
Indigenous & Afro-descendant Representation in Contemporary Latin American Film


Title / Título (Original)

Indigenous & Afro-descendant Representation in Contemporary Latin American Film

Description / Descripción

This course serves as an introduction to film analysis by studying Latin American cinema, with a focus on Afro-descendant and indigenous communities. We will analyze the representation of indigenous people in contemporary Latin American cinema, and highlight the contributions of indigenous media to current discussions about indigeneity and decolonization. In addition, we will examine the cinematic representa-tion of Afro-Latin Americans and explore the cultural legacy of the African diaspora through Latin American film. The course will highlight important social and political issues concerning historically marginalized voices in Latin America, as well as how cinematography, as an artistic medium, grapples with questions of representation, identity, memory, and activism. Movies will be screened in Spanish (in some cases, Portuguese and indigenous languages, with Spanish subtitles). Class conducted in Spanish.

Region / Región

Caribbean / Caribe
Latin America / Latinoamérica

Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico

Creator / Creador(a)

Bridget V. Franco, College of the Holy Cross



“Indigenous & Afro-descendant Representation in Contemporary Latin American Film,” Cinegogía, accessed October 8, 2024,