
Browse Items (160 total)

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    Los deseos y esfuerzos de una familia de muy pocos ingresos, para realizar el sueño de celebrar los quince años de su hija a un nivel mayor que el permitido por su posición económica llevan al padre al punto de la locura. (Kimbara Cine Cubano)
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    Durante os dias de atentado do PCC em São Paulo, a realidade de uma família de periferia é alterada com a chegada de três jovens barulhentos que alugam a casa vizinha. Valter, Iara e seus dois filhos pequenos passam a dormir mal. Valter, empregado em uma banca de frutas, se atormenta com as mudanças no cotidiano de sua rua, que conhece apenas pela narrativa de Iara. Iara, desde a chegada dos novos inquilinos, lhe parece cada dia mais bonita. Logo, eles percebem que os três rapazes fazem parte do crime organizado. O uso da violência parece ser inevitável, e eles começam a se sentir acuados. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    No fundo da mata virgem nasce Macunaíma. Nasce diferente, a mãe acocorada deixando cair o feto preto, de cabeça. Corre em selvagem alucinação pela mata, de preto virando branco, e depois deixando o sertão em troca da cidade na companhia dos dois irmãos, Jiguê e Maanape. Na cidade, estranha e hostil, segue o mesmo caminho zombeteiro, conhecendo e amando a guerrilheira Ci e inúmeras outras mulheres, enfrentando o vilão milionário Venceslau Pietro Pietra, na busca de reconquistar a pedra mágica que herdara de Cy, a muirakitã. Depois de tumultuada aventura urbana, consegue reaver a muirakitã e deixa o caos da cidade, voltando para a selva cheio de quinquilharia citadina. Mas sua disposição em ser ladino não se adapta mais ao ambiente e, por isso, é abandonado por seus irmãos. Sozinho e faminto, mas sem disposição para caçar, Macunaíma relata suas aventuras para um papagaio até o dia em que uma súbita vontade de brincar o faz cair nos braços da Iara. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Num domingo carioca, a vida é retratada através de cinco pequenos vendedores de amendoim. Em Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista e Estádio do Maracanã, pontos turísticos da cidade, eles procuram compradores para seus produtos. O calor escaldante de 40 graus acaba por unir as aflições dos moradores humildes, que buscam algo de melhor para suas vidas. Depois de um dia atribulado, a alegria de viver toma conta de suas vidas, quando participam do ensaio geral das Escolas de Samba. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
  • Uma visão abrangente da situação dos diferentes grupos étnicos existentes no Brasil. Nos depoimentos, recolhidos nas ruas e bairros de diversas capitais, negros, brancos, mulatos, portugueses, italianos e japoneses manifestam sua opinião e descrevem experiências pessoais, envolvendo o relacionamento, o racismo, a miscigenação e o intercâmbio cultural. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Young lovers Orfeu (Breno Mello) and Eurydice (Marpessa Dawn) run through the favelas of Rio during Carnaval, on the lam from a hitman dressed like Death (Ademar Da Silva) and Orfeu's vengeful fiancée Mira (Lourdes de Oliveira) and passing between moments of fantasy and stark reality. This impressionistic retelling of the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice introduced bossa nova to the world with its soundtrack by young Brazilian composers Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim. (IMDB)
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    Conflicts between old habits that perpetuate marginalization and a new moral era, in the context of the social tranformation that took place in Cuba beginning with the victory of the 1959 Revolution. The construction of the Miraflores neighborhood in 1962 by its residents: the conflicts, contradictions and changes seen from a personal, individual perspective. The film is based on true events and combines documentary wth fiction. (Translation by Jeimy Hernandez)
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    En el centro de La Habana, sobre una azotea, tres jóvenes amigos se reúnen día a día para contarse historias y sueños, a tratar de que el tiempo pase sin notarse. En medio de su aburrimiento, sin apenas recursos y soñando la prosperidad, deciden armar un negocio propio. El costo de este sueño, al fin, los conducirá a la madurez personal no exenta de cierta felicidad. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    Junior tiene nueve años y el "PELO MALO". Se lo quiere alisar para la foto de la escuela y así verse como un cantante de moda. Esta situación generará un enfrentamiento con su madre Marta. Mientras Junior busca verse bello para que su mamá lo quiera, ella lo rechaza cada vez más. Finalmente Junior se verá obligado a tomar una dolorosa decisión. (Film's Official Website)
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    1912, VOCES PARA UN SILENCIO es el titulo general para el proyecto de tres capitulos dedicado a la historia del Partido de los Independientes de Color (PIC). Una aproximacion necesaria a esta pagina tan poco conocida de la historia de CUBA. Se trata de un material documental , didactico, cuyos recursos principales son las voces de los historiadores y figuras de la cultura cubana que de alguna manera se han ocupado del tema y expresan sus valoraciones. Pero este capitulo es una especie de introduccion al tema que pretende cubrir algunos antecedentes en la historia de lucha de resistencia de los afrocubanos. Un recorrido necesario para ir paso a paso en la trayectoria del movimiento negro en cuba desde la epoca colonial, las luchas por la independencia y la situacion de los negros cubanos una vez que la Isla de Cuba logro su independencia en 1902. Aparece la referencia de lideres negros muy importantes desde el siglo XIX como son los casos de Juan Gualberto Gomez, Martin Morua Delgado. Se habla de la importancia de la figura de Antonio Maceo, de Quintin Banderas.
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    Powerful short documentary on the struggle for civil rights of Black people in the United States in the 1960s.
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    En la época colonial, los negros esclavos que huían, cimarrones, fundaban comunidades conocidas como palenques. Maluala fue el principal palenque de la región oriental de Cuba. Ante la imposibilidad de vencer, los sublevados deciden tomar justicia por sus manos. Una historia de otro siglo, llena de acción.
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    Noelí, una joven dominicana, viaja todas las tardes a las playas de las Terrenas. Allí, junto con su pareja, busca la manera de sacar ventaja y ganar algunos dólares a costa de alguno de los centenares de turistas que rondan el lugar. Entre sus clientes ocasionales, Noelí mantiene uno fijo: Anne, una francesa de edad madura que con el paso del tiempo ha encontrado en la isla un refugio ideal donde pasar sus últimos años. El novio de Noelí se hace pasar por su hermano y elabora un plan en el que Noelí viaje a París con la francesa y le envíe dinero todos los meses. Para Noelí, la relación con Anne se basa primordialmente en la conveniencia, aunque los sentimientos se tornan ambiguos a medida que el tiempo de partir se avecina. Adaptado de la novela “Dólares de Arena” de Jean-Noël Pancrazi.
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    Controversial cinéma vérité analysis of Havana’s lumpenproletariat in waterfront bars and cafés shortly after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. (
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    This documentary attempts to tackle the racial problems in Cuba today, through the voices of researchers, officials, musicians, artists and the general public. (DVD container)
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    El tranquilo mundo de una familia pequeñoburguesa comienza a desmoronarse a partir del momento en que Miriam (Dulce Rodríguez), de 14 años, conoce a su novio de Internet. Mientras sus amigas preparan con entusiasmo la tradicional fiesta de los quince años, Miriam no sabe cómo explicar a su familia que su novio es negro. (Parada RD)
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    Yuli relata la vida de Carlos Acosta, leyenda de la danza y primer bailarín negro cubano en interpretar algunos de los papeles más famosos del ballet, originalmente escritos para blancos, en compañías como el Houston Ballet o el Royal Ballet de Londres, donde ha sido primer bailarín durante más de quince años. El filme abarca desde su dura infancia hasta su madurez, etapa protagonizada por él mismo, quien, pese al éxito y al reconocimiento internacional, nunca olvidó sus orígenes. Inspirada en No Way Home, autobiografía de Carlos Acosta. (CubaCine - Portal del ICAIC)
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    Junior tiene nueve años y el "PELO MALO". Se lo quiere alisar para la foto de la escuela y así verse como un cantante de moda. Esta situación generará un enfrentamiento con su madre Marta. Mientras Junior busca verse bello para que su mamá lo quiera, ella lo rechaza cada vez más. Finalmente Junior se verá obligado a tomar una dolorosa decisión. (Film's Official Website)
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    Guy, un niño haitiano que huye de la pobreza, presenció el asesinato de sus padres mientras cruzaba la frontera dominicana. Años más tarde, se enfrenta a los asesinos, enredados en una vorágine de venganza, amor, odio racial y un futuro incierto. (Parada RD)
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    El conflicto entre los viejos hábitos que genera el marginalismo y una nueva moral, en el contexto de las transformaciones sociales que tienen lugar en Cuba a partir del triunfo de la Revolución en 1959. La construcción del barrio Miraflores en 1962 por sus propios habitantes: sus conflictos, contradicciones y cambios a nivel individual. El filme se basa en hechos reales y combina el documental con la ficción. (Cine Latinoamericano)
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    La Negrada is the first Mexican feature film about the Afro-Mexican community, filmed entirely with people from different towns around the Costa Chica in Oaxaca. Neri, a fisherman, splits his time between two women: his wife Juanita with whom he has a daughter and his lover Magdalena, mother of three additional children. Things are about to change for Neri as Juanita falls gravely ill and Magdalena prepares to take her place. Shot entirely on the beautiful beaches of Corralera in Oaxaca and featuring a cast of non-professional actors from the nearby communities, La Negrada explores the social mores of and the discrimination faced by Mexico’s unacknowledged black community. Sources: Pan African Film Festival & Cinema Tropical
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    The Mrs., an old widow, and Aridia, a young maid, live together in a house filled with orchids in the center of Santo Domingo. Aridia cleans, the Mrs. gardens, and when work is slow, they can share some gossip. But sometimes, the atmosphere gets too tense: the Mrs. wakes up grumpy, she blames Aridia and when Aridia tries to defend herself, the Mrs. has to remind her "where her place is"; in time, they end up not talking to each other. But the hours pass by, the soap appears on TV, something happens in the neighborhood, and, out of nowhere, the Mrs. and Aridia come close again, ending the day sharing some laughs. The film is an excuse to watch their relationship closely, to perceive what happens when the border seems to diffuse itself in a place where difference of social class and race remain deep in the culture. (Cinema Tropical)
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    Alberto is returning home from Santo Domingo for the funeral of his father, killed by a local loan shark who is untouchable thanks to his police-force position. The son arrives to find that his old man has already been put in the ground. He is expected to stay on, however, for the nine nights of novena, or rezos de los nueve dias, a prospect that disturbs him, though it’s not immediately clear why. In time we gather that there is a gulf between Alberto’s faith and his family’s – while both evoke the name of Jesus, the similarities don’t go much further. With his pressed white shirts, humble comportment and Bible tucked at his side, Alberto is the very picture of the clean-living evangelical, dismissing talk of a curse on his father as so much “nonsense”. But back home they practise their own indigenous strain of Christianity, one heavily streaked with Catholic pomp and influences from West Africa, known as Los Misterios. At the centre of Cocote is this push-pull between Alberto’s Christianity, of the pacific and turn-the-other-cheek variety, and the more fervid, half-pagan beliefs of his extended family, particularly his adoptive sister Karina (Judith Rodríguez), in whose minds the crime that has been committed demands repayment in blood. Source: Pinkerton, Nick. "Cocote." Sight and Sound, vol. 28, no. 8, 2018, p. 54-55.
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    The film showed a pious sugar plantation owner in Cuba who holds a large banquet and attempts to teach his slaves about religion and the necessity of suffering for eternal happiness. While the slaves believe that they are being shown kindness, they are merely being placated, and the landowner does not give them the following day off of work as he promised to do, leading to a slave revolt. This film also makes anti-religious commentary through the actions of the count and the hypocritical ideologies that he preaches. Source: Sundt, Catherine. “Religion and Power: The Appropriation of Da Vinci’s the Last Supper in Viridiana and L’Ultima Cena.” Romance Notes, vol. 49, no. 1, Jan. 2009, p. 72.
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    In the 18th century, in Minas Gerais, the Portuguese mined diamonds and gold. João Fernandes de Oliveira arrives from Lisbon with the Crown's exclusive contract for mining diamonds. He quickly asserts control, letting the intendant and other authorities know that he's onto their corruption. Xica, a slave of the local sergeant-major and possessed of phenomenal sex drive and tricks that cause men to howl with pleasure, quickly captures João. He denies her no extravagance; miners die for his greed. Eventually Lisbon hears of João's excesses and sends an inspector. José, a political radical, provides Xica refuge; her unrelenting sexual tingle is Brazil's spirit. (IMDB)
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    El tranquilo mundo de una familia pequeñoburguesa comienza a desmoronarse a partir del momento en que Miriam (Dulce Rodríguez), de 14 años, conoce a su novio de Internet. Mientras sus amigas preparan con entusiasmo la tradicional fiesta de los quince años, Miriam no sabe cómo explicar a su familia que su novio es negro. (Parada RD)
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    Near the end of the 16th century, slaves working in northeastern Brazilian sugar cane mills conspire to escape to Quilombo dos Palmares, a haven for fugitive black slaves. Among the group is young Ganga Zumba (Antonio Pitanga), who rises to become head of the first revolutionary republic in the Americas. (Film at Lincoln Center)
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    Tango Negro explora la expresión africana en el tango y la contribución de las culturas africanas al tango. El tango era una reflexión de la vida de los esclavos llevados a Sudamérica – Argentina y Uruguay entre otros países – desde África Central en su mayoría, sobre todo desde el antiguo reino de Congo. La película revela hasta qué punto la música africana dejó sus huellas en el tango, mezclando la música en directo con entrevistas a amantes e historiadores del tango en Latinoamérica y en Europa, el famoso pianista argentino Carlos Cáceres entre ellos. (Film Affinity ES)
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    Num domingo carioca, a vida é retratada através de cinco pequenos vendedores de amendoim. Em Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista e Estádio do Maracanã, pontos turísticos da cidade, eles procuram compradores para seus produtos. O calor escaldante de 40 graus acaba por unir as aflições dos moradores humildes, que buscam algo de melhor para suas vidas. Depois de um dia atribulado, a alegria de viver toma conta de suas vidas, quando participam do ensaio geral das Escolas de Samba. (Cinemateca Brasileira)

    On a Sunday in Rio de Janeiro, life is portrayed through five small peanut vendors. In Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista and Maracanã Stadium, tourist locations in the city, they seek buyers for their products. The scorching heat of 40 degrees ends up uniting the afflictions of the humble residents, who seek something better for their lives. After a troubling day they are reminded of the joy of living when they participate in the general rehearsal of the Samba Schools. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    Based on the novel Francisco by Anselmo Suárez y Romero, "The Other Francisco" is a socio-economic analysis of slavery and class struggle through the retelling of the original novel. The film contrasts the romantic conceptions of plantation life found in Suárez Romero's novel with a realistic expose of the actual historical conditions of slavery throughout the Americas. It offers a critical analysis of the novel, showing how the author's social background led to his use of particular dramatic structures to convey his liberal, humanitarian viewpoint. (IMDB)
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    Coraje is about the last few months in the life of María Elena Moyano, who was killed at the age of 33 by the Peruvian revolutionary movement Sendero Luminoso. María Elena was the founder and leader of the so-called Women's Federation of Villa El Salvador, a slum district that had been built in the desert on the outskirts of Lima and was run by the inhabitants themselves. This community won several prizes abroad, such as the Spanish 'Principe de Asturias' and the 'Messenger City of Peace'. Two months before the brutal attack, María has spoken out against the campaign of hatred and violence of Sendero Luminoso and even though she was called 'Mama Coraje' by the local press, that condemned her to death.The film is narrated by a female Spanish doctor who remembers María's last months. We see the difficult conditions in which the vital and charismatic María did her work: the economic crisis, the hunger in the Villa, the bureaucratic opposition and increasing terror of the Senderos. But Coraje is above all a lively and intimate portrait of a fascinating woman who is not portrayed as a inviolable heroine, but as an ordinary woman with two children and a husband who is characterised by doubts and despair as well as courage. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
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    Sara Gomez was a 'searcher.' My first encounter with her was watching her only fiction film and it blew my mind. She was the first Afro-Cuban woman filmmaker to have shot a fiction film and, more than thirty years later, the film (as well as her documentaries) remains so vibrant, so contemporary, and so touching. She searched new territories, brought people together from opposite worlds, and created new landscapes. And she died like a drama character, in the early seventies at age thirty-one, leaving behind a couple of brilliant films, two husbands, and three children; the ones who knew her, regret her departure. She left no apparent trail in the new filmmakers generation, but it’s as if her ghost is still around, sometimes in the most unexpected places. This film tells three love stories: 1) of Sara and her husband Germinal (who was also one of the finest Latin-American sound people), 2) of Sara and her family, and 3) of Sara and cinema, which she expanded so that Afro-Cuban culture is adequately represented. (Culture Unplugged - watch complete film here)
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    A documentary film about the taboos, stereotypes, and struggles of Black actors in Brazilian television "soaps." Based on his own memories and on a sturdy body of research evidence, the director analyzes race relations in Brazilian soap operas, calling attention to their likely influence on Black people's identity-forming processes. (Kanopy)
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    While giving an overall look at the documented history of BLACK MOVEMENTS in Brazil (during the 70s and 80s), ORI tells the story of a woman, Beatriz Nascimento, activist and historian, who searches for her identity through research into the history of the "QUILOMBOS" as warrior establishments and focuses of cultural resistance, from 15th-century Africa to Brazil in the 20th century. (Culture Unplugged - watch complete film here)
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    Mascaro’s film shows a place in the process of disappearing; in this case, due to climate change. It centers on two main characters: Shirley (Dandara de Morais) and her boyfriend, Jeison (Geová Manoel dos Santos). Shirley used to live in a big city but moved back to the village to care for her aging grandmother. She works as a truck driver at a coconut farm where Jeison is a coconut picker. Shirley wants to be a tattoo artist and Jeison spends his free time practicing underwater fishing. The everyday life of the characters is disrupted by the arrival of a meteorologist (or a wind researcher, as the final credits describe him—played by the director himself) who arrives in the village to study the sounds of the winds. An accident befalls the researcher and Jeison fnds him drowned at sea. As his body is never claimed, Jeison becomes determined to notify the authorities, despite the difficulties he encounters in the process. Source: Cunha, Mariana. "Bodies in Landscape: The Scientist's Presence in Viajo Porque Preciso, Volto Porque Te Amo, and Ventos de Agosto." Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema, edited by Antônio Márcio da Silva and Mariana Cunha, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 85.
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    La Soledad is a dilapidated villa located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Caracas. It used to be the home of director Jorge Thielen Armand’s great-grandparents, but when the owners passed away fifteen years ago, the property was unofficially inherited by their lifelong maid, Rosina, now 72, who remained to care for the house and raise her grandson, José, now 27, Jorge’s childhood friend. José works as a handyman, dreaming of a better life for his six-year-old daughter Adrializ, amidst Venezuela’s economic crisis. Waiting in long queues for food and the medicine Rosina so desperately needs is part of José’s routine. When he learns that the legal inheritors of the house plan to sell the estate, José struggles to try to find a solution that will keep his family away from the crime-ridden slums. Yet the house holds a secret that could save them all: a treasure that is rumored to be buried in its walls. Set in the beautiful derelict eponymous mansion and played by the real inhabitants, LA SOLEDAD (THE SOLITUDE) poetically depicts Venezuela’s socio-economic crisis through José’s struggle to save his family from homelessness. (Festival Scope)
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    Basada en hechos reales, describe el mundo del crimen organizado en Cidade de Deus, un suburbio de Río de Janeiro, desde finales de los sesenta hasta principios de los ochenta, época durante la cual el tráfico de drogas y la violencia impusieron su ley en las favelas. A finales de los sesenta, Buscapé, un niño de 11 años tímido y sensible, observa a los niños duros de su barrio, sus robos, sus peleas, sus enfrentamientos diarios con la policía. Pero él sabe muy bien lo que quiere ser si consigue sobrevivir: fotógrafo. Dadinho, un niño de su edad que se traslada al barrio, sueña con ser el criminal más peligroso de Río de Janeiro y empieza su aprendizaje haciendo recados para los delincuentes locales. Admira a Cabeleira y su pandilla, que se dedican a atracar los camiones del gas. Un día Cabeleira le da a Dadinho la oportunidad de cometer su primer asesinato. (Film Affinity)
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    Basada en hechos reales, describe el mundo del crimen organizado en Cidade de Deus, un suburbio de Río de Janeiro, desde finales de los sesenta hasta principios de los ochenta, época durante la cual el tráfico de drogas y la violencia impusieron su ley en las favelas. A finales de los sesenta, Buscapé, un niño de 11 años tímido y sensible, observa a los niños duros de su barrio, sus robos, sus peleas, sus enfrentamientos diarios con la policía. Pero él sabe muy bien lo que quiere ser si consigue sobrevivir: fotógrafo. Dadinho, un niño de su edad que se traslada al barrio, sueña con ser el criminal más peligroso de Río de Janeiro y empieza su aprendizaje haciendo recados para los delincuentes locales. Admira a Cabeleira y su pandilla, que se dedican a atracar los camiones del gas. Un día Cabeleira le da a Dadinho la oportunidad de cometer su primer asesinato. (Film Affinity)
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    Guy, un niño haitiano que huye de la pobreza, presenció el asesinato de sus padres mientras cruzaba la frontera dominicana. Años más tarde, se enfrenta a los asesinos, enredados en una vorágine de venganza, amor, odio racial y un futuro incierto. (Parada RD)
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    São Paolo, 1992. A new doctor arrives in the notorious male prison of Carandiru, aiming to promote Aids education. Gradually we become aware of individuals within the crowd of convicts, as they come to the doctor's office for treatment. In flashback we learn the crimes that brought them to the prison. Dagger has killed another prisoner's father. Highness is a good-looking thief with a white wife and a black mistress. He has taken the blame for a fire set by his jealous wife. Chico is a dignified older man, waiting in vain for a visit from his grown daughter. Zico, a drug dealer, was taken in by the family of Deusdete after being abandoned by his mother. Deusdete has killed the two men who raped his sister and now shares a cell with Zico. Antonio and Miro are armed robbers brought down by the jealousy and treachery of their wives. Lady Di is a transsexual who aims to marry fellow inmate Too Bad. On visiting day the partners and children of all these characters are allowed into the prison. Zico, now addicted to crack, goes crazy and pours boiling water over Deusdete. He is killed in turn by a number of prisoners, and Highness gets Ezequiel, another addict, to take the blame. There is a football match among the convicts. Afterwards a fight breaks out which escalates into a riot. Although the prisoners give up their arms, the riot squad enter and slaughter the inmates. The final titles tell us that 111 convicts were killed and not one policeman. Documentary footage shows how the prison was finally demolished in 2002. Source: Smith, Paul Julian. Sight and Sound, vol. 14, no. 4, 2004, p. 44-45.
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    A documentary that follows Ms Linn da Quebrada, a black trans woman, performer and activist living in impoverished São Paulo. Her electrifying performances (with plenty of nudity) brazenly take on Brazil's hetero-normative machismo. (IMDB)
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    Un audiovisual donde se mezcla el documental y la ficción. Una foto de los años 20 es la imagen de la evocación espiritual. El Grupo Vocal Baobab interpreta los cantos tradicionales del espiritismo cubano. La voz original de la abuela Inocencia y el conjunto de fotos familiares de la realizadora Gloria Rolando, forman parte del relato cuyo objetivo es darle valor, en la historia social de Cuba, a esos pequeños y grandes pasajes de la vida cotidiana de una familia negra. (CubaCine - Portal del ICAIC)
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    El discurso rebelde y contestatario de los músicos cubanos y norteamericanos nos invita a reflexionar sobre la contracultura y las realidades paralelas que nacen en todo sistema de gobierno. Los sueños, la familia, el barrio, la ciudad, la vida, la guerra y la política son algunos de los temas que permean su música y nutren nuestra historia. Desde los barrios de La Habana y Nueva York, la cámara retrata con una visión cómplice las reflexiones que los músicos de ambas ciudades han elaborado con relación a sus raíces, a la evolución del tambor y al alma del Hip Hop. (Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia)
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    La presencia de los esclavos africanos en México ha sido desconocida por la historia oficial. La raíz olvidada incursiona en este tema desconocido para la mayor parte de la población mexicana. (SIC México)
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    Documental acerca de Julio ''Chocolate'' Algendones Farfán, destacado percusionista, compositor e intérprete de la música afro-peruana y del jazz. Fue considerado el gran maestro del cajón y reconocido internacionalmente. (Videoteca de Culturas)
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    El largometraje Nana retrata a la nana o la niñera, esa que sin que los padres lo adviertan y reconozcan, pasa a convertirse en la persona más importante en la vida de sus hijos. Crudamente se presenta el trabajo doméstico, por lo general feminizado, desde una realidad que se suele invizibilizar. Mujeres mal pagadas, mal comidas, que dejan a sus hijos para irse a cuidar y dar amor a los hijos de otros, sin saber si los suyos comen o no. (Diario Digital RD)
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    In this magical and surreal tale set in moody Montevideo, Uruguay, a cheerful and dynamic eleven-year-old named Obdulio lives with his devoted grandmother and two sisters. He carries the self-imposed burden of being the only "man" in the family. His grandmother wants him to go to school, but he refuses proclaiming his "working man" status-he helps support his family by selling newspapers on the street. Ironically, Obdulio is illiterate and unable to read what he sells. One night, he meets a night watchman who is full of magical visions and gifts. This charismatic mentor introduces Obdulio to the beauty of words and the songs of the Murgas sung during Carnival processions. As Obdulio begins to understand the lyrics, he welcomes the challenge and eventually writes his own Murgas, which are later performed by the mysterious Carnival band. Reminiscent of Cinema Paradiso and the films of Fellini, this gem for viewers of all ages and is a celebration of life, the beauty of friendship, and the magic of knowledge. (Tribeca Film Festival)
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    A desperate fisherman and a naive young man embark on a dangerous journey trafficking drugs up the Pacific coast of Colombia. Hidden beneath the waves, they tow a narco-torpedo filled with millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Together they must brave the war-torn region while navigating the growing tension between them. (IMDB)
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    "The Day of Jerusa" narrates the encounter between Jerusa (Lea Garcia), a resident of an old townhouse of Bixiga with the young Silvia, played by Deborah Marcal, which circulates through the traditional São Paulo neighborhood doing opinion research on soap in powder. The story emerges from observations of everyday life, to cycle through the streets of São Paulo, Brazil. (Kweli TV)
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    Tomas, an Afro-Colombian teenager who fled the country’s Pacific coast pushed out by the war, faces the difficulties of growing up in Bogotá, a city of exclusion and racism. When Jairo, his younger brother disappears, Tomas plunges in the streets of the city searching for Jairo. This initiatory journey compels him to face his past and to leave aside the influence of his brothers in order to find his own identity. Tomas reveals a unique perspective of a vibrant and unstable city that, like Tomas, stands on the threshold between what once was and what might be. (
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