Contributors / Colaboradores
Cinegogía is made possible by the contributions of the following individuals and institutions. We thank them for their participation and support. If you are interested in contributing resources to Cinegogía, please visit our "Collaborate" page for more information.
Cinegogía ha sido realizado gracias a las contribuciones de las siguientes personas, organizaciones e instituciones. Les agradecemos su participación y apoyo. Si usted quiere publicar sus materiales pedagógicos en Cinegogía, por favor visite nuestra página de “Colaborar” para más información.
- Salomé Aguilera Skvirsky, The University of Chicago, Illinois
- María Guadalupe Arenillas, Northern Michigan University
- Vania Barraza, University of Memphis
- William Benner, Texas Woman's University
- Constanza Burucúa, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Michelle L. Farrell, Fairfield University, Connecticut
- Carlos Flores Villela, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- Bridget V. Franco, College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts
- Leandro González, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina
- Argelia González Hurtado, St. Mary's College of Maryland
- Celeste Dolores Mann, Drexel University
- Sophia McClennen, Cinergía, Pennsylvania State University
- Manuel Medina, University of Louisville, Kentucky
- Louis Mendoza, Arizona State University
- Maybel Mesa Morales, Providence College
- Jeffrey Middents, American University
- Zulema Moret, Grand Valley State University
- Ana Nahmad, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- Rielle Navitski, University of Georgia
- Moisés Park, Baylor University
- Pablo Piedras, CONICET (Argentina)
- Nicolás Poppe, Middlebury College
- Lisa M. Rabin, George Mason University
- Reighan Gillam, University of Southern California
- Carolina Rocha, Southern Illinois University Edwardsvillle
- Sarah Shamash, Emily Carr University
- Laurel C. Smith, University of Oklahoma
- Cynthia Stone, College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts
- Henry Tarco Carrera, Belmont University
- María Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez, The University of Hong Kong
- Valentina Velázquez-Zvierkova
- Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez, Amherst College, Massachusetts
- David Wood, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM)
LACMAB is a digital bibliography created and curated collaboratively by leading scholars in the field of Latin/x American Film Studies. This Digital Humanities’ project began in 2017 as a collaborative project between Cinegogía, the Latino/a Caucus of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, and the Film Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association.