda relación con el arriba y emprendió el camino por la construcción de la autonomía sin pedirle permiso a nadie. Inició entonces la creación de los Caracoles, la forma de resistencia y organización zapatista que lleva la lucha por nuevos caminos. (Revista Nomada)
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    El cineasta recorrió varios estados de la República para plasmar testimonios muy elocuentes sobre la grave situación del campo y de quienes lo trabajan. Muestra el difícil camino seguido por los campesinos del sur para acceder a las zonas de mayor desarrollo del noroeste, en busca de mejores posibilidades de subsistencia. Y aunque filmado en 1977, la situación sigue siendo tan grave como antes. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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