
Browse Items (150 total)

  • o_dia_de_Jerusa.jpg

    "The Day of Jerusa" narrates the encounter between Jerusa (Lea Garcia), a resident of an old townhouse of Bixiga with the young Silvia, played by Deborah Marcal, which circulates through the traditional São Paulo neighborhood doing opinion research on soap in powder. The story emerges from observations of everyday life, to cycle through the streets of São Paulo, Brazil. (Kweli TV)
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    Documentary made by the Vídeo nas Aldeias project, showing the reactions of the indigenous group Waiãpi, contacted in 1973 during the construction of the Perimetral-Norte highway in Amapá, when seeing their own image and that of Indians Gavião, Nhambiquara, Krahô, Guarani and Kaiapó on a television set. Without a reporter or narrator, editing is restricted, in order to interfere or guide the testimonials as little as possible. The title refers to the statement of the shaman who felt affected when he saw images of a ritual to evoke spirits on the screen. The recognition of similar tribes, the image of their tribe in face of white people and gold miners who threaten them, and the preservation of image and memory through video fascinate and concern the communties who recognize not only the effects and threats of video, but mainly its effectiveness and its power. (Associação Cultural Videobrasil)
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    Roque e Pudim, compositores da velha guarda da Vai-Vai, partilham uma quitinete, décadas de amizade, o amor pela escola de samba e uma dúvida do passado: o que aconteceu com a passista Rita, paixão de ambos. O surgimento de Ritinha, filha da dançarina, e as sombras do compositor Chico Buarque, ameaçam desmoronar essa grande amizade. (46 Mostra Internacional de Cinema- Sao Paulo International Film Festival)
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    O jornalista Fernando (Pedro Cardoso) e seu amigo César (Selton Mello) abraçam a luta armada contra a ditadura militar no final da década de 60. Os dois alistam num grupo guerrilheiro de esquerda. Em uma das ações do grupo militante, César é ferido e capturado pelos militares. Fernando então planeja o sequestro do embaixador dos Estados Unidos no Brasil, Charles Burke Elbrick (Alan Arkin), para negociar a liberdade de César e de outros companheiros presos. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)
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    A vida numa rua de classe-média na zona sul do Recife toma um rumo inesperado após a chegada de uma milícia que oferece a paz de espírito da segurança particular. A presença desses homens traz tranqulidade para alguns, e tensão para outros, numa comunidade que parece temer muita coisa. Enquanto isso, Bia, casada e mãe de duas crianças, precisa achar uma maneira de lidar com os latidos constantes do cão de seu vizinho. Uma crônica brasileira, uma reflexão sobre história, violência e barulho. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    The Summer of Gods is a short film about a young girl named Lili who unites with her Afro-Brazilian religious ancestry on a summer visit with family to their ancestral village in rural Brazil. During her stay, she encounters Orishas (African gods) who help her find peace with a gift that has previously vexed her. The film is set in the Northeast of Brazil where Afro-Brazilian religious traditions remain strong. Lili's Grandma upholds Orisha traditions as an admired local priestess, but to ensure these traditions carry on after she passes, the gifted Lili is led on a mystical adventure of initiation through a nearby forest. (Film's Official Website)
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    Uma investigação cuidadosa, baseada em imagens de arquivo, entrevistas e documentos oficiais, sobre o seqüestro de um ônibus em plena zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. O incidente, que aconteceu em 12 de junho de 2000, foi filmado e transmitido ao vivo por quatro horas, paralisando o país. No filme a história do seqüestro é contada paralelamente à história de vida do seqüestrador, intercalando imagens da ocorrência policial feitas pela televisão. É revelado como um típico menino de rua carioca transforma-se em bandido e as duas narrativas dialogam, formando um discurso que transcende a ambas e mostrando ao espectador porque o Brasil é um país é tão violento. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)
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    Por meio de depoimentos de estudantes, a classe média carioca é retratada de maneira a salientar seus gestos, seus gostos, e sobretudo sua distância frente a realidade brasileira. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    O célebre compositor Orfeu se apaixona por uma recém chegada ao morro, Eurídice. Mas tudo se complica, pois Orfeu é desejado por várias forças. No entanto, por seu amor descerá ao mundo dos mortos. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Young lovers Orfeu (Breno Mello) and Eurydice (Marpessa Dawn) run through the favelas of Rio during Carnaval, on the lam from a hitman dressed like Death (Ademar Da Silva) and Orfeu's vengeful fiancée Mira (Lourdes de Oliveira) and passing between moments of fantasy and stark reality. This impressionistic retelling of the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice introduced bossa nova to the world with its soundtrack by young Brazilian composers Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim. (IMDB)
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    While giving an overall look at the documented history of BLACK MOVEMENTS in Brazil (during the 70s and 80s), ORI tells the story of a woman, Beatriz Nascimento, activist and historian, who searches for her identity through research into the history of the "QUILOMBOS" as warrior establishments and focuses of cultural resistance, from 15th-century Africa to Brazil in the 20th century. (Culture Unplugged - watch complete film here)
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    Ori Inu: In Search of Self is a coming-of-age story about a young immigrant woman who must choose between conforming her identity and spirituality to the cultural norms of America or revisiting her roots in the Afro-Brazilian religion called Candomble. The film stars Tony Award winner Tonya Pinkins and feature the Grammy-nominated Afropean duo Les Nubians among others. (IMDB)
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    Apenas seis anciões da população Manoki na Amazônia brasileira ainda falam o idioma indígena, um risco iminente de perderem o meio pelo qual se comunicam com seus espíritos. Apesar desse ser um assunto difícil, os mais jovens decidem narrar em imagens e palavras a sua versão dessa longa história de relações com os não indígenas, falando sobre as suas dores, desafios e desejos. Apesar de todas dificuldades do contexto atual, a luta e a esperança ecoam em várias dimensões do curta-metragem, indicando que “a língua manoki viverá! (Laboratorio de Imagem e Som em Antropologia)
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    Ano de 1963, policiais chegam a uma cidade pobre do Nordeste brasileiro para impedir que a população saqueie um depósito de alimentos. Em meio a um cenário desolador, os policiais ficam chocados com a negligência do governo que, ao invés de mandar alimentos para os moradores famintos, manda soldados.(Adoro Cinema)
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    Durante os dias de atentado do PCC em São Paulo, a realidade de uma família de periferia é alterada com a chegada de três jovens barulhentos que alugam a casa vizinha. Valter, Iara e seus dois filhos pequenos passam a dormir mal. Valter, empregado em uma banca de frutas, se atormenta com as mudanças no cotidiano de sua rua, que conhece apenas pela narrativa de Iara. Iara, desde a chegada dos novos inquilinos, lhe parece cada dia mais bonita. Logo, eles percebem que os três rapazes fazem parte do crime organizado. O uso da violência parece ser inevitável, e eles começam a se sentir acuados. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    É um documentário de Bruno Pacheco, produzido nos primeiros anos da década passada, com poplações indígenas de diferentes regiões do país. O filme é um resumo das movimentações políticas- e seus resultados- desde a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, sob o ponto de vista de lideranças indígenas e as expectativas quanto ao futuro. Preservação da cultura, terras, respeito à sua identidade indígena, acesso à educaçāo e saúde sāo alguns dos temas mais importantes para essas proulações e guiam seus movimientos e articulações. (Povos do Brasil)
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    Pixote, a child from the streets of São Paulo, is arrested by the police and sent to a juvenile detention center where he and the other adolescents endure abuse and sexual violation by police officers. When two runaways are murdered and the police frame Lilica, a transgender woman, Pixote escapes with her and their friends to begin living a life of crime. (Film synopsis by Éowyn Bailey)
  • Shamash_FIST434_CourseSyllabus.pdf

    By tracing a Latin American centric social, geo-political, cultural, historical, cinematic map, we will be looking at the praxis of key visionary filmmakers and cinematic movements. We will examine how these filmmakers, their films, their texts, and their legacies engage local and global contexts. Cinema from the global south is not an addendum to "First World Cinema"; the majority of world cinema is actually produced in the "Third World”. By mapping the vibrant, often neglected, legacy of Latin American cinema, we will revisit films from New Latin American Cinema to more contemporary films from the continent in order to delve into the poetry and politics of a subjective repertoire of films. By grounding our critical approach and analyses in the historical, theoretical, political, social, economic, and cultural framework that these films were created in, “Poetry and Politics in Latin American Cinema” aims to deconstruct some of the dominant, oppressive discourses and colonial systems that provoked the counter-narratives and resistance manifest in these cinematic works.

  • Medina_Postmodernismo: la historia en la producción cultural latinoamericana_syllabi.pdf

    Un estudio de la representación de la historia en la ficción y el cine latinoamericano y su desarrollo temático y técnico con un énfasis en la producción contemporánea.
  • Quanto vale ou e quilo_filmography.jpg

    Uma analogia entre o antigo comércio de escravos e a atual exploração da miséria pelo marketing social, que forma uma solidariedade de fachada. No século XVII um capitão-do-mato captura um escrava fugitiva, que está grávida. Após entregá-la ao seu dono e receber sua recompensa, a escrava aborta o filho que espera. Nos dias atuais uma ONG implanta o projeto Informática na Periferia em uma comunidade carente. Arminda, que trabalha no projeto, descobre que os computadores comprados foram superfaturados e, por causa disto, precisa agora ser eliminada. Candinho, um jovem desempregado cuja esposa está grávida, torna-se matador de aluguel para conseguir dinheiro para sobreviver. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Que horas ela volta? tells the story of Val, a woman from the Northeastern region of Brazil who works as a live-in maid for a well-to-do São Paulo family. At first, as a very brief scene in the beginning of the film indicates, she worked as a nanny for the family's only child, Fabinho (Michel Joelsas), now a late teen, and for that reason she still has very strong quasi-maternal ties with him. She and her employer, Barbara (Karina Teles), appear to have a warm, friendly, relationship until the arrival of Jéssica (Camila Márdila), Val's daughter, who comes to São Paulo in order to prepare for a university entrance examination ("vestibular") at the School of Architecture. Having been raised unaware of her mother's actual situation, and not having seen her mother for over 10 years, Jéssica finds herself, unexpectedly, living temporarily at the house of Val's employers. She is a self-assured young woman who does not understand her mother's social resignation. With time, her presence at the house creates all kinds of problems: Barbara is driven to distraction and Carlos (Lourenço Mutarelli), Barbara's husband (who is responsible for the family's fortune), becomes so infatuated with Jéssica that he ends up proposing to her. The film has a happy, light-comedy ending: Jessica obtains much better results than Fabinho in the university examination, and Val quits her job and rents a house with her daughter in order to help the latter look after her own son, whose existence is revealed only towards the end of the film. (Source: Sá, Lúcia. “Intimacy at Work: Servant and Employer Relations in Que Horas Ela Volta? (The Second Mother).” Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies, vol. 24, no. 3, Dec. 2018, pp. 311–327.)
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    Palmares is a 17th-century quilombo, a settlement of escaped slaves in northeast Brazil. In 1650, plantation slaves revolt and head for the mountains where they find others led by the aged seer, Acotirene. She anoints one who becomes Ganga Zumba, a legendary king. For years, his warriors hold off Portuguese raiders; then he agrees to leave the mountains in exchange for reservation land and peace. It's a mistake. Zumbi, a warrior whose mother was killed by Portuguese and who spent 15 years with the Whites, stays in the mountains to lead Palmares. In 1694, the Portuguese import a ruthless captain from São Paulo to lead an assault on the free Blacks. Can Zumbi keep Palmares free? (IMDB)
  • Wood_Representación_indígena.pdf

    El curso busca analizar las diversas formas en que han aparecido los pueblos indígenas de América Latina en las pantallas de cine, tanto de ficción como documental. Abarca un amplio periodo desde las representaciones en el cine de los primeros tiempos, pasando por los cines clásicos, los nuevos cines, cines políticos e independientes, para culminar en las luchas por la autorrepresentación, principalmente a través del video, que los propios pueblos indígenas emprendieron a partir de la década de los ochenta en casi todo el continente. El panorama de la representación indígena en el cine latinoamericano complejiza una periodización lineal. Si bien el curso está estructurado de manera más o menos cronológica, a lo largo de semestre se propone identificar debates, preocupaciones y formas de representación que permitan lecturas transversales y diacrónicas de los problemas discutidos.

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    Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury is an animated film about Abeguar, an immortal Tupinambá hero, who has been in love with Janaína for 600 hundred years. While narrating their love story, he recounts Brazil’s history of colonization, slavery and the Brazilian military regime, before describing the future, in 2096, when a war for water occurs. (Film synopsis by Éowyn Bailey)
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    Spirit of Light (Great Othello), a talented composer of sambas, tries to sell his music and succeed in Brazil, but gets tricked by opportunists and finds himself trapped in the schemes of the music industry. Left unconscious after a train accident, he recalls moments from his life and career, based in a neighborhood in the north of Rio. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    Num domingo carioca, a vida é retratada através de cinco pequenos vendedores de amendoim. Em Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista e Estádio do Maracanã, pontos turísticos da cidade, eles procuram compradores para seus produtos. O calor escaldante de 40 graus acaba por unir as aflições dos moradores humildes, que buscam algo de melhor para suas vidas. Depois de um dia atribulado, a alegria de viver toma conta de suas vidas, quando participam do ensaio geral das Escolas de Samba. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Live-action segments show members of the Disney staff touring South America and recording their impressions in sketches. These segue into four animated sections: "Lake Titicaca" depicts tourist Donald Duck's troubles with a stubborn llama; "Pedro" tells of a little mail plane's adventures flying over the treacherous Andes; "El Gaucho Goofy" transplants an American cowboy into the Argentine pampas; and in "Aquarela do Brasil," Jose Carioca shows Donald the sights and sounds of Rio de Janiero. (IMDB)
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    Depois que perdeu seu pai, a jovem Carmem vivia sob a proteção de seu tutor, o capitalista Juliano Sampaio. Ambos viviam felizes no solar da província. Juliano tinha uma filha, Neuza, que estudava num colégio da capital. Numa noite de São João, Carmem, apaixonada por Roberto, amigo da família, vê seu amado dispensar os mesmos afagos que lhe dava à Neuza. Em pânico e desesperada, Carmem corre pelos campos, com a única vontade de se matar. Dois primos amigos, Christovão e Max, salvam-na de se afogar e Carmem fica sob os cuidados de Tia Martha, na fazenda do Acaba-Mundo. Integrada àquela boa gente, Carmem desperta a paixão e a discórdia entre os primos, guardando diferentes sentimentos em relação a cada um deles. Com a preocupação de Sampaio, Neuza acaba descobrindo o motivo da fuga de Carmem. Roberto e o velho Franco põe-se à sua procura. Finalmente encontrada, Carmem prefere permanecer em Acaba-Mundo, onde acredita estar sua felicidade, apesar das insistências e súplicas de Roberto e Neuza. Sem resistir aos impulsos do coração, Carmem casa-se com Christovão e partem para o Rio. Max conforma-se com seu destino. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Documentary about the city of São Paulo, Brazil, having as model and inspiration the previous Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (1927). (IMDB)
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    Tras sobrevivir a una masacre que exterminó a su poblado, Carapirú, un indio Awa Guajá, huye y pasa diez años deambulando por las regiones más aisladas de Brasil. En noviembre de 1988, a 2.000 kilómetros de la selva de la que tuvo que escapar, un antropólogo experto en el mundo indígena lo descubre y lo arrastra a Brasilia, donde Carapirú se convierte en un fenómeno mediático. Disolviendo los límites entre realidad y ficción, y con un sentido del humor y una libertad cercana al libertinaje formal, Serras da desordem reconstruye el viaje inicial de Carapirú, y retrata a través de su historia la tragedia de una cultura violada en aras de un progreso inventado y brutal. (Film Affinity ES)
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    Only When I Dance was begun as a hopeful documentary about social projects in Rio’s favelas, the aim being simply to show another side to the Brazilian image of violence and hopelessness, with kids achieving real things in their appallingly blighted neighbourhoods. Director Beadie Finzi and producer Giorgia Lo Savio could never have imagined just what they would end up filming. Having decided that capoeira was overdone as a Brazilian theme, Beadie was drawn to the idea of ballet - she’d been told about a remarkable teacher, Mariza Estrella, who runs Rio’s Centro de Dança, where she gives free lessons to kids she talent-scouts in the favelas. In her top two classes Beadie found two outstanding children: Irlan Santos da Silva, a boy set apart from all others by the intensity of his love of dance, his beautiful physique and his evidently unusual talent, and Isabela Coracy, who faced the biggest barrier possible in her dream of becoming a ballerina: she is black. Even out in the world there are few black classical ballerinas - in Brazil, there are none. (The Arts
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    Juliana está se mudando de Itaúna, no interior do estado, para a periferia de Contagem, na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, para trabalhar no combate a endemias na região. Em seu novo trabalho ela conhece pessoas e vive situações pouco usuais que começam a mudar sua vida. Ao mesmo tempo, ela enfrenta as dificuldades no relacionamento com seu marido, que também está prestes a se mudar para a cidade grande. (Filmes de Plástico)
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    O jornalista e poeta Paulo Martins oscila entre diversas forças políticas que lutam pelo poder no fictício país de Eldorado: D. Porfírio Diaz, um líder de direita e político de tradição, D. Felipe Vieira, governador da Província de Alecrim, líder populista e demagógico, e D. Julio Fuentes, poderoso empresário dono de um império de comunicação. Numa conversa com a militante Sara, Paulo conclui que o povo de Eldorado precisa de um líder e que Vieira possui tais atributos. Eldorado encontra-se entre o golpe de estado e o populismo, entre a crise e a transformação. E Paulo, dividido entre a poesia e a política, agoniza sem conseguir solucionar as incoerências de Eldorado e as suas próprias contradições. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    São Paulo, 13 de março de 1990. Paco mora com a mãe, Manoela, uma costureira espanhola que sonha em rever San Sebastian, sua terra natal. Enquanto vai ao teatro fazer um teste, a mãe assiste ao pronunciamento do presidente Collor, comunicando o confisco da poupança de inúmeros cidadãos brasileiros. Abalada, morre em seguida. Paco, desesperado ao encontrar a mãe morta, vaga pelas ruas de São Paulo. Conhece Igor, que acena com a possibilidade de Paco conhecer San Sebastian trabalhando para ele. Lisboa, 15 de março de 1990. Alex, brasileira, garçonete, cansada do comportamento inconstante de Miguel, seu namorado, decide abandoná-lo. Demite-se do emprego e procura Pedro, um português amigo do casal. Miguel trabalha para Igor, revendendo mercadorias ilegais no exterior. Ao receber um bom dinheiro com a venda de pedras preciosas, ele procura Alex para voltarem ao Brasil. Paco chega a Lisboa para encontrar-se com Miguel e lhe entregar uma encomenda enviada por Igor. Miguel é assassinado e Paco procura outra pessoa que possa recebê-la. Seguindo o rastro de Miguel, Paco conhece Alex. Juntos vão ao lugar onde Miguel costumava fazer as transações. Esperam, mas ninguém chega. Sem condução para voltarem, passam a noite no local e transam. Ao voltar para o hotel, Paco é informado que uma pessoa retirara a mercadoria horas antes e recebe um bilhete que lhe deixaram na portaria marcando um encontro em um restaurante. Lá, dois homens o esperam. Pedem a Paco que entregue as pedras preciosas. Igor chega e o pressiona. Assustado, ele foge e vai atrás de Alex que assume ter retirado a encomenda do hotel. Ela diz haver entregue a um desconhecido o violino dentro do qual estavam as pedras contrabandeadas. Perseguidos por Igor, fogem a caminho de San Sebastian. Param para comer, são surpreendidos por Igor. Ao tentar enganá-lo, Paco é baleado. Alex o coloca no carro, tenta mantê-lo acordado, seguindo a viagem. O homem cego, para quem Alex dera o violino, toca em uma estação. Os transeuntes pisam nas pedras que caem do violino. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Dual forces of climate change and cultural genocide overlap to devastating effect in The Territory, threatening not just a native community but a wider ecosystem — and cheered on by the actively hostile powers that be. Riveting and despairing in equal measure, freshman director Alex Pritz’s documentary immerses us over the course of three years in the lives, livelihoods and dwindling homeland of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people, whose supposedly protected patch of Amazon rainforest is under attack from all sides by farmers, miners and settlers who think nothing of deforesting swaths of jungle that don’t belong to them. For the Uru-eu-wau-wau, themselves rapidly diminishing in number, fighting back is essential but ugly, and anybody hoping for a comfortingly inspirational takeaway from “The Territory” may be disappointed. [...] And while the presence of Darren Aronofsky as a producer may be an additional draw to prospective distributors for this National Geographic-style doc, more telling production credits here go to the Uru-eu-wau-wau themselves. Not content merely to be sympathetic victims under the gaze of the camera, they often wield it themselves, and the film benefits from their righteously inflamed point of view. Pritz shares camera duties here with tribe member Tangae Uru-eu-wau-wau, who brings tense in-the-moment immediacy to footage effectively shot from the frontline of this land battle. Source: Lodge, Guy. "The Territory Review: Indigenous Brazilians Stand Their Ground in an Urgent Environmental Docu-Thriller.", sec. Film, 22 January 2022.
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    A large box arrives for Donald on his birthday, three gifts inside. He unwraps one at a time, and each takes him on an adventure. The first is a movie projector with a film about the birds of South American: Donald watches two cartoons, one tells of a penguin who longs to live on a tropical isle and the other about a gaucho boy who hunts the wild ostrich. The second gift is a pop-up book about Brazil. Inside is Zé Carioca, who takes Donald to Brazil's Bahia for a mix of animation and live action: the two cartoon birds sing and dance with natives. The third gift is a piñata, accompanied by Panchito. A ride on a magic serape takes the three amigos singing and dancing across Mexico. (IMDB)
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    A man is obsessed with John Travolta's disco dancing character from Saturday Night Fever (1977). (IMDB)
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    By tracing a women centric social, geo-political, cultural, historical, cinematic map, we will be looking at the praxis of key women filmmakers across the Americas. From Alanis Obomsawin, to Arlene Bowman, to Ann Marie Fleming, to Amanda Strong in Canada to Chicana filmmakers in the US (i.e. Lourdes Portillo, Sylvia Morales), to Latin American filmmakers (Marta Rodriguez [Colombia]), Patricia Ferreira Yxapy [Brazil], Lucrecia Martel [Argentina]), we will examine the intersectional politics evidenced in their films. This examination will feature discussions grounded in critical approaches to, and analyses of, the historical, theoretical, political, social, economic, and cultural framework of these filmmakers. We will also be revisiting concepts from film theory, such as cult theory and auteur theory, which are traditionally centred around the Euro-Western white male imaginary, in order to subvert, transgress, and redefine film theory from a women and women of color perspective. By deconstructing some of the dominant, oppressive discourses and colonial systems that provoked the counter-narratives and resistance manifest in various women made cinematic works, our goal is to expand our understanding of film culture.
  • Transnational Cinemas_Jeff Midents-anc.pdf

    This seminar explores the breadth of theoretical and cultural perspectives on the complex state of contemporary international cinema. By the end of this course, you will be able to:
    • Apply theoretical and practical contexts to examine “transnational cinema” as a broad concept
    • Explain historical and contemporary trends concerning international cinema
    • Participate within the intellectual conversation concerning narrative, films and, more specifically, international cinema.
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    In this “fake documentary” a doctor returns to Brazil after studies in Paris. Setting out to practice medicine, he becomes an indigenous messiah and, in time, a cannibal. Omar’s cinema distinguishes itself from both the aesthetics of Cinema Novo and Marginal Cinema’s extreme photographic realism by what he has called a “hyper-language,” a collage constructed with many kinds of images, printed words, letters, drawings, symbols, documentary material, archives of family films, snapshots, and, in the voice-over, dozens of texts from anthropological research, baroque narratives, popular almanacs, sermons, poems, and citations of all sorts—all set off with a purposeful and radical lack of perfection in its overall visual look. (Museum of Modern Art, NYC)
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    In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operation Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged. Captain Nascimento is trying to find a man to replace him because his wife is pregnant and he intends to quit the command and become a trainer of the new recruits. Meanwhile, the two idealistic friends Neto and Matias join the Military Police force expecting to become honest policemen and fight the criminals. However, they see only corruption, lack of competence and stupid bureaucracy in the Military Police, and after a serious incident in the Morro da Babilônia, they decide to join the BOPE. The lives of Capitain Nascimento, Neto and Matias are entwined along the next months, first in the tough training period and then in action against drug dealers. (IMDB)
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    In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operation Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged. Captain Nascimento is trying to find a man to replace him because his wife is pregnant and he intends to quit the command and become a trainer of the new recruits. Meanwhile, the two idealistic friends Neto and Matias join the Military Police force expecting to become honest policemen and fight the criminals. However, they see only corruption, lack of competence and stupid bureaucracy in the Military Police, and after a serious incident in the Morro da Babilônia, they decide to join the BOPE. The lives of Capitain Nascimento, Neto and Matias are entwined along the next months, first in the tough training period and then in action against drug dealers. (IMDB)
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    Uma análise sobre o importante movimento musical homônimo, liderado por Caetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil no final dos anos 1960. O documentário resgata uma fase na história do Brasil em que cena musical fervilhava e os festivais revelavam vários novos talentos. Ao mesmo tempo, o Brasil sofria com a ditadura dos generais no poder, o que fez com que Caetano e Gil fossem exilados do país. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)
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    Através do pedido de um passaporte, Sandra Kogut guia este documentário, partindo em busca da história de sua família, dividida entre dois mundos e dois exílios: aqueles que se foram e aqueles que permaneceram onde estavam, os imigrantes que chegaram ao Brasil na década de 40 em decorrência da Segunda Guerra e os que não puderam sair da Hungria. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)
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    Minas Gerais, 1821. Período em que a economia local era baseada na extração de diamantes entrou em colapso. Ao voltar para casa, depois de uma longa viagem, na qual conduzia uma tropa de escravos, Antônio, um patriarca português, descobre que sua mulher morreu em trabalho de parto. Sentindo-se sozinho e isolado em uma fazenda improdutiva, busca um novo casamento com Beatriz, uma menina muito jovem que frustra seu plano de ter filhos. Antônio, então, volta às expedições, negociando negros e gado. Sozinha, Beatriz encontra nos escravos sua companhia. Uma traição implode a família em uma espiral de violência, que é o prenúncio de mudanças. O filme revela algumas de nossas maiores cicatrizes: a escravidão, o casamento forçado de meninas, a mestiçagem fruto do assédio e da exploração sexual das negras, e as hierarquias de poder que pervertem até as relações entre os mais oprimidos. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Mascaro’s film shows a place in the process of disappearing; in this case, due to climate change. It centers on two main characters: Shirley (Dandara de Morais) and her boyfriend, Jeison (Geová Manoel dos Santos). Shirley used to live in a big city but moved back to the village to care for her aging grandmother. She works as a truck driver at a coconut farm where Jeison is a coconut picker. Shirley wants to be a tattoo artist and Jeison spends his free time practicing underwater fishing. The everyday life of the characters is disrupted by the arrival of a meteorologist (or a wind researcher, as the final credits describe him—played by the director himself) who arrives in the village to study the sounds of the winds. An accident befalls the researcher and Jeison fnds him drowned at sea. As his body is never claimed, Jeison becomes determined to notify the authorities, despite the difficulties he encounters in the process. Source: Cunha, Mariana. "Bodies in Landscape: The Scientist's Presence in Viajo Porque Preciso, Volto Porque Te Amo, and Ventos de Agosto." Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema, edited by Antônio Márcio da Silva and Mariana Cunha, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 85.
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    A andança de Fabiano e sua família de propriedade em propriedade, a dificuldade em ser gente e os sonhos de conforto material. A oscilação entre o servilismo e a revolta do cangaço, o retorno à andança pelas caatingas. (Cinemateca Brasileira) --- A poor family in the Northeast of Brazil (Fabiano, the father; Sinhá Vitória, the mother; their 2 children and a dog called Baleia) wander about the barren land searching for a better place to live, with food and work. But the drought and misery destroy their hopes. (IMDB)
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    In the 18th century, in Minas Gerais, the Portuguese mined diamonds and gold. João Fernandes de Oliveira arrives from Lisbon with the Crown's exclusive contract for mining diamonds. He quickly asserts control, letting the intendant and other authorities know that he's onto their corruption. Xica, a slave of the local sergeant-major and possessed of phenomenal sex drive and tricks that cause men to howl with pleasure, quickly captures João. He denies her no extravagance; miners die for his greed. Eventually Lisbon hears of João's excesses and sends an inspector. José, a political radical, provides Xica refuge; her unrelenting sexual tingle is Brazil's spirit. (IMDB)
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    A gripping account of a collision of cultures, "Xingu" tells the inspiring true story of the three Villas Bôas brothers, who became the leading advocates for Brazil's Amazonian Indians, an effort that culminated in the founding of a mammoth tribal preserve. Directed by Cao Hamburger, "Xingu" begins in 1943, when the brothers -- Orlando (Felipe Camarago), Cláudio (João Miguel) and Leonardo (Caio Blat) -- sign up for Brazil's March to the West, an expedition to explore and open the interior for development. Smitten by the land's raw beauty, they are also fascinated by the indigenous people there. Orlando, the eldest and a natural politician, defuses the tensions when they meet the Xavante, who have not seen white men before. When a flu epidemic kills half the tribe, the brothers vow to protect the natives from the forces of civilization that they represent. "We are the poison," Cláudio says, "and the antidote." The brothers eventually win the creation, in 1961, of the Xingu National Park, a preserve larger than Maryland. The film makes clear that not everyone agrees with the Xingu approach, that one answer does not fit all. But as natives maintain traditional lives there, they can integrate into the larger society, by their own choice and at their own speed. Source: Gold, Daniel M. Review of Xingu, by Cao Hamburger.  New York Times, 14 Mar 2014, sec. C8.
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