
Resources for Teaching

Recursos pedagógicos

Cinegogía is an open-access curated module for pedagogical resources in Spanish and English related to Latin American film studies. This digital archive includes the following resources and collections:

  • Course materials: assignments, activities, short readings, film review guides, remote learning resources
  • Film Glossary: Cineglos, Spanish-language moving image glossary for cinematographic terms and techniques
  • Film Guides for frequently taught movies
  • Guest Speakers: Latin American film scholars who have expressed interest in making virtual visits
  • Syllabi for teaching Latin American film at different levels of the Spanish and English language curriculum. We invite faculty to use the syllabi in this collection as a valuable source of ideas, new films, and pedagogical approaches for their own courses; and to contribute syllabi of their own
  • Video Essaysguidelines, technical handouts and examples from instructors who have integrated video essay projects in their courses on Latin American cinema