
Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Cinema


Title / Título (Original)

Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Cinema

Description / Descripción

This interdisciplinary course seeks to review and analyze the complexity of contemporary society through the study of Latin American and Spanish film production. We will explore topics that relates to issues of ethnicity, class representation, immigration and exile, dictatorship, experiences of war and violence, globalization, gender, as well as sexual and racial identities, among other themes. The course has a transatlantic approach covering different genres, styles, and filmmakers from Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, and Uruguay. Class discussions in Forum, activities, presentations, reflections, and a final multimodal research project will help to improve and expand students’ analytical skills as well as their Spanish language proficiency.

Region / Región

Latin America / Latinoamérica

Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico

Creator / Creador(a)

Maybel Mesa Morales, Providence College



“Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Cinema,” Cinegogía, accessed October 6, 2024,