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Aquí cantamos
Los niños de Uspibil, Chemax, Yucatán, se divierten por las tardes, cantando y bailando. (El colectivo TURIX) -
Selva trágica
Dos mujeres jóvenes, Agnes y Florence, huyen de Belice. Cruzan la jungla y el Río Hondo que marca la frontera con México, pero su perseguidor las encuentra: solo Agnes sobrevive y huye a la jungla mexicana. Días después, un grupo de chicleros mexicanos encuentra a Agnes inconsciente y la llevan a su campamento. Su presencia produce tensión entre los hombres que han estado trabajando en la selva durante ocho meses. Uno por uno caen bajo el encanto de Agnes y suceden misteriosas muertes: un chiclero cae en picada desde un árbol de zapote, otro enferma de malaria y uno más es devorado por hormigas. Solo un chiclero maya sospecha de Agnes. Según una leyenda maya, una bella mujer seduce a los hombres en la jungla y causa su muerte. (Filmoteca UNAM)Tags Maya -
La noche de los mayas
This movie tells the tragic tale of love between a beautiful Mayan woman and a white man in the gum trade who stumbles upon a tribe of people living exactly in the manner of their Mayan ancestors (WorldCat). Before the interloper's astonished eyes, a fascinating romantic drama plays itself out, as huntsman Uz falls in love with Lol with the mystical intervention of "apprentice witch" Zeb. Their relationship angers the native Mayan Gods who show their anger by causing drought and hunger. They will only be appeased by sacrificing the young girl. (IMDB)Tags Maya -
Patria nueva
Los Kekchies, pueblo originario de Guatemala sufrio los horrores de la guerra. En territorio mexicano encontraron refugio y muchos de ellos un hogar para comenzar de nuevo. (Film's Official Website) -
Kat Waj
Ixcamuné es una niña de 12 años, que a pesar de su corta edad posee fascinacion por la vida y la lectura. Vive en una familia de escasos recursos, pero tiene la posibilidad de ir a la escuela, aunque su padre se reniega a eso. Su vida cambia inesperadamente cuando uno de sus padres toma una decision sobre la vida de Ixcamuné y esto hace que la pequeña se rebele contra ese destino que se les quiere imponer. Buscando ese cambio, libertad, toma una decisión que cambiará su vida. (Ojo de Agua Comunicación) -
Los gigantes no existen
Guatemala, años 80. Los peores días de la guerra civil. Andrés tiene 9 años. Vive con Pedro González, uno de los hombres que mataron a todas las mujeres y niños de su aldea. Andrés ha sobrevivido, pero tiene miedo. La esposa de Pedro, María, también tiene miedo, miedo de salir de casa, miedo de perder a Andrés, a quien considera "su nuevo hijo"… hasta Pedro tiene miedo, miedo de sí mismo y de lo que el ejército le obliga a hacer. Andrés quiere huir, pero también quiere quedarse con su nueva familia... hasta que aparece su hermana. (Cineteca) -
El camino es largo (Nim Pey)
Un niño Maya Kaqchikel va por primera vez al colegio enfrentando al sistema educacional de Guatemala. Para él, el despertar a un nuevo mundo, lejos de su comunidad y saberes ancestrales, donde normas y reglas desconocidas están a punto de cambiar de su vida para siempre. (Festival Internacional de Cine y las Artes Indígenas en Wallmapu) -
Arroz con leche: K óol uti'al k kuxtal
Arroz con leche: K óol uti’al k kuxtal (Rice pudding: Our desire for life) is an experimental documentary that I started filming in the 1990s, only a few years after Mexican development policy had taken a sharp neoliberal turn, accompanied by new gendered discourses exalting the entrepreneurial skills of rural women, in contrast to the alleged irresponsibility of rural men. Entrepreneurial projects for rural women had become the panacea for revitalizing rural development. Although my initial intention was to use audiovisual media to present a critical analysis of four such projects, instead this documentary became a means for exploring my own identity as a native of Mayan culture, one whose career as an anthropologist was being accompanied by constant pressures to distance myself from the knowledges that I had acquired in my own village. Years earlier, in the fall of 1989, I had lived in the homes of four of these entrepreneurial women while conducting field research, but the idea of making a documentary had only begun to take shape as a result of renewed contact with them during my field research of the mid-1990s. Source: Duarte, Ana Rosa. "Arroz con leche: Audiovisual Poetry and the Politics of Everyday Life." Adjusting the Lens: Community and Collaborative Video in Mexico, edited by Freya Schiwy and Byrt Wammak Weber, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017, pp. 71-89. -
500 Years
The third film in a trilogy about Guatemala, this installment explores the sweeping historical significance of the war crimes trial of General Ríos Montt and the toppling of corrupt president Otto Pérez Molina. Sundance Film Festival veteran Pamela Yates gracefully engages the indigenous Mayan population who experienced genocide at the hands of a long-standing repressive government. Silenced family members and eyewitnesses come forward to share their individual stories with the desire that their underreported, horrific treatment receive the attention it deserves.
Spoken in Spanish and native Mayan languages, 500 YEARS delicately weaves archival footage with new interviews and emotional courtroom scenes to shine light on a growing movement to fend off the systematic aggression toward an underrepresented people. Focusing on the recent events of a country that has suffered for generations at the hands of a ruling elite, the film hails the nation’s citizens banding together on a quest for justice—and emerging as a beacon of hope. (Sundance) -
Cuando las montañas tiemblan
Los testimonios de Rigoberta Menchú, ganadora del Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1992, amplían el panorama sobre los abusos de las fuerzas de seguridad guatemaltecas contra su pueblo y otras comunidades indígenas en el despojo de sus tierras. El enfrentamiento en la Embajada de España en 1980 que tomó la vida de más de 30 personas, incluido su padre, acentuó la represión hacia la sociedad civil. El documental fue presentado en Estados Unidos en 1983 y ganó el Premio del Jurado en el Festival de Cine de Sundance, pero tuvieron que pasar 20 años para que pudiera estrenarse en Guatemala. (FilmInLatino) -
In director Jayro Bustamante’s feature debut, Ixcanul (2015), a Kaqchiquel-speaking family negotiates their survival as farmers on a landowner’s plot in Guatemala. Looming in the distance is the Pacaya volcano from which the film takes its name. (Ixcanul means “volcano” in Kaqchiquel.) At stake is the future of María, beautifully portrayed by first-time Mayan actress María Mercedes Coroy, who is to be wed to the landowner, Ignacio (Justo Lorenzo), in the interest of securing her family’s access to the land they work. In the distance, said volcano separates their world from Mexico and the United States, to which María’s lover, Pepe, soon migrates in search of an imagined better future, leaving her to grapple with his loss. What at first seems to be a community and family-driven drama, drawn in long shots across pristine highlands, takes a turn toward social realism once María’s actions catch up with her, putting her family’s future at risk. María’s quiet existence will suddenly implode as her acts of surrender—to her lover and to her fate—bring on both community and broader social interventions. María embodies the tense relationships between Mayan communities and the state, between labor and profit, and against the confines of both tradition and modernity. Source: Córdova, Amalia. "Review of Jayro Bustamante’s Ixcanul." NACLA Report on the Americas, vol. 49, no. 1, 2017, pp. 114-115.Tags Maya -
El Norte
When a group of Mayan Indians decides to organize a labor union to improve conditions in their village, their community is violently destroyed by the Guatemalan army. Teenage siblings, Rosa (Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez) and Enrique (David Villalpando) manage to escape the massacre and decide to start a new life in El Norte -- the USA. The two trek through Mexico, meeting a variety of characters and facing trials and tribulations on their journey toward lives as illegal immigrants in Los Angeles. (IMDB)Tags Maya