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Nana dijo
“Nana Dijo. Radiografía irresoluta de la conciencia negra”, es un trabajo que expone las condiciones de segregación, discriminación, censura y violencia cultural contra las poblaciones afrodescendientes en Latinoamérica y negros latinos en Estados Unidos. Es, pues, un documental que está llamado a convertirse en material elemental para comprender y transformar la conciencia general sobre la negritud en países de habla hispana, donde lo afro ha sido silenciado por siglos, incluso, para los mismos afrodescendientes. En una industria cultural inundada de proyectos sobre afro-descendencia políticamente tibios, con enfoques completamente subordinados a las hegemonías culturales y que solo apuestan por la exortización del cuerpo del oprimido y no por su empoderamiento, “Nana Dijo” emerge como un esfuerzo sólido por afirmar las narrativas de la experiencia Negra en primera persona (afrofeminas.com) -
Raíces de mi corazón
A present day AfroCuban woman [Mercedes] seeks her roots through her family history. Old photos, newspaper clippings jealously guarded by her grandmother, and her mother's stories reveal her great-grandparents' history. The historical truth raises the curtains through a love story. Reality and fantasy get mixed in, but all the elements integrated into the narration point towards the central figure, the woman, and to a moving chapter of turn of the century Cuba, when there occurred a violent repression of the AfroCubans who protested out of the frustration that fell over Cubans after the War of Independence. Thousands of descendants of Africans dedicated their lives to the struggle against Spanish colonialism in Cuba. They also fought against the slave system which kidnapped men, women, and children from the African continent and converted them into anonymous cogs of the sugar and coffee plantations. In the War of Independence (1868-78 and 1895-98), AfroCubans joined the Liberation Army (the Mambises) following the ideas of important leaders such as Jose Marti, but also inspired by the example of the Black generals of the War, such as Antonio Maceo, Quintin Banderas, and many others. Unfortunately, at the turn of the century, AfroCuban veterans felt the contempt of a Republic born distorted and completely alienated from the principles raised up by Jose Marti: "One Republic with everyone and for the good of everyone." Racism was part of official injustice. The process of cultural, economic, and political marginalization of Blacks in Cuba at the dawn of the present century is connected at a deep level with the fate of other African Americans up and down the continent. Peruvian, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Columbian, North American, Argentinian, Brazilian, and other Blacks saw themselves deprived of their place of honor in the official history of their own countries. The protest organized by AfroCubans in 1912 was beaten back by the National Army itself and ended in a real human massacre which had its main scene in Oriente Province. This is the synopsis of the story our central figure is going to discover through her family. (AfroCubaWeb) -
Nana dijo
Nana Dijo is a cartography of the Black experience through a collection of narratives in first person. Nana Dijo is an urgent historical registry filmed in Mexico, Honduras, Uruguay, Argentina and the United States, which opens a crucial platform of analysis about race relations/politics by transgressing beyond the parameters of "safe discourses" imposed by culturalist agendas. The narrative sewed into Nana Dijo grows out of the body of the oppressed trespassing geo-political borders. Nana Dijo pursues processes of empowerment while being critical towards exoticization within hegemonic cultural industries. Nana Dijo is the complexity in the colonized psyche; Our elders vernacular manifestation. Nana Dijo; Irresolute Radiography of Black Consciousness is the first documentary collaborative project directed by Bocafloja in collaboration with Cambiowashere. (UCLA Latin American Institute) -
Amor maldito
Duas jovens mulheres, Fernanda, uma executiva, e Sueli, uma ex-miss, se apaixonam e decidem morar juntas. Porém, Sueli se cansa do relacionamento amoroso que leva com Fernanda e envolve-se com um jornalista. A moça engravida do amante e ele a abandona. Em desespero, Sueli se atira da janela do apartamento de Fernanda, que passa a ser acusada de homicídio. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)
Nota editorial: Amor maldito es el primer largometraje de ficción dirigida por una mujer afro-brasileña, un reconocimiento que Adélia Sampaio no recibió hasta el siglo veintiuno. Ver también: Dennison, Stephanie. "Practising Inclusive Citation in Modern Languages Research: The View from Brazilian Film Studies." Modern Languages Open, vol. 0, no. 1, 2023, p. 4. DOI: 10.3828/mlo.v0i0.448. -
Bakosó: AfroBeats of Cuba
What does "Está Rico" by Marc Anthony, Will Smith & Bad Bunny have in common with "Made For Now" by Janet Jackson x Daddy Yankee? They both high-jacked AfroBeats and did not give the genre's origin props. Bakosó is a film that does the opposite, following DJ Jigüe to his hometown of Santiago de Cuba to find inspiration from the new sounds. He finds Afrobeats has helped create a new genre called Bakosó, which itself is beautiful proof that the exchange between Cuba and Africa did not end with the Transatlantic slave trade. Through stunning visuals and a score created by the founders of the genre, the film shows the technology, culture and landscape that shape this African-Caribbean fusion. (WORLD Channel) -
Empoderadas é uma websérie que apresenta entrevistas com mulheres negras das mais diversas áreas, profissionais bem sucedidas que falam sobre suas trajetórias, sobre o mercado de trabalho e o racismo e o machismo que o envolvem. Cada capítulo nos apresenta uma personagem real e uma história única. Foram entrevistadas atrizes, artesãs, cantoras, professoras, dentre várias outras profissionais que conversam com a câmera e falam sobre negritude, gênero, suas vidas e suas lutas. (Arte Aberta) -
El cortometraje Afrolatinos es un reportaje que cuenta la historia de los africanos y sus descendientes en América Latina, recalcando la importancia de su influencia en la cultura e historia de varias regiones. Inspirado por la vida del director afropanameño Edwin Pitti, el documental explora lo que significa ser afrodescendiente, apoyándose en la investigación y entrevistas. Pitti muestra cómo los afrodescendientes enfrentan la desigualdad social, luchando contra el racismo y abogando por la representación y mejor acceso a los sistemas de educación, salud, y política. (Resumen de Éowyn Bailey) -
Cores pretas
Cores Pretas es un documental corto que, a través de varias entrevistas, cuenta las historias de cinco afrobrasileñas y sus experiencias enfrentando el racismo y la discriminación de género diariamente desde su niñez. (Sinopsis de Éowyn Bailey) -
Juliana está se mudando de Itaúna, no interior do estado, para a periferia de Contagem, na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, para trabalhar no combate a endemias na região. Em seu novo trabalho ela conhece pessoas e vive situações pouco usuais que começam a mudar sua vida. Ao mesmo tempo, ela enfrenta as dificuldades no relacionamento com seu marido, que também está prestes a se mudar para a cidade grande. (Filmes de Plástico) -
Chocó es una mujer negra de 27 años, que lleva a cuestas una familia de dos hijos menores y a Everlides, su esposo músico que sólo sabe tocar marimba, beber viche y jugar dominó. Chocó es una mujer fuerte y luchadora. En la mañana ella trabaja buscando oro en el río San Juan y en las tardes lava ropa de otras familias para alimentar y educar a sus hijos. Es el cumpleaños de la pequeña Candelaria, por primera vez Chocó le promete una torta, sin embargo, las cosas se complican al tratar de cumplir esta promesa, desencadenando consecuencias inesperadas para Chocó y toda su familia. (Film's Official Website) -
Nana dijo: Radiografía irresoluta de la conciencia negra
“Nana Dijo. Radiografía irresoluta de la conciencia negra”, es un trabajo que expone las condiciones de segregación, discriminación, censura y violencia cultural contra las poblaciones afrodescendientes en Latinoamérica y negros latinos en Estados Unidos. Es, pues, un documental que está llamado a convertirse en material elemental para comprender y transformar la conciencia general sobre la negritud en países de habla hispana, donde lo afro ha sido silenciado por siglos, incluso, para los mismos afrodescendientes. En una industria cultural inundada de proyectos sobre afro-descendencia políticamente tibios, con enfoques completamente subordinados a las hegemonías culturales y que solo apuestan por la exortización del cuerpo del oprimido y no por su empoderamiento, “Nana Dijo” emerge como un esfuerzo sólido por afirmar las narrativas de la experiencia Negra en primera persona (afrofeminas.com) -
"Beba" es una historia poética, cruda y despiadada, en la que una joven neoyorquina nacida y criada en la ciudad de Nueva York se enfrenta a un trauma histórico, social y generacional con un valor inquebrantable. (Film Affinity ES) -
El mal de los 7 días
Para protegerlos del mal de ojo, dice la tradición, a los niños recién nacidos hay que “chumbarlos” envolviéndolos en una manta desde los pies hasta el cuello durante siete días. Cuando nace su hijo, Hana decide no hacer caso de lo que cree pertenece a viejas supersticiones. La relación entre la persona y su entorno, las condiciones de vida, las tradiciones y el pensamiento, son el objeto de interés del cine de Víctor González. Por ello lo que ficciona tiene el valor de lo documental en cuanto a retrato de costumbres, cantos y ritos interpretados por actores naturales. Y por eso, también el relato se entreteje con elementos sobrenaturales, míticos y místicos, en un mundo que celebra tanto la vida como la muerte y en cuyas ceremonias mortuorias el rey es el bunde. Más allá de la técnica hay en El mal de los siete días el valor de las historias auténticas, hechas en y por la comunidad. Un cine nacido desde las entrañas, con sentido y contexto y con la honestidad del verdadero contador de historias. (Retina Latina) -
Until 2018, a Black woman had not directed a feature-length film for national distribution [in Brazil], yet Black female film directors have been active in the independent short-film space. Yasmin Thayná wrote and directed Kbela (2015), an experimental film that depicts Black women developing their identity and affirming themselves through accepting their hair texture. Kbela represents the challenges Black women face and their actions to overcome them, but it doesn't focus only on the individual. (Gillam, Reighan. Visualizing Black Lives: Ownership and Control in Afro-Brazilian Media. U of Illinois P, p. 84) -
Café com canela
Violeta vive en una comunidad unida en Bahía, Brasil, y no es la única que lucha con el dolor y la pérdida. También se encuentra una abuela totalmente dependiente del cuidado de otros; una mujer que busca desesperadamente el amor; y un médico joven quien, después de 20 años, pierde a su gran amor, un hombre mucho más grande que él. Todos pensaban que la pareja vivía como padre e hijo hasta que el anciano muere. La pérdida es completa y la verdad sale. Luego Violeta conoce a Margarida, una señora mayor haciendo el luto sola y en silencio en un pueblo cercano. Cariñosamente Violeta la ayuda a salir de su aislamiento con ritos cotidianos prácticos: frotar, teñir y hacer café con canela. (Translated by Abi Dresser) -
Café com canela
In 2018, a duo of filmmakers that included an Afro-Brazilian woman, Glenda Nicácio, and Ary Rosa brought the film Café com Canela (Coffee with cinnamon) to a commercial release. The film features a predominantly Black cast and is set in Salvador, Bahia. Nicácio and Rosa studied film at the Federal University of the Recôncavo of Bahia and founded their own production company. Set in Bahia, the film follows various characters struggling with loss of loved ones, focusing on the friendly relationship between two women, Violeta and Margarida. Violeta helps Margarida out of her isolated life through their interactions and conversations. This film is the first commercial release by a Black woman filmmaker. (Gillam, Reighan. Visualizing Black Lives: Ownership and Control in Afro-Brazilian Media. U of Illinois P, p. 106) -
A mí también me pasó
En esta ocasión Heny Cuesta, Zualy Riazco, Maio Rivas, Karen González, Lorena Benitez, Lina Lucumi y yo contaremos las maneras en que hemos vivido el racismo y la discriminación en diferentes etapas y momentos de nuestras vidas y como el mismo se encuentra en microracismos, esas situaciones cotidianas como ver los ojos de un guardia de seguridad puestos sobre ti, como si fueras una ladrona así vayas con la mejor ropa, el que desde pequeña no te veas representada en la televisión y si lo hay es la persona del servicio, la nana, pero no como un papel principal, el siempre vivir con zozobra cuando estás cerca de un policía, el que te digan a ustedes las “negritas” les quedan bien esos colores, tu cabello parase una esponja, pero tú no eres tan “negra”, etc. Con A mí También Me Pasó, queremos generar empatía, que como mujeres negras nos podamos sentir identificadas y apoyadas al escuchar testimonios únicos, pero que a la vez son de todas nosotras, porque lo hemos vivido y padecido en el transcurrir de nuestras vidas, nuestro propósito con este proyecto audiovisual es que todas podamos alzar la voz para denunciar públicamente todos estos actos de racismo que continúan siendo maquillados en el día a día, desde la casa, los medios de comunicación, la política, la educación, maestros que lamentablemente no tienen el más minino conocimiento de lo que es la cátedra afrocolombiana y no enseñan a nuestros niños y niñas que nosotras hacemos parte la construcción de nación con nuestros rasgos, herencia cultural, literaria, intelectual musical y más. (Cimarrón Producciones) -
Jennifer follows the ways in which a Black female high school student navigates the relationships and insecurities of teenage life. Jennifer wrestles with self-understandings of her own beauty, her relationships with classmates and friends, and developing skills to become employable. Ultimately she seeks independence through work and develops a strong sense of herself as an individual with enough agency to make her way in life. (Gillam, Reighan. Visualizing Black Lives: Ownership and Control in Afro-Brazilian Media. U of Illinois P, p. 86) -
Bia (played by the rapper Clara Lima) is confronted with a question in school: what do you want to do after you finish high school? Her answer is strong enough to lend the film its title: nothing. The young rapper, therefore, more than fits David Bordwell’s description of the protagonist of the art film as a drifting character who lacks a clear goal; in fact, she enacts it: she desires nothing but the open-ended journey, the suspenseful ambiguity of the art film, the journey that is more important than its destination. (Source: https://wp.nyu.edu/fabioandrade/2018/11/26/nothing-nada-2017-gabriel-martins) -
Tereza, nascida na pandemia do Coronavírus em 2020, é cuidada por seus pais Rimenna e Gabriel. (Tamanduá.tv) -
Afro ascendente
El corto muestra una amalgama cultural donde a lo largo de una entrevista con la coreógrafa Krhistina Giles, se logra profundizar en aspectos espirituales y métodos tradicionales de danza. En este ejercicio ella combina la danza contemporánea, africana y las danzas cubanas para generar un estilo propio y característico de su identidad como mexicana afro ascendente. (FilmInLatino) -
A série AFRONTA! é dirigida pela cineasta negra Juliana Vicente e lança luz sobre a potente juventude negra brasileira contemporânea que contam suas trajetórias e oportunidades geradoras da sua constituição como indivíduo e expressadas pelos seus trabalhos. Em 26 episódios documentais de 15 minutos, grandes nomes contemporâneos refletem sobre o AFROFUTURISMO, como movimento estético e filosófico, sobre os encontros afrodiaspóricos e a criação desta rede como geradora de autonomia e potência. Realizado em diversos pontos do país como Recife, Bahia, São Paulo, Minas e Rio de Janeiro, Afronta! apresenta nomes como Rincon Sapiência, cantor de rap, Grace Passô, atriz e dramaturga premiada e Ingrid Silva, bailarina do Dance Theater of Harlem, NY. (Film's Official Website) -
Kafe Negro
Kafe Negro tells the story of migrations around a small grain that became the second most important raw material on the global market. This film tells the story of the waves of migration of Haitian workers who, over time, profoundly transformed the culture and demography of Cuba and developed coffee growing on the island. (AfricanFilm.com) -
The Invisible Color: Black Cubans in Miami
This latest documentary by the Dean of Afro-Cuban Cinema Sergio Giral investigates the black Cuban exile community in South Florida, since the first wave of political refugees in the 1959 revolutionary aftermath, to today. It tracks its presence throughout the region, and highlights its contribution to Miami's civic culture through testimonies and visual documentation. (AfricanFilm.com) -
Y tenemos sabor
Recorrido por la exótica gama de instrumentos de percusión utilizados en la música cubana y los orígenes de estos: claves, cucharas, maracas, bongós, güiros (hechos con calabazas), cencerros, quijadas de caballo. Gómez era música de formación y su montaje sincopado captura la rítmica cruzada de la música, sirviéndole de contrapunto. (Film Affinity ES) -
Los hijos de Baraguá
"La producción de Rolando es un documental etnográfico e histórico sobre la comunidad de Baraguá, un enclave cañero de inmigrantes antillanos en el cual aún sobreviven los descendientes de estos trabajadores. De esta producción, emergen dos impresiones fundamentales: su carácter y potencial didáctico y, a su vez, la incertidumbre ante la visión y el recuento histórico que nos presenta. Con respecto a lo primero, el documental nos lleva al complejo mundo de principios del siglo veinte, cuando inmigrantes caribeños provenientes de las antillas coloniales británicas viajaron a Cuba para trabajar en la industria azucarera El carácter etnográfico y audiovisual del trabajo de Rolando brinda elementos y sensibilidades de una historia que difícilmente pueden ser encontrados y documentados en la literatura antropológica, histórica y sociológica de la inmigración antillana. Por otro lado, con relación al recuento histórico presentado, el producto final del documental nos deja con cierto número de interrogates y presunciones - ciertas y no tan ciertas - sobre lo que fue la experiencia de los inmigrantes anglo-antillanos en Cuba y lo que fue su experiencia en el caso particular de Baraguá." (Giovannetti, Jorge L. "Historia visual y etnohistoria en Cuba: Inmigración antillana e identidad en 'Los Hijos de Baraguá.'" Caribbean Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, 2002, pp. 216–52. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/25613376. Accessed 27 May 2022.)
Ojos del arco iris
La ex Pantera Negra e integrante del Ejército de Liberación Negra, Assata Shakur, habla de su vida, su activismo en el Movimiento de Liberación Negra, su fuga de prisión en 1979 y su exilio en Cuba. A partir del 2005, el gobierno del estado de Nueva Jersey y el gobierno federal de EEUU ofrecen una recompensa de dos millones de dólares por su captura. Hay una campaña internacional para que la dejen en paz. Música y danza de Vocal Baobab, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Junius Williams and the Magic Harp, y la Danza Nacional de Cuba. (Film Affinity ES) -
As Minas do Rap
No Brasil, as mulheres tardaram a entrar no cenário do rap, e até hoje são raros os grupos ou artistas individuais que alcançaram destaque em suas carreiras. O documentário entrevista mulheres ligadas ao hip hop, abordando o histórico feminino dentro do movimento e dando voz a artistas como Negra Li, MC Gra e Karol Conká. (Preta Portê Filmes) -
Miss Panama
In 1980, Gloria Karamañites became the first Black finalist in the Miss Panama pageant. On the verge of winning the crown, pageant officials orchestrated a last minute maneuver to obstruct her path to victory, demanding that she answer an obscure legal question. MISS PANAMA is a short documentary exploring Gloria’s experiences navigating racism, the actions taken by Panama’s Afro-descendant community to rally around their Queen, and the ripple effects of U.S. imperialism. Interweaving archival, interviews and stylized imagery, the film asks Who is allowed to represent a nation? (Director's Website) -
Tenía por ahí siete años cuando por primera vez alguien en la calle me llamó “negra”. Volteé a ver a quién llamaban, hasta que entendí que era a mí. Ese día supe que yo era negra, y las risas de alrededor me hicieron ver que quizás no era algo bueno… ¿Esto me había pasado solo a mí, o también le había pasado a otras? “Negra” es un documental que narra la exploración de la directora en una búsqueda con otras mujeres afrodescendientes y lo que a cada una le supone habitar México en cuerpo de mujer negra. Trenza historias de 5 mujeres del sureste mexicano, exponiendo el racismo vivido, compartiendo procesos de resistencia y auto-aceptación, las estrategias construidas para trascender los estereotipos, y la celebración de su identidad. (Film's Official Website) -
Hair is an important marker of black female identity. Many films have been made about 'nappy' hair, but this debut by Yasmin Thayná is among the best. This powerful visual essay is a form of resistance to invisibility and an audiovisual experience about being and becoming a black woman. (International Film Festival Rotterdam) -
Alma no olho
Alma no olho (Soul in the Eye), a short film directed and performed by Zózimo Bulbul in 1973, constitutes the inaugural gesture of black cinema in Brazil. Bulbul’s status as a pioneer for Black Brazilian cinema does not reside in historical chronology, because he was not the first Black Brazilian director: Jose Cajado Filho, Haroldo Costa, and Odilon Lopes were his predecessors in that lineage. His importance lies, rather, in the aesthetic and narrative advances accomplished by his film, which has survived its ostracism—imposed by Brazilian critics and cinema studies through an exclusionary hegemony of almost forty years—to be taken up again as a reference point by a new generation of Black Brazilian filmmakers. [...] In recent years, many analyses have been carried out in the field of black cinema studies on Alma no olho, largely devoted to its historical relevance, leaving the inventiveness of its aesthetic gesture somewhat in the background. Frequent note is made of the film’s inspirations: the script draws from Soul on Ice, the 1968 book by Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver about his time in exile, and the soundtrack consists of music from the album Kulu Sé Mama, the 1965/67 collaboration by Juno Lewis and John Coltrane, to whom Bulbul dedicates the film. In Alma no olho’s eleven minutes, Bulbul performs a pantomime of the history of Black people between Africa and the diaspora, tracing a saga that begins with a state of freedom as lived on the African continent, passes through the hardships of the Atlantic slave trade, and finally ends with the breaking of all the chains of colonial domination that continued to imprison black bodies and minds in the period following the Abolition—the end of the transnational slave trade, in 1888, in Brazil. On-screen, only his black body, some objects, and a white background are present for most of the film’s duration. While the performance is under way, the character played by Bulbul faces the camera at different moments, sometimes in complicity, sometimes with irony, but always defiantly. (Source: Oliveira, Janaína. "With the Alma no Olho: Notes on Contemporary Black Cinema." Film Quarterly, vol. 74, no. 2, Winter 2020, pp. 32–38, doi: 10.1525/fq.2020.74.2.32.) -
Chocó es una mujer negra de 27 años, que lleva a cuestas una familia de dos hijos menores y a Everlides, su esposo músico que sólo sabe tocar marimba, beber viche y jugar dominó. Chocó es una mujer fuerte y luchadora. En la mañana ella trabaja buscando oro en el río San Juan y en las tardes lava ropa de otras familias para alimentar y educar a sus hijos. Es el cumpleaños de la pequeña Candelaria, por primera vez Chocó le promete una torta, sin embargo, las cosas se complican al tratar de cumplir esta promesa, desencadenando consecuencias inesperadas para Chocó y toda su familia. (Film's Official Website) -
O Tempo dos Orixás
The Summer of Gods is a short film about a young girl named Lili who unites with her Afro-Brazilian religious ancestry on a summer visit with family to their ancestral village in rural Brazil. During her stay, she encounters Orishas (African gods) who help her find peace with a gift that has previously vexed her. The film is set in the Northeast of Brazil where Afro-Brazilian religious traditions remain strong. Lili's Grandma upholds Orisha traditions as an admired local priestess, but to ensure these traditions carry on after she passes, the gifted Lili is led on a mystical adventure of initiation through a nearby forest. (Film's Official Website) -
In 1937, tens of thousands of Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent were exterminated by the Dominican army, based on anti-black hatred fomented by the Dominican government. Fast-forward to 2013, the Dominican Republic’s Supreme Court stripped the citizenship of anyone with Haitian parents, retroactive to 1929. The ruling rendered more than 200,000 people stateless, without nationality, identity or a homeland. In this dangerous climate, a young attorney named Rosa Iris mounts a grassroots campaign, challenging electoral corruption and advocating for social justice. Director Michèle Stephenson’s new documentary Stateless traces the complex tributaries of history and present-day politics, as state-sanctioned racism seeps into mundane offices, living room meetings, and street protests. Filmed with a chiaroscuro effect and richly imbued with elements of magical realism, Stateless combines gritty hidden-camera footage with the legend of a young woman fleeing brutal violence to flip the narrative axis, revealing the depths of institutionalized oppression. (Film's Official Website) -
Voces de resistencia
Voces de resistencia es un proyecto audiovisual del Centro de Estudios Afrodiaspóricos (CEAF) de la Universidad Icesi de Cali, financiado por la Fundación Ford, y realizado en alianza con el Centro de Ética y Democracia (CED), que busca visibilizar y fortalecer procesos organizativos de mujeres afrodescendientes. El proyecto busca divulgar, circular y fomentar el alabao como expresión musical de las comunidades afrocolombianas en el departamento del Chocó. En este sentido, la universidad quiere atender la necesidad del grupo de cantadoras y cantadores de Pogue de crear productos audiovisuales y discográficos que den cuenta de sus esfuerzos por preservar los cantos y tradiciones de su comunidad. (Film's Official Website) -
Café com canela
Violeta lives in a tight-knit community in Bahia, Brazil. She is far from the only one struggling with grief and loss: there is also a grandmother entirely dependent on care, a woman desperately searching for love and a young doctor who – after 20 years – is left by his great love, a much older man. Everyone thought they lived together as father and son until the old man dies. The loss is complete and the truth comes out. Then Violeta meets the older Margarida who is grieving alone and in silence in a nearby village. Lovingly Violeta helps her out of her isolation with practical rituals: scrubbing, tidying and making coffee with cinnamon. (International Film Festival Rotterdam) -
Cores e Botas
Joana tem um sonho comum a muitas meninas dos anos 80: ser Paquita. Sua família é bem sucedida e a apoia em seu sonho. Porém, Joana é negra, e nunca se viu uma paquita negra no programa da Xuxa. (Preta Portê Filmes) -
El Rancheador era un mercenario al servicio de los esclavistas para capturar a los negros esclavos en fuga y devolverlos a sus amos. Francisco Estévez no se detiene ante nada y reprime incluso a los campesinos blancos, pero su meta es Melchora, incapturable líder de los negros fugados. Esta historia está basada en el "Diario del Rancheador", obra del escritor cubano Cirilo Villaverde. (Film Affinity ES) -
Raíces de mi corazón
A present day AfroCuban woman [Mercedes] seeks her roots through her family history. Old photos, newspaper clippings jealously guarded by her grandmother, and her mother's stories reveal her great-grandparents' history. The historical truth raises the curtains through a love story. Reality and fantasy get mixed in, but all the elements integrated into the narration point towards the central figure, the woman, and to a moving chapter of turn of the century Cuba, when there occurred a violent repression of the AfroCubans who protested out of the frustration that fell over Cubans after the War of Independence. Thousands of descendants of Africans dedicated their lives to the struggle against Spanish colonialism in Cuba. They also fought against the slave system which kidnapped men, women, and children from the African continent and converted them into anonymous cogs of the sugar and coffee plantations. In the War of Independence (1868-78 and 1895-98), AfroCubans joined the Liberation Army (the Mambises) following the ideas of important leaders such as Jose Marti, but also inspired by the example of the Black generals of the War, such as Antonio Maceo, Quintin Banderas, and many others. Unfortunately, at the turn of the century, AfroCuban veterans felt the contempt of a Republic born distorted and completely alienated from the principles raised up by Jose Marti: "One Republic with everyone and for the good of everyone." Racism was part of official injustice. The process of cultural, economic, and political marginalization of Blacks in Cuba at thedawn of the present century is connected at a deep level with the fate of other African Americans up and down the continent. Peruvian, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Columbian, North American, Argentinian, Brazilian, and other Blacks saw themselves deprived of their place of honor in the official history of their own countries. The protest organized by AfroCubans in 1912 was beaten back by the National Army itself and ended in a real human massacre which had its main scene in Oriente Province. This is the synopsis of the story our central figure is going to discover through her family. (AfroCubaWeb) -
Plácido, narrates the story of the Afro-Cuban poet, Gabriel de la Concepción Valdés – “Plácido” – who was executed following the ferociously suppressed black rebellion of 1843-44 known as “Conspiración de La Escalara” (“conspiracy of the ladder”), and who subsequently became an emotive folkloric symbol of resistance. Source: Kaisary, Philip. "Black Agency and Aesthetic Innovation in Sergio Giral's 'El otro Francisco'." PALARA 23, 2019, p. 23. -
In making the documentary "Oggun: An Eternal Present," film director Gloria Rolando skirts the edges of enchantment, enters Yoruba philosophy, and, especially, pays homage to the singer Lazaro Ros, one of the most important personalities in recent AfroCuban culture. In Oggun, Gloria relates the patakin or mythical story of Oggun, the tireless warrior who, enamored of his mother, decided as punishment to imprison himself in the mountains: only Ochun, goddess of love, succeeded in captivating him when she let fall a few drops of honey on the lips of the god of metal, war, progress, and civilization. This film of 52 minutes includes chants, dances, a "tambor" (Yoruba religious ceremony with the bata drums), and the experiences of Ros, who not only made his the beauty of the African chants, but had the opportunity to sing them in trips throughout the world. The noted "apwong" works incessantly to preserve the lore and transmit it to the younger generations. (AfroCubaWeb) -
Invisible color
This latest documentary by the Dean of Afro-Cuban Cinema Sergio Giral investigates the black Cuban exile community in South Florida, since the first wave of political refugees in the 1959 revolutionary aftermath, to today. It tracks its presence throughout the region, and highlights its contribution to Miami’s civic culture through testimonies and visual documentation. (African Diaspora International Film Festival) -
O dia de Jerusa
"The Day of Jerusa" narrates the encounter between Jerusa (Lea Garcia), a resident of an old townhouse of Bixiga with the young Silvia, played by Deborah Marcal, which circulates through the traditional São Paulo neighborhood doing opinion research on soap in powder. The story emerges from observations of everyday life, to cycle through the streets of São Paulo, Brazil. (Kweli TV) -
Diálogo con mi abuela
Un audiovisual donde se mezcla el documental y la ficción. Una foto de los años 20 es la imagen de la evocación espiritual. El Grupo Vocal Baobab interpreta los cantos tradicionales del espiritismo cubano. La voz original de la abuela Inocencia y el conjunto de fotos familiares de la realizadora Gloria Rolando, forman parte del relato cuyo objetivo es darle valor, en la historia social de Cuba, a esos pequeños y grandes pasajes de la vida cotidiana de una familia negra. (CubaCine - Portal del ICAIC) -
A negação do Brasil
A documentary film about the taboos, stereotypes, and struggles of Black actors in Brazilian television "soaps." Based on his own memories and on a sturdy body of research evidence, the director analyzes race relations in Brazilian soap operas, calling attention to their likely influence on Black people's identity-forming processes. (Kanopy) -
El otro Francisco
Based on the novel Francisco by Anselmo Suárez y Romero, "The Other Francisco" is a socio-economic analysis of slavery and class struggle through the retelling of the original novel. The film contrasts the romantic conceptions of plantation life found in Suárez Romero's novel with a realistic expose of the actual historical conditions of slavery throughout the Americas. It offers a critical analysis of the novel, showing how the author's social background led to his use of particular dramatic structures to convey his liberal, humanitarian viewpoint. (IMDB) -
Miriam miente
El tranquilo mundo de una familia pequeñoburguesa comienza a desmoronarse a partir del momento en que Miriam (Dulce Rodríguez), de 14 años, conoce a su novio de Internet. Mientras sus amigas preparan con entusiasmo la tradicional fiesta de los quince años, Miriam no sabe cómo explicar a su familia que su novio es negro. (Parada RD) -
En la época colonial, los negros esclavos que huían, cimarrones, fundaban comunidades conocidas como palenques. Maluala fue el principal palenque de la región oriental de Cuba. Ante la imposibilidad de vencer, los sublevados deciden tomar justicia por sus manos. Una historia de otro siglo, llena de acción. http://cinematecacubana.com/ -
1912, Voces para un silencio
1912, VOCES PARA UN SILENCIO es el titulo general para el proyecto de tres capitulos dedicado a la historia del Partido de los Independientes de Color (PIC). Una aproximacion necesaria a esta pagina tan poco conocida de la historia de CUBA. Se trata de un material documental , didactico, cuyos recursos principales son las voces de los historiadores y figuras de la cultura cubana que de alguna manera se han ocupado del tema y expresan sus valoraciones. Pero este capitulo es una especie de introduccion al tema que pretende cubrir algunos antecedentes en la historia de lucha de resistencia de los afrocubanos. Un recorrido necesario para ir paso a paso en la trayectoria del movimiento negro en cuba desde la epoca colonial, las luchas por la independencia y la situacion de los negros cubanos una vez que la Isla de Cuba logro su independencia en 1902. Aparece la referencia de lideres negros muy importantes desde el siglo XIX como son los casos de Juan Gualberto Gomez, Martin Morua Delgado. Se habla de la importancia de la figura de Antonio Maceo, de Quintin Banderas.