Fôlego Vivo
Title / Título (Original)
Fôlego Vivo
Breath Alive
Release Date / Fecha de estreno
Language / Idioma
Portuguese / portugués
Country / País
Description / Descripción
Uma comunidade indígena do povo kariri, situada na Chapada do Araripe (zona rural do Crato/CE), reflete acerca da água: o mito indígena de recriação do mundo junto com as águas contra o mito desenvolvimentista capitalista de controle das águas e das corpas humanas e não-humanas que habitam o Rio São Francisco (Opará). (Hemispheric Institute)
The Kariri people, located in the Chapada do Araripe, a rural area in northeastern Brazil, reflect on water. The community tells of the Indigenous myth of recreating the world together with water as against the capitalist developmental myth of controlling water and human and non-human bodies inhabiting the San Francisco River. (Hemispheric Institute)
Genre / Género
Subject Coverage / Tema
Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico
Available at
YouTube: https://youtu.be/H26Sdw_o0ak
“Fôlego Vivo,” Cinegogía, accessed October 15, 2024, https://cinegogia.omeka.net/items/show/858.