Title / Título (Original)
Release Date / Fecha de estreno
Language / Idioma
Portuguese / portugués
Country / País
Production Company / Compañía de Producción
Odun Filmes (Brazil)
Description / Descripción
Jennifer follows the ways in which a Black female high school student navigates the relationships and insecurities of teenage life. Jennifer wrestles with self-understandings of her own beauty, her relationships with classmates and friends, and developing skills to become employable. Ultimately she seeks independence through work and develops a strong sense of herself as an individual with enough agency to make her way in life. (Gillam, Reighan. Visualizing Black Lives: Ownership and Control in Afro-Brazilian Media. U of Illinois P, p. 86)
Jennifer, uma garota de 17 anos moradora da Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, manipula suas fotos no Photoshop para ficar mais bonita e mais clara com cabelos lisos. Num momento de sua vida em que se torna adulta, procura emprego, procura se relacionar com alguém que ela ame, Jennifer vive dilemas relativos a sua identidade numa sociedade que está calcada nos significados de branquitude. (Director's synposis)
Category / Categoría
Genre / Género
Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico
Available at
“Jennifer,” Cinegogía, accessed September 10, 2024,