
Browse Items (553 total)

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    Basada en hechos reales, describe el mundo del crimen organizado en Cidade de Deus, un suburbio de Río de Janeiro, desde finales de los sesenta hasta principios de los ochenta, época durante la cual el tráfico de drogas y la violencia impusieron su ley en las favelas. A finales de los sesenta, Buscapé, un niño de 11 años tímido y sensible, observa a los niños duros de su barrio, sus robos, sus peleas, sus enfrentamientos diarios con la policía. Pero él sabe muy bien lo que quiere ser si consigue sobrevivir: fotógrafo. Dadinho, un niño de su edad que se traslada al barrio, sueña con ser el criminal más peligroso de Río de Janeiro y empieza su aprendizaje haciendo recados para los delincuentes locales. Admira a Cabeleira y su pandilla, que se dedican a atracar los camiones del gas. Un día Cabeleira le da a Dadinho la oportunidad de cometer su primer asesinato. (Film Affinity)
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    City of God – 10 Years Later investigates the fate of the young actors who participated in the award winning film City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund. The documentary shows how their lives unfolded after the film’s worldwide success. The film includes the participation of the actors who portrayed Dadinho, Bené, and Li’l Zé, as well as the actress Alice Braga and musician and actor Seu Jorge. (Pragda)
  • Cine latinoamericano contemporaneo_Jeff Mittens-Anc.pdf

    Using methods that both embrace and critique the study of national cinemas, this course provides a survey of cinema from across the Latin American region, concentrating on the changing tropes of contemporary cinema and including screenings as part of the AFI Latin American Film Festival.
  • Franco_LatAm_Film.pdf

    This course serves as an introduction to film analysis by studying the development of cinema in Latin America, specifically in relation to the military dictatorships (1970/80s) in the Southern Cone and the subsequent transition period to democracy of the early 1990s in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. We will examine how a variety of classic and independent films highlight important social and political issues, as well as how cinematography, as an artistic medium, grapples with questions of representation, censorship, testimony, memory, and popular culture. This class is conducted entirely in Spanish and the students are typically seniors with highly functional communication skills in the target language.
  • Medina_cine latinoamericano- redefiniendo identidades a comienzos del siglo XXI_syllabi.pdf

    Un estudio del cine latinoamericano y su desarrollo temático y técnico con un énfasis en la producción contemporánea.
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    Ciro Galindo nació el 29 de agosto de 1952 en Colombia. Fuera donde fuera, la guerra siempre lo encontraba. Tras veinte años de amistad con Ciro, comprendí que su vida resumía la historia de Colombia. Como tantos colombianos, Ciro es un sobreviviente, que después de sesenta años de huir de la guerra, sueña con vivir en paz y con dignidad. (Film's Official Website)
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    A journey through the songs and story of Brazilian singer Clementina de Jesus. Her most poetic sambas, the rhythmic sway of the drums and the religious chants that reveal a strong connection with the sacred world take us to the deep world of Quelé. A unique character in the history of Brazilian popular music, a granddaughter of slaves, she is considered by many as the missing link between Brazilian culture and its African roots. (Jangada Film Festivals)
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    Paloma and her son Hector are on a vacation at a beachfront hotel. Their activities, which are very similar to those of past years, consist of tanning, eating club sandwiches, and popping their pimples. But Hector is fourteen now, and the combination of his sexual awakening and the presence of Jazmín, a sixteen year old girl, trigger some changes in Paloma’s relationship with her son. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    This debut is the simple story of a journey by Evaristo and Tony, indigenous brothers living in Mexico's rural northwest. After their primary-school graduation, the brothers are asked to deliver medicine to a far-off village; not wanting to walk, they poach their grandfather's horse which, sure enough, ends up lost. The two boys separate to find it, and day turns into night. Wonderfully acted by non-professionals, Cochochi features breathtaking images of a region little explored on film - not to mention a distinctive language (the Tarahumaran dialect of Raramuri). This delicate narrative explores a serious issue for any native population - the question of whether to integrate with society at large or hold onto traditional ways. Source: Peranson, Mark. "The Filmgoer's Festival Guide." Review of Cochochi, by Israel Cardenas and Laura Amelia Guzmán. The Globe and Mail, 28 Sept 2007, sec. Arts. 
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    Alberto is returning home from Santo Domingo for the funeral of his father, killed by a local loan shark who is untouchable thanks to his police-force position. The son arrives to find that his old man has already been put in the ground. He is expected to stay on, however, for the nine nights of novena, or rezos de los nueve dias, a prospect that disturbs him, though it’s not immediately clear why. In time we gather that there is a gulf between Alberto’s faith and his family’s – while both evoke the name of Jesus, the similarities don’t go much further. With his pressed white shirts, humble comportment and Bible tucked at his side, Alberto is the very picture of the clean-living evangelical, dismissing talk of a curse on his father as so much “nonsense”. But back home they practise their own indigenous strain of Christianity, one heavily streaked with Catholic pomp and influences from West Africa, known as Los Misterios. At the centre of Cocote is this push-pull between Alberto’s Christianity, of the pacific and turn-the-other-cheek variety, and the more fervid, half-pagan beliefs of his extended family, particularly his adoptive sister Karina (Judith Rodríguez), in whose minds the crime that has been committed demands repayment in blood. Source: Pinkerton, Nick. "Cocote." Sight and Sound, vol. 28, no. 8, 2018, p. 54-55.
  • Como_agua_para_chocolate Cinergía.pdf

    Durante la Revolución Mexicana y en un rancho cercano a Piedras Negras, dos jóvenes se enamoran: Pedro Murquiz y Tita de la Garza. Pedro y su padre piden la mano de Tita, pero Elena, madre de ella, no permite ese matrimonio ya que Tita es la hija menor y por tradición debe quedarse a cuidar de su madre hasta el día de su muerte. A cambio de ello, mamá Elena concede a Pedro la mano de Rosaura, a quien él no ama, pero a quien acepta con el objeto de vivir bajo el mismo techo que Tita. Tita se refugia entonces en la cocina, donde prepara alimentos exquisitos en los que deposita sus sentimientos: a través de la comida, establece una singular y apasionada relación con Pedro. (Filmoteca Unam)
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    Durante la Revolución Mexicana y en un rancho cercano a Piedras Negras, dos jóvenes se enamoran: Pedro Murquiz y Tita de la Garza. Pedro y su padre piden la mano de Tita, pero Elena, madre de ella, no permite ese matrimonio ya que Tita es la hija menor y por tradición debe quedarse a cuidar de su madre hasta el día de su muerte. A cambio de ello, mamá Elena concede a Pedro la mano de Rosaura, a quien él no ama, pero a quien acepta con el objeto de vivir bajo el mismo techo que Tita. Tita se refugia entonces en la cocina, donde prepara alimentos exquisitos en los que deposita sus sentimientos: a través de la comida, establece una singular y apasionada relación con Pedro. (Filmoteca UNAM)
  • Confesion_a_laura Medina.pdf

    The action is situated in Colombia on April 9, 1948, date in which took place the famous "Bogotazo". It is a story of love frustrated by political circumstances. Laura, a spinster schoolteacher, lives to Josefina and Santiago, public employee. The three characters will be besieged by 24 hours, targeted by snipers, will be forced to show such which are or they would have liked to be. (IMDB)
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    The action is situated in Colombia on April 9, 1948, date in which took place the famous "Bogotazo". It is a story of love frustrated by political circumstances. Laura, a spinster schoolteacher, lives to Josefina and Santiago, public employee. The three characters will be besieged by 24 hours, targeted by snipers, will be forced to show such which are or they would have liked to be. (IMDB)
  • Medina_Contemporary Latin American Film_syllabi.pdf

    A study of a specific group of Latin American films in relation to their specific cultural and historical contexts.
  • Mesa_Morales_Contemporary_Spanish_Latin_American_Cinema.pdf

    This interdisciplinary course seeks to review and analyze the complexity of contemporary society through the study of Latin American and Spanish film production. We will explore topics that relates to issues of ethnicity, class representation, immigration and exile, dictatorship, experiences of war and violence, globalization, gender, as well as sexual and racial identities, among other themes. The course has a transatlantic approach covering different genres, styles, and filmmakers from Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, and Uruguay. Class discussions in Forum, activities, presentations, reflections, and a final multimodal research project will help to improve and expand students’ analytical skills as well as their Spanish language proficiency.
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    An unusual ghost story set on the Peruvian seaside; a married fisherman struggles to reconcile his devotion to his male lover within his town's rigid traditions. (IMDB)
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    An unusual ghost story set on the Peruvian seaside; a married fisherman struggles to reconcile his devotion to his male lover within his town's rigid traditions. (IMDB)
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    Coraje is about the last few months in the life of María Elena Moyano, who was killed at the age of 33 by the Peruvian revolutionary movement Sendero Luminoso. María Elena was the founder and leader of the so-called Women's Federation of Villa El Salvador, a slum district that had been built in the desert on the outskirts of Lima and was run by the inhabitants themselves. This community won several prizes abroad, such as the Spanish 'Principe de Asturias' and the 'Messenger City of Peace'. Two months before the brutal attack, María has spoken out against the campaign of hatred and violence of Sendero Luminoso and even though she was called 'Mama Coraje' by the local press, that condemned her to death.The film is narrated by a female Spanish doctor who remembers María's last months. We see the difficult conditions in which the vital and charismatic María did her work: the economic crisis, the hunger in the Villa, the bureaucratic opposition and increasing terror of the Senderos. But Coraje is above all a lively and intimate portrait of a fascinating woman who is not portrayed as a inviolable heroine, but as an ordinary woman with two children and a husband who is characterised by doubts and despair as well as courage. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
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    Son tiempos revolucionarios y Sonia pone a girar a todos al compás de su corazón rebelde. Apenas “pedida” para casarse con Miguel, dirigente juvenil de la comunidad, por los caminos de la selva Lacandona la muchacha encuentra el fondo de sus ojos en los del guerrillero Julio, y experimenta una pasión que pone en riesgo la seguridad de su comunidad y de los insurgentes zapatistas. Alicia, hermana menor de Sonia, aprende a descifrar en sus juegos la realidad (las fuerzas del gobierno sitian por aire y tierra a los rebeldes) a través del espejo. Será su abuela Zoraida quien baje a tierra las visiones de la niña. Juntas, Zoraida y Alicia descubrirán en la decisión de Sonia una prueba para las voluntades y las tradiciones. En un mundo donde todo cambia, tierra de indios libres que han decidido resistir y no dejarse, Sonia libra las batallas del amor en el corazón del tiempo. (Film's Official Website)
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    Joana tem um sonho comum a muitas meninas dos anos 80: ser Paquita. Sua família é bem sucedida e a apoia em seu sonho. Porém, Joana é negra, e nunca se viu uma paquita negra no programa da Xuxa. (Preta Portê Filmes)
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    Cores Pretas es un documental corto que, a través de varias entrevistas, cuenta las historias de cinco afrobrasileñas y sus experiencias enfrentando el racismo y la discriminación de género diariamente desde su niñez. (Sinopsis de Éowyn Bailey)
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    A personal account of 20 years of video activism in Corumbiara, a municipality in western Brazil. In order to stop the destruction of the habitat of isolated Native Americans, their existence will have to be proven in court. Back in 1986, filmmaker Vincent Carrelli first got involved in a hunt for the remains of an Indian village, which had been wiped off the map by a landowner. Unfortunately, the tools that they found were insufficient to stand up in court. In the years that followed, Carrelli returned to the region on several occasions, convinced that the Native Americans lived there and determined to record this fact with his camera. The film documents the heartwarming contact between the researchers and a family of Canoé Indians, and contains unique footage of one of the last survivors of an unknown tribe. But the activists also must deal with disappointing defeats in the face of landowners, lumber merchants and farmers, and even instances of gruesome violence. Ultimately, the film also asks questions about the legitimacy of the hunt for footage. To what extent is it justified to invade the habitat of people who shun any attempt at contact - even if that invasion occurs with the intent to protect them from greater external aggression? (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
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    When the Miami star of a sensationalist newspaper travels to a small town on the coast of Ecuador to cover a story on a child serial killer, his personal ambition and his pursuit of glory takes him on a journey with tragic consequences.The coastal town of Babahoyo, Ecuador lives in terror ever since its children have begun to disappear. Many of the kids have been found in pits with various signs of abuse and torture. The police have no leads and the horrifying story becomes the sensationalist reporter's, Manolo Bonilla's, obsession. A fortuitous event, the trampling and consequent death of a kid by one of the towns most cared for citizens, puts them on the path of discovering the serial killer, but Manolo's obstinacy in wanting to give the public a truly impacting story turns him into the serial killer's accomplice. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    In 1535, an alchemist builds an extraordinary mechanism encapsulated in a small golden device. The invention, designed to give eternal life to its owner, survives its maker until 1997, when it is discovered by an antique dealer named Jesus Gris. Fascinated, Gris does not realize that more than one person is looking for the strange mechanism. The promise of eternal life has become an obsession for the old and sick Dieter de la Guardia. Both he and his nephew Angel will do anything in order to get "the invention of Cronos." (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    La Cruz de Mayo es una festividad que año a año a la familia de Julia Corvacho para celebrar y bendecir la producción y cosechas de sus tierras. Esta fiesta transmitida generacionalmente, y que se mantiene hasta el día de hoy, ha cobrado importancia dentro de sus reivindicaciones en pos de su reconocimiento tanto legal y social como tradición y patrimonio. (CineChile)
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    Los testimonios de Rigoberta Menchú, ganadora del Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1992, amplían el panorama sobre los abusos de las fuerzas de seguridad guatemaltecas contra su pueblo y otras comunidades indígenas en el despojo de sus tierras. El enfrentamiento en la Embajada de España en 1980 que tomó la vida de más de 30 personas, incluido su padre, acentuó la represión hacia la sociedad civil. El documental fue presentado en Estados Unidos en 1983 y ganó el Premio del Jurado en el Festival de Cine de Sundance, pero tuvieron que pasar 20 años para que pudiera estrenarse en Guatemala. (FilmInLatino)
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    El amor, el azar, la ciudad y la muerte. Estos elementos se conjugan de mil maneras para precipitar los destinos del médico legista Arturo Fernández, su madre, su hermano, su asistente, una interna del hospital, un taxista, un migrante de la costa, una mujer, su hijo, su ex marido y su amante. Dios los cría y Quito los junta. La muerte los iguala. (Film Affinity)
  • Farrell_Cuban Cinema syllabus.pdf

    To study the Cuban Revolution is to willingly enter into a battlefield of opinions, politics, and years of trauma. For some it is the single-most “successful” revolution in Latin America, while for others it is an example of dictatorship and a consistent denial of human rights. While the revolution is highly politicized and is often covered with pre-determined notions of good and evil, right and wrong, we will work to go beyond this binary to analyze Cuba through its cinema. In our study of Cuba, we will analyze the film representations (Cuban, US, Spanish, and those from the extended diaspora) of the Cuban Revolution to become aware of how these representations of the Cuban revolution are created and reinforce or challenge our notions of Cuba. Through a close analysis of the film industry, the use of cinema, narrative tools, soundtracks, camera angles, camera focus, character development, funding, and the cultural industry we will critically research how each of these aspects contribute to the versions of Cuba that we come in contact with in large and small screens. We will learn to recognize how the different versions of Cuba are created, challenged, or questioned. We will analyze how film and audiovisual language continues to reflect on the complexities of Cuban society, and how social media and technology is now challenging the limits of Cuban film, and possibly of the Revolution itself.
  • Mesa_Morales_Cuban_Film.pdf

    This course examines contemporary Cuban cultural production with special emphasis on the audiovisual as a powerful medium for learning about language and culture. The class will explore topics spanning the postrevolutionary period to the present that relate to issues of gender, race, class, civil society, politics, migration, memory, trauma, diaspora, and identity. We will seek to understand contemporary Cuba by analyzing critically different film genres: short and feature length films, documentaries and web series. The audiovisual genre functions as an important source for building communication skills because it captures authentic language, llustrates language varieties and will allow students to evaluate changes in social and political representation of the island in the 21st century. We will discuss new modes of production and distribution and investigate the changing structural, technological, and material conditions that have sustained Cuban film and media. An engaging and interdisciplinary list of readings, drawn from audiovisual criticism, history and film theory will facilitate and contribute to our study.
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    "El curso se enfoca en procesos de cambio cultural en comunidades hispanohablantes de las Américas. Las metodologías empleadas incluyen la histórica (a base de la organización en forma narrativa de evidencia documentada), la transcultural (a base del estudio de las interacciones dinámicas entre perspectivas culturales) y la comunitaria (a base de experiencias vitales de participación comunitaria). "
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    Basada en la novela de Juan León Mera, que narra los amores de Carlos Orozco, hijo de un rico hacendado de la provincia de Chimborazo, y Cumanda, una joven que vive con una tribu de la amazonia, sin embargo ella no parece indígena. En esta producción se muestra las distintas culturas de la amazonia ecuatoriana y su extraordinaria biodiversidad. (
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    Paraguay, 1896. A 3-year old Ache girl is captured after the massacre of a group of indigenous people in the jungle. 100 years later her remains are found in Argentina and Germany and returned to the Aché in 2012. The film tries to restore a history and a name to the small captive who died of tuberculosis at the age of 14, in a mental institution. (Alexander Street)
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    Julia is a telephone operator from Mexico City who divides her time among work, her daughter, and danzón. Every Wednesday, she shines on Salon Colonia's dance floor with Carmelo, her dancing partner. One night Carmelo disappears and Julia decides to look for him in Veracruz. Little does she know, this trip will change her life. (Translation by Angel Carrillo)
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    Dauna, se enfrenta a las convenciones de una cultura milenaria. Arrastra consigo la marca de ser diferente y con ella, un dilema: escoger entre amar a Tarcisio, con todas las responsabilidades que eso implica para una mujer warao o, por el contrario, seguir su vocación aún a riesgo de pagar las consecuencias. (Visor - Venezuela)
  • Dawson_Isla_10 CinetecaChilena.pdf

    Basada en el libro homónimo de Sergio Bitar, Dawson Isla 10 Muestra la estadía forzada de los ministros y colaboradores del derrocado presidente Salvador Allende en el campo de concentración ubicado en la Isla Dawson, al sur de Chile. Aquí la temática son los derechos humanos, la relegación y los campos de concentración. La película nos permite acercanos a esa verdad y, también, reforzar el tema de la memoria, para que algo como lo ocurrido en esa isla no vuelva a repetirse. (Cineteca Nacional de Chile)
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    Basada en el libro homónimo de Sergio Bitar, Dawson Isla 10 Muestra la estadía forzada de los ministros y colaboradores del derrocado presidente Salvador Allende en el campo de concentración ubicado en la Isla Dawson, al sur de Chile. Aquí la temática son los derechos humanos, la relegación y los campos de concentración. La película nos permite acercanos a esa verdad y, también, reforzar el tema de la memoria, para que algo como lo ocurrido en esa isla no vuelva a repetirse. (Cineteca Nacional Chile)
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    Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town. (IMDB)
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    Un grupo de jóvenes cubanos analizan temas comunes a su época, expresando sus diferencias con el proyecto político creado por sus padres. (Film's official website)
  • Medina_Después del cine latinoamericano- tradición y renovación_syllabi.pdf

    Un estudio del cine latinoamericano y su desarrollo temático y técnico con un énfasis en la producción contemporánea.
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    Día dos adopta un tema antropológico clave: el parentesco y su articulación por medio del ritual del matrimonio. El documental de Cerano narra la forma en que la comunidad colma de regalos a los recién casados: ollas, sábanas, baldes, sartenes, un molcajete y utensilios de cocina que ellos y sus familiares cargan mientras bailan por las calles yendo de banquete en banquete. En su obra, Cerano adopta una unidad de tiempo, lugar y acción que admiraría incluso a los teóricos más conservadores del cine etnográfico, pues enmarca su tema dentro de un sólo día, un sólo lugar y una sola secuencia de acontecimientos en un ritual de matrimonio. El video muestra un día en la vida del novio y la continuación del ritual de matrimonio que comenzó el día anterior, el día uno, cuyos momentos principales se sintetizan en una serie de imágenes fijas durante los créditos iniciales del documental. Como película etnográfica, el video está claramente dirigido a quienes no pertenecen a la comunidad; la voz en off del director explica, con una narración dispersa e irreverente, partes del ritual que de otra manera resultarían incomprensibles, y sintetiza los movimientos y las relaciones sobre un beat electrónico. (Lerner, Jesse. "Día dos de Dante Cerano: sexo, parentesco y video." Forum for Inter-American Research, vol. 3, no. 1, May 2010,

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    Un audiovisual donde se mezcla el documental y la ficción. Una foto de los años 20 es la imagen de la evocación espiritual. El Grupo Vocal Baobab interpreta los cantos tradicionales del espiritismo cubano. La voz original de la abuela Inocencia y el conjunto de fotos familiares de la realizadora Gloria Rolando, forman parte del relato cuyo objetivo es darle valor, en la historia social de Cuba, a esos pequeños y grandes pasajes de la vida cotidiana de una familia negra. (CubaCine - Portal del ICAIC)
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    Narrates the story of the trip undertaken by a young Ernesto Guevara y Alberto Granado. Before becoming one of the most famous relevationaries of Latin America, Che Guevara decided to travel throughout various Latino countries on his motorcycyle. With his friend by his side, he set out to get to know the people of the countries he visited, their lives, their costumes, and their social standing. Based on the books Notas de viaje, diarios de motocicletas, by Ernesto Guevara, and Con el Che por Ameríca Latina, by Alberto Granado. (Translation by Jessica Batista).
  • Dias_de_santiago Medina.pdf

    Santiago, a retired soldier who fought for his country, Peru, find it hard to adjust back to society while dealing with PTSD and family problems. (IMDB)
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    Santiago, a retired soldier who fought for his country, Peru, find it hard to adjust back to society while dealing with PTSD and family problems. (IMDB)
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    Un actor en decadencia debe competir con la figura del momento por el papel protagónico que le devolverá la fama y el prestigio perdido. Para ello, decide investigar sobre el VIH, y así es que conocerá a una joven con VIH y también a su padre. Después de atravesar situaciones desopilantes, el protagonista entenderá que no es necesario vivir con el virus para comprometerse en la respuesta a la epidemia. (Fundación Huesped)
  • Farrell_Documentary_Civic_Engagement.pdf

    In this course we examine the documentary genre in film and its participation in the public sphere as filmmakers and their audiences demand or create justice in pursuit of participation in Latin America and among Latinx communities. We see how a range of documentarians and their subjects use film to not only hold their communities and governments accountable, but also surface buried stories, and serve as alternative public platforms to reframe memory. We see how, in some communities, through the use of small screens and phone cameras, people write themselves into a more plural and inclusive history. We will examine the theoretical frameworks and documentaries coming from Latin America and Latinx communities on the topic of documentary as justice, while analyzing key documentaries that have used the genre to reveal and remember buried stories. This course and the documentaries analyzed will be in Spanish and as such we recognize our privilege interacting with these materials as Spanish-speakers and students of Spanish as another level of engagement, activism, and community.  

    As we examine the voices captured in these texts celebrating, narrating, criticizing, and challenging terms such as the limits of the documentary genre, democracy, nation, sovereignty, racism and gender, we too will continue to develop our own voices using the written word scaffolding our writing through a low-stakes and higher-stakes on-going practice. We will use writing throughout the course to think through texts, shape our own voices in Spanish as well as respond to each other to foster a supportive community of thinkers, writers, and Spanish-speakers. 

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    Domésticas is not a film about maid-servants but a film by maid-servants. Domésticas wants to give them a voice. Or rather: voices. No less than 3 million women in Brazil work as 'domestics' and they all have stories to tell. Domésticas is however not a film about the life of the maidservant in the city, not a critical look at harsh reality: this film is about the characters as storytellers. Domésticas is the film version of one of the most popular and widely praised modern Brazilian stage plays. As preparation for the play, hundreds of maid-servants were interviewed and the five most important characters were compiled from the conversations. What makes the film special is not just the subject, but also the form. The film starts as a documentary. The five women talk to the camera about themselves, about their desires, frustrations, problems and pleasures. As the film progresses, more and more space is given to pictures to illustrate their stories. They are universal stories about women wrestling with loneliness, ambitions, conflicts with partners and children, loss and pain. But it is not all bad times. New, exciting encounters, music and mutual solidarity provide sparkling interludes in their heavy existence. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
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    Don gato y su pandilla están de vuelta. Ellos se enfrentan a un nuevo jefe de policía, Strictland (Lucas Buenrostro), quien tiene un sinfín de recursos tecnológicos a su disposición y el objetivo de apoderarse de la ciudad. Don Gato termina injustamente en la cárcel de perros y separado de los suyos a causa de Strictland (Lucas Buenrostro). Quedará en sus manos y en las de su pandilla vencer al villano y recuperar el callejón. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    María García, heredera de una fábrica tradicional de tequila en Los Altos de Jalisco, intenta mantener su fábrica a flote en un mercado dominado, cada vez más, por corporaciones extranjeras. Ella contrata a Rafaela, una nueva administradora, quien reaviva sus esperanzas de sobrevivir a sus múltiples crisis. Cuando una plaga y una inundación dañan irreversiblemente la ya limitada plantación de agave de María, ella se ve obligada a reaccionar en contra de la presión extranjera que intenta ahorcar su negocio y también parte de su identidad. (Film Affinity ES)
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