
Browse Items (31 total)

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    Un retrato lleno de poesía de dos ancianos, María Eugenia Vargas (71 años) y Carlos Valderrama (75 años), damnificados de la tragedia causada por la avalancha del volcán Nevado del Ruiz. La subida del río Gualí a raíz de la erupción del volcán Nevado del Ruiz, en noviembre de 1985, arrastró casas, personas y animales. Esta pieza nos muestra la vida de María y de Carlos en las carpas habilitadas para las personas damnificadas (Mostra Internacional Films de Dones Barce). Es un homenaje a la fuerza y a la valentía de los personajes que se enfrentan a otra forma de vida en medio del abandono total y una reflexión sobre la muerte, el amor y la vida. (Proimagenes Colombia)
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    En el pasado, cuando no existían los blancos, solíamos cazar con nuestros espíritus yãmĩyxop. Llegaron los blancos, cortaron los árboles, secaron los ríos y ahuyentaron a los animales. Hoy, nuestros árboles altos se acabaron, los blancos nos rodearon y nuestras tierras son diminutas. Pero nuestros yãmĩyxop son muy fuertes y nos enseñaron las historias y los cánticos de nuestros antiguos que caminaban por aquí. (Film Affinity ES)
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    Al sur of the north se inmiscuye en una comunidad Wayú, en Colombia, para retratar su cultura y a la vez cuestionar las formas del retrato. Experimentación en torno a la representación de ‘lo indígena’, la obra se inmiscuye en otro tiempo: el de la relación con la naturaleza, pero también con la globalización y la reconfiguración de las identidades. (Cineteca de Chile)
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    Before their inevitable separation, Jorge, a young man of Mayan roots and Natan, his son born to an Italian mother, embark on an ancestral journey to the open sea where, in the company of "Matraca", Natan’s grandfather, Jorge instills in his son the fundamental values of work and love for nature. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    The Amazon is a vast laboratory for sustainable experiments that are revealing new relationships among human beings, corporations, and the natural heritage crucial for life on the planet. This is where the guidelines are being drawn up for a new global economic model: the green economy. With an astonishing soundtrack and cinematography, Eternal Amazon presents a critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and utilized. Exploring the Amazon’s five million square kilometers—home to 20% of the world’s freshwater reserves—the film asks whether it is possible for humans to make sustainable use of the rainforest by featuring nine successful projects for sustainable forest use that directly benefit the local population and foster good economic partnerships. Experts like economist Sergio Besserman, ecologists Bertha Becker and Virgilio Viana, and Amazonians themselves explain activities such as agriculture, fisheries, and animal husbandry. The film portrays the daily lives of the forest people as the guardians of this great natural heritage that, if properly managed, could last into eternity. (Pragda)
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    En 1991 más de cien mil garimpeiros invaden una reserva nambiquara en Sararé. Al mismo tiempo, los madereros talan en la selva especies en peligro de extinción. Presionado por el Banco Mundial, con el cual el gobierno de Mato Crosso negocia un préstamo, éste consigue la expulsión de los invasores. Pero el robo de la madera continúa y el regreso de los garimpeiros puede ocurrir en cualquier momento. (Portal del cine y audiovisual latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    Una carga misteriosa de supuestos minerales tóxicos aparece en la planicie andina alertando a la población. El gobierno encarga a un ambicioso capitán de policía la misión secreta de deshacerse de ellos, desentendiéndose luego de su destino. A cargo de un grupo de policías y un maquinista anarquista, el recorrido de rutina se convierte en un viaje errante y trágico. (Film Affinity ES)
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    En el campo mixteco de Oaxaca Carmen vive con sus abuelos. Una sequía amenaza la milpa de la familia y Carmen busca la forma de hacer llover. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    The daily rituals of two mining communities are observed in this strikingly visual and unsparing portrait of life and work in Bolivia’s altiplano, at an altitude of fourteen thousand feet. More than ten thousand miners still excavate the slopes and tunnels of the richest silver field in mining history, Cerro Rico (Rich Hill), an enormous conical mountain in the Andes that towers over the city of Potosí. The miners’ lives offer a strong denunciation of the hardships and alienation inherent in industrial work inside the mines, underscoring the historical impact on the native population created by global demands for earth’s wealth. Shot in iconic Potosí and Cerro Rico and, as a counterpart, in the Arctic-looking plains of Salar de Uyuni, where salt is extracted daily and where half of the world’s lithium reserves remain untapped. (Pragda)
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    The ocean contains the history of all humanity. The sea holds all the voices of the earth and those that come from outer space. Water receives impetus from the stars and transmits it to living creatures. Water, the longest border in Chile, also holds the secret of two mysterious buttons which were found on its ocean floor. Chile, with its 2,670 miles of coastline and the largest archipelago in the world, presents a supernatural landscape. In it are volcanoes, mountains and glaciers. In it are the voices of the Patagonian Indigenous people, the first English sailors and also those of its political prisoners. Some say that water has memory. This film shows that it also has a voice. (IMDB)
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    In the lush rainforest of Bocas del Toro, Panama, an indigenous cacao farmer, his wife and grandchildren confront environmental and economic complexities as they grow, harvest and sell cacao beans for a global chocolate market. Does Fair Trade Certification really work? Documenting the exceptional wisdom, unconditional devotion and proven ancient farming techniques of one hard-working Ngäbe farmer, Samuel Murillo, El Cacao complicates the question by examining the fairness of his trade. (New Day Films)
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    En la trama, María Gracia Omegna (Elena), una de las actrices más reconocidas de Chile, junto con el actor y el periodista ecuatoriano Francisco ‘Pájaro’ Febres Cordero, atraviesan varios conflictos éticos del ser humano, que confluyen en soluciones vertiginosas, impredecibles. Pero todo gracias a los contactos en el poder que han logrado obtener. La ambientación es uno de los pilares de la película. Los paisajes que muestra el filme son fascinantes, tanto de Quito como del páramo serrano. Y Arreguí consigue, con la trama, dar una sensación de abandono, de tristeza, trasladando a quien la ve a un mundo cruel, lleno de corrupción e injusticias para aquellos desafortunados que no son parte del poder de un político... pero que quieren ser parte de éste. (
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    A principio del siglo XIX, el empresario Julio Cesar Arana, conocido como “el socio de Dios”, se alía con empresas extranjeras, en su mayoría europeas, para explotar las reservas de caucho en la región de la Amazonía peruana. Su éxito y poder se basa en su falta de escrúpulos. No se detiene ante nada, ni siquiera ante el exterminio de las tribus originarias. De este modo ocurren los llamados crímenes de Putumayo; las comunidades amazónicas se revelan y resisten. (Festival Cannes)
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    Manena, dieciséis años, veranea junto a su familia, en un fundo en el Sur de chile. Pancho, su padre, esta obsesionado con la idea de exterminar las carpas de su laguna y para eso, no duda en usar explosivos. Todos aplauden las extravagantes ideas de Pancho, a excepción de Manena, que parece ser la única que percibe una tensión creciente en el ambiente y la amenaza del conflicto mapuche que los rodea. (Cine Chile)
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    On Lake Maracaibo, beneath the mysterious silent Catatumbo lightning, the village of Congo Mirador is preparing for parliamentary elections. For streetwise local businesswoman and Chavist party representative Tamara every vote counts, fought by all means, while for opposition-supporting teacher Natalie, politics is a weapon unsuccessfully attempting to force her from her job. And with her sharp eyes, little Yoaini sees her community sinking from sedimentation, her childhood and innocence with it. How can a small fishing village survive against corruption, pollution and political decay – a reflection of all the flaws of contemporary Venezuela. (Film Website)
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    The Kariri people, located in the Chapada do Araripe, a rural area in northeastern Brazil, reflect on water. The community tells of the Indigenous myth of recreating the world together with water as against the capitalist developmental myth of controlling water and human and non-human bodies inhabiting the San Francisco River. (Hemispheric Institute)
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    En el itsmo de Tehuantepec, en el pueblo Álvaro Obregón de Juchitán, Oaxaca, los integrantes de una comunidad Binnizá (zapoteca) se encuentran bajo constante amenaza desde que una transnacional pretende instalar un parque eólico en el mar sin el consentimiento de la comunidad. Los pobladores han resistido desde el principio; organizaron y crearon una policía comunitaria que vigila la zona en conflicto. Herminio y Mariano, dos pescadores zapotecas, han vivido de manera activa este proceso de lucha y resistencia. Esta película forma parte de Ambulante Más Allá, un proyecto de formación documental que mantiene el propósito de acompañar los primeros pasos de nuevos realizadores en México y Centroamérica. (FilmInLatino)
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    Luego de una adivinación, Kankuémaku, un viejo Mama Koggi encomienda a Cenkui, su joven aprendiz a realizar un pagamento (trabajo espiritual) para cancelar las deudas con la naturaleza en la línea negra. Su camino es la manifestación del recorrido del agua desde la pureza de los cerros hasta el mar, recorrido que ha sido manipulado por el hombre blanco que paulatinamente ha ido poblando de manera irresponsable la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta considerada por lo Koggis el corazón del universo. (Film's Official Website)
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    Helena is a 17-year-old student in Finland. Her father is Swedish, and her mother is originally from the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, who live in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon. On a recent trip there, Helena participates in the traditional Uyantza Raymi cultural festival, and meets with Kichwa leaders who ask her to deliver a message to the world — Kawsak Sacha, or ‘Living Forest,’ an innovative concept in conservation, in which the jungle is considered to be a living being. After COVID-19 confines Helena in Puyo — the closest city to Sarayaku — she learns that 80% of her community has been infected with the virus, and that the Bobonaza River has flooded part of her village. She is Helena of Sarayaku, and this is her story. (Insitutute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University)
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    El filme narra la historia de Nélida Ayay, una joven activista proveniente de una familia campesina quien viaja a la ciudad de Cajamarca para estudiar leyes y poder proteger en el ámbito legal a una de las lagunas amenazadas por el proyecto minero. En el tránsito de esta historia, Ayay se comunica con la laguna a la cual se refiere como Mamayaku (Madre Agua) y brinda asistencia a la líder campesina Máxima Acuña en su lucha por no perder la posesión de sus tierras frente a la minera Yanacocha, la misma que busca explotar el yacimiento Conga. Source: Díaz, José Carlos. “Paraíso y resistencia: La lucha ecomarxista y ecofeminista contra el extractivismo en Hija de la laguna (2015) de Ernesto Cabellos. LL Journal (The Journal of the Students of the Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures, CUNY), vol. 13, no. 1, Spring 2018, pp. 1-15.
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    A través de un retrato autoreferencial entre el realizador y su padre, el artista visual Francisco Huichaqueo reflexiona en torno a la naturaleza en la cosmovisión mapuche, como elemento central que la articula, cerrando el círculo entre él y su padre y su padre y la tierra. A partir de esta relación se evoca no solamente a la tranquilidad de la naturaleza, sino también su potencial destructivo y su regir cíclico. (Cineteca Nacional Chile)
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    Pibia Awin es una de cinco ancianos Iskobakebo (Isconahua) que fueron arrancados de su aldea y ahora viven en la cuenca del río Callería, en Perú. Son los últimos sobrevivientes Iskobakebo, un pueblo que habitaba en la profundidad del bosque, en aislamiento. Una visita inesperada sugiere que sus parientes se encuentran en la Amazonía brasileña, y entonces nace la esperanza del reencuentro. Este documental nos acerca al mundo de los indígenas en aislamiento voluntario de la frontera Perú-Brasil y las graves amenazas como la carretera Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul, la tala ilegal, el narcotráfico y los conflictos territoriales que ponen su existencia en permanente peligro. (Film's Official Website)
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    Filmed over the course of 40 years, indigenous expert and filmmaker Vincent Carelli seeks out the origins of the Guaraní Kaiowá genocide. A conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guaraní Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness. While fighting against the Brazilian Congress in order not to be evicted from their homes, the 50.000 indigenous people demand the demarcation of the space that belongs to them. With rigorous investigative work, this Brazilian director recorded the birthplace of the resistance movement in the 1980s and tells, with his own voice and those of the indigenous people, of the social and political injustices suffered. The stunning archival historical images, new footage, both color and black and white, hearings in Brazilian Congress, and even interviews with those opposed to the Guaraní Kaiowá’s rights, reveal the crudeness with which they coexist every day: among the violation of their civil rights and the fortitude with which they confront the usurpers. This epic documentary has become a sensation in Brazil and the ultimate testimony that unifies these unheard voices by “ethnocide actions,” the cruel synthesis of a conflict without a foreseen solution in the near future. (Pragda)
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    Por medio de testimonios este documental expone la experiencia organizativa de mujeres campesinas de organizaciones cafeticultoras en el estado de Oaxaca. Esta producción ha motivado a que otras mujeres también se organicen y revaloren su papel como mujeres en su comunidad. (Film's Official Website)
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    The Misak are an indigenous people whose territory is located in Cauca, Colombia. As with many indigenous peoples in Latin America, the Misak lost large parts of their territory during colonial rule. In the 1980s, they started a process of land reclamation and were eventually successful in gaining formal land rights recognition. Since then, the Misak have developed their Life Plan as a tool for self-determined development to ensure their gains would be preserved for future generations. (Film's Official Website)
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    El documental explora la percepción del tiempo en tres comunidades unidas por las aguas del Amazonas, sumergiéndose en un paisaje habitado por chamanes y sociedades arquetípicas. Narrativa híbrida que retrata los cuerpos de ancianos indígenas para invocar los fantasmas de la explotación del caucho a finales del siglo XIX y convocar la memoria de antiguas culturas aún vivas, pero en peligro de desaparecer a consecuencia del capitalismo global (Habana Film Festival)
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    Mientras millones de personas en todo el mundo se vieron obligadas a encerrarse en la crisis del coronavirus, una familia de la Amazonia ecuatoriana optó por adentrarse en la relativa seguridad de la selva. A medida que se reconectaban con el conocimiento ancestral latente, lejos de las distracciones de la vida moderna, su afinidad con la naturaleza comenzó a florecer. Mientras se extendía la noticia de que Ecuador podría levantar pronto el toque de queda, ¿dónde se quedará la familia? (
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    Dual forces of climate change and cultural genocide overlap to devastating effect in The Territory, threatening not just a native community but a wider ecosystem — and cheered on by the actively hostile powers that be. Riveting and despairing in equal measure, freshman director Alex Pritz’s documentary immerses us over the course of three years in the lives, livelihoods and dwindling homeland of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people, whose supposedly protected patch of Amazon rainforest is under attack from all sides by farmers, miners and settlers who think nothing of deforesting swaths of jungle that don’t belong to them. For the Uru-eu-wau-wau, themselves rapidly diminishing in number, fighting back is essential but ugly, and anybody hoping for a comfortingly inspirational takeaway from “The Territory” may be disappointed. [...] And while the presence of Darren Aronofsky as a producer may be an additional draw to prospective distributors for this National Geographic-style doc, more telling production credits here go to the Uru-eu-wau-wau themselves. Not content merely to be sympathetic victims under the gaze of the camera, they often wield it themselves, and the film benefits from their righteously inflamed point of view. Pritz shares camera duties here with tribe member Tangae Uru-eu-wau-wau, who brings tense in-the-moment immediacy to footage effectively shot from the frontline of this land battle. Source: Lodge, Guy. "The Territory Review: Indigenous Brazilians Stand Their Ground in an Urgent Environmental Docu-Thriller.", sec. Film, 22 January 2022.
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    En el altiplano boliviano, una pareja de ancianos quechuas lleva años viviendo la misma vida cotidiana. Durante una sequía inusualmente larga, Virginio y su esposa Sisa se enfrentan a un dilema: resistir o ser derrotados por el entorno y el propio tiempo. (Film Affinity ES)
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    Mascaro’s film shows a place in the process of disappearing; in this case, due to climate change. It centers on two main characters: Shirley (Dandara de Morais) and her boyfriend, Jeison (Geová Manoel dos Santos). Shirley used to live in a big city but moved back to the village to care for her aging grandmother. She works as a truck driver at a coconut farm where Jeison is a coconut picker. Shirley wants to be a tattoo artist and Jeison spends his free time practicing underwater fishing. The everyday life of the characters is disrupted by the arrival of a meteorologist (or a wind researcher, as the final credits describe him—played by the director himself) who arrives in the village to study the sounds of the winds. An accident befalls the researcher and Jeison fnds him drowned at sea. As his body is never claimed, Jeison becomes determined to notify the authorities, despite the difficulties he encounters in the process. Source: Cunha, Mariana. "Bodies in Landscape: The Scientist's Presence in Viajo Porque Preciso, Volto Porque Te Amo, and Ventos de Agosto." Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema, edited by Antônio Márcio da Silva and Mariana Cunha, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 85.
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    A gripping account of a collision of cultures, "Xingu" tells the inspiring true story of the three Villas Bôas brothers, who became the leading advocates for Brazil's Amazonian Indians, an effort that culminated in the founding of a mammoth tribal preserve. Directed by Cao Hamburger, "Xingu" begins in 1943, when the brothers -- Orlando (Felipe Camarago), Cláudio (João Miguel) and Leonardo (Caio Blat) -- sign up for Brazil's March to the West, an expedition to explore and open the interior for development. Smitten by the land's raw beauty, they are also fascinated by the indigenous people there. Orlando, the eldest and a natural politician, defuses the tensions when they meet the Xavante, who have not seen white men before. When a flu epidemic kills half the tribe, the brothers vow to protect the natives from the forces of civilization that they represent. "We are the poison," Cláudio says, "and the antidote." The brothers eventually win the creation, in 1961, of the Xingu National Park, a preserve larger than Maryland. The film makes clear that not everyone agrees with the Xingu approach, that one answer does not fit all. But as natives maintain traditional lives there, they can integrate into the larger society, by their own choice and at their own speed. Source: Gold, Daniel M. Review of Xingu, by Cao Hamburger.  New York Times, 14 Mar 2014, sec. C8.
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