
Browse Items (186 total)

  • eco de la montaña.jpg

    Santos de la Torre es un artista huichol que prácticamente es un desconocido en México; vive en la Sierra Madre Occidental. El documental lo seguirá en su peregrinaje a Wirikuta donde pedirá permiso a los dioses para hacer un nuevo mural y cuya elaboración se registrará paso a paso, desde su concepción y diseño, hasta su levantamiento como obra acabada así que se le acompañará en su recorrido de 620 kilómetros por la llamada Ruta del Peyote, que está en peligro de desaparecer, en sus ofrendas y sacrificios para después seguirlo en su nueva empresa: la creación de una nueva obra, la cual ilustrará la historia, mitología y prácticas religiosas del pueblo huichol. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    Bajo la dirección creativa de Gael García Bernal, once directores retratan el impacto de la deserción escolar en América Latina a través de un largometraje maravillosamente diverso y complejo. Viaja a siete países y explora las razones por las que casi la mitad de los estudiantes de secundaria nunca se gradúa. (Cine Aparte)
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    Una banda de ladrones aterroriza a la alta sociedad de la Ciudad de México en 1915. Los asesinatos, robos y secuestros se suceden mientras un detective sigue la huella de los criminales. (Cine Mexicano)
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    An old potter and his granddaughter are invited to an archaeological convention in Acapulco where they are hired to create a copy of a well-known Mexica artifact in order to protect the original. (Film Affinity US)
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    El recién ordenado padre Amaro llega a la iglesia del pueblo de Los Reyes donde conoce a la devota, inocente y sensual Amelia de la que poco a poco se enamora, hecho que lo llevará a transgredir sus votos y a vivir una tragedia cuando ésta quede embarazada y la lleve a abortar. (Filmoteca UNAM)
  • el_curandero_de_las_comunidades_indígenas_de_los_Altos_de_Chipas.jpg

    Cuando Jacinto cae enfermo, sus parientes llaman a un curandero local para que lo cure. Esta visión íntima de las prácticas tradicionales de curación mayas, revela los valores indígenas para enfrentar los aspectos físicos, espirituales y psicológicos de la enfermedad y de la curación, a menudo en fuerte contraposición con las técnicas médicas de occidente. El Curandero es el primer drama-ficción producido por las comunidades indígenas de Chiapas. Los actores son de Magdalena, una pequeña comunidad de las montañas. (La Iniciativa de Comunicación)
  • El diablo nunca duerme.jpg

    Cinta sobre la misteriosa muerte del tío de la realizadora en Chihuahua y de cómo reaccionó su familia ante la posibilidad de un suicidio. Es un reflejo de la sociedad actual de provincia. El gobierno está lleno de secretos que todo el mundo sabe pero no lo dice. (Filmoteca UNAM)
  • Podalsky_Laura_ANC_syllabi2.pdf

    Este curso pretende ofrecerles a los estudiantes una introducción al cine latinoamericano al trazar su trayectoria histórica desde el cine mudo al presente, al examinar diferentes contextos y modos de producción, y al analizar diferentes tendencias estéticas. A la vez, se propone darles una introducción al análisis fílmico al familiarizarles con los términos especializados y con varias líneas críticas que han surgido del campo de los estudios fílmicos. Este trimestre nos enfocaremos en el documental y, más ampliamente, en el “impulso documental” el cual se hace evidente en películas que se suelen caracterizar como de ficción.
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    El lugar sin límites (1978), directed by Arturo Ripstein, is a film about a male transvestite who owns a brothel in a sleepy town in rural Mexico. The protagonist, La Manuela, refuses to sell it to the local cacique (strongman) much to the disappointment of his daughter who wants to move elsewhere to work. The film chronicles the return of Pancho, a hot-headed individual who desires La Manuela. As the plot unravels we are able to see a clash of personalities, power relations and gender dynamics. In the film La Manuela and Pancho represent to opposites that attract. Pancho is an indebted, hot-headed truck driver that is down and out. He is a virile and strong man overcome by desire and obsessed with control over women and men. In short he is the stereotypical macho. La Manuela is also a strong character, a desirable and confident feminine transvestite. Her transvestism threatens the machismo represented by Pancho. She is a destabilizing force for heterosexual and masculine anxieties. Source: Agredano, Hector. "El lugar sin límites." (Re)Queering Mexican History, 2013,
  • el_ombligo.jpg

    Guie’dani, una niña indígena zapoteca, se muda a la Ciudad de México con su madre, donde reciben trabajo como empleadas domésticas para una familia acomodada de clase media. Sin embargo, a ella le cuesta adaptarse y se niega a asumir el rol sumiso que se espera de ella. (Filmelier)
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    The testimonies of the indigenous and mestizos, worship, passion, trust, sacrifice, and faith make this one of the most representative and explanatory documentaries about why Mexico is a 'Guadalupan' country. "I wanted to explore two levels: first, the intellectual; in other words, the concepts of an intellectual community from a country that has tackled the theme of 'guadalupanismo'. Second, the visceral, which refers to the aspects or forms of approach between the community and the Virgin, because before you are born and after you die, this figure will be present" Urrusti. (Translation by Jeimy Hernandez)
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    The charitable young rail-way man, Tin Tan, decides to protect his neighbor Carmelita, who rejects his help. In reality, Tin Tan is the boss of a band of thieves who specialize in tricking millionaires, disguising themselves as musicians, painters and singers. This modern Robin Hood's plan gets complicated when Nena, one of the millionaires, tries to persuade him to marry her. (Translation by Angel Carrillo)
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    Martín es un adolescente que escapa de Ushuaia, ciudad más austral del mundo, en busca de su padre. Este viaje es el hilo conductor, donde el protagonista confronta el peligro, el amor, la amistad y los desafíos de la naturaleza. Viaje inicial en el cual la épica, el barroco, lo grotesco y lo fantástico se confunden. Viaje interior y periplo al corazón del continente latinoamericano, pasando por pueblos antiguos y conquistadores hasta el presente, donde se conjugan corrupción y nuevos genocidios. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
  • el violin_Medina.pdf

    In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson. Can the old man ferry out the ammunition in his violin case under the soldiers' nose? (IMDB)
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    In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson. Can the old man ferry out the ammunition in his violin case under the soldiers' nose? (IMDB)
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    The film narrates the story of a small town girl and a revolutionary general during the Mexican Revolution in the city of Cholula, Puebla. Caught at first in a power struggle, the girl leaves home to go on a journey with the revolutionary, leaving her family and her fiance on the day of her weding (Translation by Angel).
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    Filmado originalmente para ser difundido por televisión, el documental se estructura en 20 capítulos por orden alfabético. Se busca, mediante una progresión didáctica, dar un panorama global de la problemática del Valle del Mezquital, tanto en su perspectiva local como en sus implicaciones nacionales e incluso en el marco internacional. El esquema no está exento de complejidad y la película pone especial énfasis en los aspectos sociales, económicos y políticos de la cuestión. (Filmoteca UNAM)
  • Ex Generación.png

    Un grupo de jóvenes cubanos emigrados a México reflexionan sobre las causas de su exilio, y lo que han ganado y perdido tras su decisión. Una mirada a la identidad y los anhelos de los migrantes cubanos. (Film's official website)
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    José Luis es fusilado durante el movimiento revolucionario por defender a su mujer y a su hijo. El era hijo de un terrateniente quien siempre se opuso a su relación con Esperanza por ser la hija de un campesino. Ella narra a su hijo la historia. (Filmoteca UNAM)
  • Fresa y chocolate_Medina.pdf

    Diego, a cultivated, homosexual and skeptical young man, falls in love with a young heterosexual communist full of prejudices and doctrinal ideas. First come rejection and suspicion, but also fascination. Fresa y chocolate is a coming-of-age story, told through the development of a great friendship which overcomes incomprehension and intolerance. (IMDB)
  • fresa y chocolate_filmography.jpg

    Diego, a cultivated, homosexual and skeptical young man, falls in love with a young heterosexual communist full of prejudices and doctrinal ideas. First come rejection and suspicion, but also fascination. Fresa y chocolate is a coming-of-age story, told through the development of a great friendship which overcomes incomprehension and intolerance. (IMDB)
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    The most prominent female painter of Latin America, Frida Kahlo, is agonizing in her Coyoacán home. She evokes memories of her childhood, of the streetcar accident that caused her to terrible pain and affliction, her friendship with Trotsky and painter Alfaro Siquieros, her marriage to Diego Rivera, her miscarriage, her political commitment, her long affairs and the anticipated exhibition of her works. (IMDB)
  • Gente_de_mar_y_viento.jpg

    En el itsmo de Tehuantepec, en el pueblo Álvaro Obregón de Juchitán, Oaxaca, los integrantes de una comunidad Binnizá (zapoteca) se encuentran bajo constante amenaza desde que una transnacional pretende instalar un parque eólico en el mar sin el consentimiento de la comunidad. Los pobladores han resistido desde el principio; organizaron y crearon una policía comunitaria que vigila la zona en conflicto. Herminio y Mariano, dos pescadores zapotecas, han vivido de manera activa este proceso de lucha y resistencia. Esta película forma parte de Ambulante Más Allá, un proyecto de formación documental que mantiene el propósito de acompañar los primeros pasos de nuevos realizadores en México y Centroamérica. (FilmInLatino)
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    Guenati’za narra la breve historia de una familia zapoteca que radica en Los Ángeles, y su regreso a celebrar una fiesta a su pueblo: San Juan Evangelista Analco, situado en la Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca. (Cineteca Nacional México)
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    "Sombra" y "Santos" viven en un extraño limbo desde que la huelga en la UNAM estalló. Sin saber qué lado tomar, sin escuela, sin propósito en los días, los dos amigos inventan extrañas maneras de matar el tiempo. Pero su rutina es interrumpida con la llegada inesperada de Tomás, el hermano menor de "Sombra". Tomás descubre que su héroe, Epigmenio Cruz, un mítico cantante de los años 60, agoniza en algún hospital recóndito y convence a "Sombra" y a "Santos" de ir a rendirle homenaje. La búsqueda de Epigmenio se convierte en un viaje de tres días atravesando las fronteras invisibles de la ciudad de México, que los llevará a descubrir que no pueden huir de sí mismos, ni de la huelga que creyeron dejar atrás. (Filmoteca UNAM)
  • Farrell_Hispanic Film_syllabi.pdf

    This course examines film by Spanish and Latin American directors. Students study films as an independent genre using specific structural forms as the means of analysis (close-up, soundtrack, frame, etc.). Students will formulate interpretations that move between the formal, technical composition of films and the concrete socio-historic and cultural reality to which each film refers and shapes. Course activities include screening of films, discussion of articles that focus on literary theory and film analysis, and writing short papers.
  • Stone_syllabi 2.pdf

    The history of filmmaking in Latin America, as in other parts of the world, has largely taken place in Hollywood's shadow. Whether seeking to adapt US cinematic conventions to a different cultural context or experimenting with radically new paradigms that turn conventional filmmaking on its head, Hollywood has been an indispensable reference point. We will focus on the “Golden Age” of Mexican cinema in the ‘40s and ‘50s, the revolutionary "New Cinema" movement of the ‘60s and ‘70s, and other significant trends such as the growing numbers of women screenwriters and of films focusing on issues related to sexuality and gender in the ‘80s and ‘90s, as well as the increasing globalization of the industry in the new millennium, to the point that the very concept of "national" cinema has lost much of its resonance.
  • Franco_Indigenous_Afrodescendant_Syllabus.pdf

    This course serves as an introduction to film analysis by studying Latin American cinema, with a focus on Afro-descendant and indigenous communities. We will analyze the representation of indigenous people in contemporary Latin American cinema, and highlight the contributions of indigenous media to current discussions about indigeneity and decolonization. In addition, we will examine the cinematic representa-tion of Afro-Latin Americans and explore the cultural legacy of the African diaspora through Latin American film. The course will highlight important social and political issues concerning historically marginalized voices in Latin America, as well as how cinematography, as an artistic medium, grapples with questions of representation, identity, memory, and activism. Movies will be screened in Spanish (in some cases, Portuguese and indigenous languages, with Spanish subtitles). Class conducted in Spanish.

  • Moret_Inmigración en el cine.pdf

    This course is designed for students taking an intermediate to advanced Spanish course with focus on Hispanic culture and language through film. Undoubtedly, films are a rich source of
    meaningful cultural information and students can come to understand much about a country’s culture through the discussion and analysis of films. The combination of sound, image and language provided by the films engages and stimulates students’ senses and cognitive faculties simultaneously. Films will be selected from a variety of Hispanic countries, emphasizing the connection between language, culture, society and visual representation. The main topic or
    theme of this course will be the representation of ‘migration’ in the Hispanic Contemporary Films: women, slavery, trafficking, displacement and groups of people traveling from Spain to
    Latin America, from Africa to Spain and other itineraries.
  • Rabin_Intro_Spanish_Language_Film.pdf

    This course is an introduction to appreciating and understanding film art as it relates to the rich and diverse cinema history of Latin America. Conducted entirely in Spanish, the course focuses on students’ acquisition of knowledge on the material and principles of film form, or the basic elements of film narrative, mise-en-scène, editing, and sound. Students will be asked to put their new knowledge into practice by watching closely and analyzing major films produced across the Latin American regions in the 20th and 21st centuries, from Argentina to Chile to Bolivia to Chile to Brazil to Cuba to Mexico. A variety of film genres will be enjoyed, including the documentary, the musical, the comedy, the thriller, the coming-of-age movie and the road film. The “New Latin American Cinema” or the socially-engaged film of the 1960s and 1970s will also receive attention in the course. In addition to studying film as an art form we will also tackle prominent issues in contemporary film studies, including film theory, the history of audiences and the role of cinema as a form of mass media.
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    Cinta basada en una leyenda Purepecha que se desarrolla en la isla de Janitzio, en Michoacán. Se refiere a la trágica historia de una bella indígena deseada por un forastero quien se sacrifica entregándose a él para que su hombre pueda ser liberado y no sea asesinado. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    El cineasta recorrió varios estados de la República para plasmar testimonios muy elocuentes sobre la grave situación del campo y de quienes lo trabajan. Muestra el difícil camino seguido por los campesinos del sur para acceder a las zonas de mayor desarrollo del noroeste, en busca de mejores posibilidades de subsistencia. Y aunque filmado en 1977, la situación sigue siendo tan grave como antes. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    The story is about an indigenous man who, after the death of his wife, needs to find a metate (stone object to grind corn dough) that will symbolically resolve his daughter’s marriage and his fault for the death of his wife. The subject of history is about the problem of gender equity in indigenous peoples. (FICM)
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    El Presidente de la República comete uno más de sus frecuentes disparates. TV MX, la poderosa Corporación Mexicana de Televisión, tiene que ayudar a su amigo y aliado a salir del problema antes de que se convierta en otra grave crisis de imagen y popularidad. Para desviar la atención, la televisora da a conocer en su noticiero estelar, y de manera muy escandalosa, un video que involucra al Gobernador Carmelo Vargas en horrendos crímenes y graves negocios ilícitos. El Gober Vargas, preocupado por su futuro político, decide negociar un millonario y secreto acuerdo con los dueños de la televisora. Carlos Rojo, un joven y ambicioso productor de noticias; Ricardo Díaz, reportero estrella de la televisora y Javier Pérez Harris, conductor del noticiero estelar, son comisionados para cambiar la imagen que la opinión pública tiene del corrupto y folclórico Gober, y lograr - a cualquier costo convertirlo en una fulgurante estrella política y un posible candidato a la presidencia. La Televisión ya puso un Presidente. ¿Lo volverá a hacer? (El Séptimo Arte)
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    Millionaire Antonio gives his wife a statue of a naked women as an anniversary gift. The model who posed for the statue is Raquel, Antonio's mistress. Raquel demands that Antonio divorce his wife. Soon after, she dies from a misterious cause. Antonio is forced to marry Raquel so that no one finds out about the unnatural circumstances surrounding the death of his ex-wife. (Translation by Angel Carrillo)
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    The Chiapas Media Project documents the work of the Chiapas Media Project. The 11 minute video features interviews with community members about the effects of the militarization in Chiapas and the different ways that video technology will be used by the communities to record human rights abuses, cultural and religious events, cooperatives and women's work. The Indigenous Family takes an intimate look at the role of men and women in the community of Ejido Morelia. Men and women discuss their individual and collective work. Shot and edited by community members only six weeks after their first exposure to video equipment, this six minute work contains unique shots inside the homes and work places of proud campesinos struggling for a better life. (World Cat)
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    Juan crosses the slums of his city in Guatemala to a dump, where he picks up his friend, the scavenger Samuel; meanwhile, Sara cuts her hair and bandages her breasts in order to pass for a boy - a step which, as will be seen some time later, is absolutely necessary, although perhaps not enough. Together, the three begin a long journey, first by boat and then across Mexico on top of freight trains, looking for a chance to cross to the United States illegally. At one point, they are joined by the Guatemalan Indian Chauk, a boy who does not speak a word of Spanish and is as poor as the trio. But still, he is rejected by Juan, who believes himself to be the leader of the group and, above all, is jealous of Sara. From this friction, some of the misfortunes they will face arise; others are simply the result of chance - especially accidents that usually affect the unprotected and poor. The film by Spanish director Diego Quemada Díez, however, is far from messy: it is, on the contrary, dry, economical, and uncompromising in its portrayal, making a lack of perspective so extreme that it defies the imagination. (Translation by Andrew Magel)
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    Durante el alemanismo, un gris funcionario público es nombrado presidente municipal de un pueblo con fuertes carencias. Aunque al principio decide cumplir honradamente con su encomienda, pronto la corrupción reinante termina por convertirlo en un monstruo hambriento de poder. Remitiéndose al pasado, el director Luis Estrada y un equipo de escritores entre quienes está Vicente Leñero, orquesta una estupenda sátira sobre los vicios más deplorables del ejercicio del poder en nuestro país. (Cineteca Nacional México)
  • Mujer_de_benjamin Medina.pdf

    Old bachelor Benjamin (Lopez Rojas) still lives with his sister Micaela (Doria) in the boredom of a small town. His only entertainment is getting together with a bunch of old men and spare time playing like children. Benjamin falls inlove with beautiful and young Natividad (Ramirez). First, he writes love letters for her. Then, when this strategy fails, Benjamin and the old men plan to abduct her and wait for her falling in love. (IMDB)
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    Old bachelor Benjamin (Lopez Rojas) still lives with his sister Micaela (Doria) in the boredom of a small town. His only entertainment is getting together with a bunch of old men and spare time playing like children. Benjamin falls inlove with beautiful and young Natividad (Ramirez). First, he writes love letters for her. Then, when this strategy fails, Benjamin and the old men plan to abduct her and wait for her falling inlove. (IMDB)
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    Rosario (Andrea Palma) becomes a prostitute after losing her father and discovering her boyfriend had a liaison with another woman. In Veracruz, Rosario lives above a sordid cabaret "selling her love to the men coming from the sea." One night, sailor Alberto (Soler) rescues Rosario from the dirty hands of a drunk man. They get along and go to Rosario's room. After making love, they begin to talk and Rosario discovers they're siblings... (IMDB)
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    La Negrada is the first Mexican feature film about the Afro-Mexican community, filmed entirely with people from different towns around the Costa Chica in Oaxaca. Neri, a fisherman, splits his time between two women: his wife Juanita with whom he has a daughter and his lover Magdalena, mother of three additional children. Things are about to change for Neri as Juanita falls gravely ill and Magdalena prepares to take her place. Shot entirely on the beautiful beaches of Corralera in Oaxaca and featuring a cast of non-professional actors from the nearby communities, La Negrada explores the social mores of and the discrimination faced by Mexico’s unacknowledged black community. Sources: Pan African Film Festival & Cinema Tropical
  • La noche de los mayas.jpg

    This movie tells the tragic tale of love between a beautiful Mayan woman and a white man in the gum trade who stumbles upon a tribe of people living exactly in the manner of their Mayan ancestors (WorldCat). Before the interloper's astonished eyes, a fascinating romantic drama plays itself out, as huntsman Uz falls in love with Lol with the mystical intervention of "apprentice witch" Zeb. Their relationship angers the native Mayan Gods who show their anger by causing drought and hunger. They will only be appeased by sacrificing the young girl. (IMDB)
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    Es la historia de Dolores Santiz, Pascuala Díaz, Floriano Enrique Ronyk y Flavio Jiménez, provenientes de diferentes etnias indígenas de Chiapas y que impulsan un largo recorrido que incluye la salida de la comunidad de nacimiento, la instalación en la urbe y en ella la lucha —el sueño— actual para una vida digna y justa; así como la búsqueda del reconocimiento de una nueva comunidad, con todas sus problemáticas, pero que está adquiriendo una nueva fuerza y la construcción diaria de una nueva identidad que ya no quiere ser un estigma, sino un orgullo. (Film Affinity ES)
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    Quino is a Mexican diver who discovers a pearl at the bottom of the sea. He and his wife Juana, and their son have just taken possession of a pearl that is worth thousands. Everyday people try to get in on the cash, even Pearl Dealers try to rip them off. When Quino is attacked one day, he kills his attackers in self defence. His brother suggests their only hope is to leave the village. But on their journey to give their son an education they never had, someone may just do anything to prevent it. (IMDB)
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    La presencia de los esclavos africanos en México ha sido desconocida por la historia oficial. La raíz olvidada incursiona en este tema desconocido para la mayor parte de la población mexicana. (SIC México)
  • La_rebelión_de_las_oaxaqueñas.jpg

    El conflicto actual en Oaxaca comenzó el 14 de junio de 2006 cuando el gobernador del estado ordenó a la policía desalojar el plantón magisterial instalado en el zócalo de la ciudad. Las acciones de ese día desataron la rebelión, conformando la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca. Miles de mujeres se involucraron en la lucha y su activismo adoptó diversas formas, incluyendo la instalación y sostenimiento de barricadas por toda la ciudad. Este documental narra la historia de estas mujeres, quienes a partir de distintas realidades se unieron en una sola lucha. (Sistema de Información Cultural, México)
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    Virginia awaits the visit of Marcelo, whom she has not seen for four years. While arranging the details of his visit, Virginia strategically hides a videocamera to tape the encounter. In addition to spending a more than friendly evening together, Marcelo will help Virginia complete her film school homework. (Translation by Jeimy Hernandez)
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    La tiricia es la enfermedad del alma por la cual el corazón se entristece. Esta es la historia de tres generaciones tirisientas: Ita, Justa y Alicia (abuela, madre e hija) han padecido, tolerado y permitido el abuso, alentando con ello la enfermedad. Alicia decide romper con ese círculo y no heredarlo a la siguiente generación. (IMCINE catálogo, Cinema México, Producciones 2012-2014)
  • La vida de la mujer en Resistencia.jpg

    Realizado por hombres y mujeres de la comunidad Resistencia hacia un Nuevo Amanecer en el municipio tzeltal de Francisco Villa, trata del papel cambiante de las mujeres como se ha experimentado dentro de esa comunidad. Como ya hemos visto, el empoderamiento de las mujeres ha sido siempre una prioridad del EZLN, ya que su Ley Revolucionaria de las Mujeres plantea un proyecto de derechos humanos que reconoce plenamente la equidad de género. Sin embargo, una década después del inicio del levantamiento, el video indica que la implementación del proyecto no ha sido fácil. La vida de la mujer en resistencia retrata la lucha de sujetos social y económicamente marginados, cuya existencia nunca ha sido reconocida. Estando entre las poblaciones más pobres de México, son invisibles como parte de una nación supuestamente en plena modernización; además, como mujeres, enfrentan actitudes patriarcales en que no son valorados ni las palabras ni los actos del sexo femenino. (Rashkin, Elissa. "Mujeres zapatistas y producción videográfica en Chiapas." Kamchatka. Revista de análisis cultural 12, diciembre 2018, pp. 155-174. DOI: 10.7203/KAM.12.12350)
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