
So quando eu danço



Title / Título (Original)

So quando eu danço


Only When I Dance


Release Date / Fecha de estreno


Language / Idioma

Portuguese / portugués

Country / País

Production Company / Compañía de Producción

Tigerlily Films (UK)

Description / Descripción

Only When I Dance was begun as a hopeful documentary about social projects in Rio’s favelas, the aim being simply to show another side to the Brazilian image of violence and hopelessness, with kids achieving real things in their appallingly blighted neighbourhoods. Director Beadie Finzi and producer Giorgia Lo Savio could never have imagined just what they would end up filming. Having decided that capoeira was overdone as a Brazilian theme, Beadie was drawn to the idea of ballet - she’d been told about a remarkable teacher, Mariza Estrella, who runs Rio’s Centro de Dança, where she gives free lessons to kids she talent-scouts in the favelas. In her top two classes Beadie found two outstanding children: Irlan Santos da Silva, a boy set apart from all others by the intensity of his love of dance, his beautiful physique and his evidently unusual talent, and Isabela Coracy, who faced the biggest barrier possible in her dream of becoming a ballerina: she is black. Even out in the world there are few black classical ballerinas - in Brazil, there are none. (The Arts
Os adolescentes Irlan e Isabela encaram um momento decisivo para a realização de seu grande sonho: dançar balé profissionalmente. Além das longas horas de treino diário no prestigioso Centro de Dança Rio, onde ganharam uma bolsa, os dois precisam superar a barreira econômica e social que os separa dos demais. Irlan mora numa favela no Complexo do Alemão e luta para conseguir terminar a escola. Já Isabela, habitante do subúrbio carioca, é negra e enfrenta o preconceito até de sua instrutora. Para estes dois talentosos jovens, sair do país é a única esperança de um futuro brilhante. (Cine Players)

Category / Categoría

Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico



“So quando eu danço,” Cinegogía, accessed April 20, 2024,