Miss Panama
Title / Título (Original)
Miss Panama
Release Date / Fecha de estreno
Language / Idioma
Spanish / español
English / inglés
Country / País
Description / Descripción
In 1980, Gloria Karamañites became the first Black finalist in the Miss Panama pageant. On the verge of winning the crown, pageant officials orchestrated a last minute maneuver to obstruct her path to victory, demanding that she answer an obscure legal question. MISS PANAMA is a short documentary exploring Gloria’s experiences navigating racism, the actions taken by Panama’s Afro-descendant community to rally around their Queen, and the ripple effects of U.S. imperialism. Interweaving archival, interviews and stylized imagery, the film asks Who is allowed to represent a nation? (Director's Website)
Category / Categoría
Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico
“Miss Panama,” Cinegogía, accessed October 14, 2024, https://cinegogia.omeka.net/items/show/762.