
Browse Items (160 total)

  • El_techo_Pragda.pdf

    En el centro de La Habana, sobre una azotea, tres jóvenes amigos se reúnen día a día para contarse historias y sueños, a tratar de que el tiempo pase sin notarse. En medio de su aburrimiento, sin apenas recursos y soñando la prosperidad, deciden armar un negocio propio. El costo de este sueño, al fin, los conducirá a la madurez personal no exenta de cierta felicidad. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
  • El_techo_Franco.pdf

    En el centro de La Habana, sobre una azotea, tres jóvenes amigos se reúnen día a día para contarse historias y sueños, a tratar de que el tiempo pase sin notarse. En medio de su aburrimiento, sin apenas recursos y soñando la prosperidad, deciden armar un negocio propio. El costo de este sueño, al fin, los conducirá a la madurez personal no exenta de cierta felicidad. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    En el Valle de Azapa, un grupo de afrodescendientes se organiza para realizar el primer censo afro de la historia de Chile, buscando el reconocimiento del Estado, el cual ha invisibilizado su cultura y rasgos africanos durante más de 200 años. (Cine Chile)
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    En La Barra, un alejado pueblo del pacífico colombiano, Cerebro, líder de los nativos afrodescendientes, mantiene fuertes enfrentamientos con El Paisa, terrateniente que planea la construcción de un hotel en la playa. Daniel, un turista extraño y silencioso, queda atrapado en el sitio, esperando una lancha que pueda sacarlo del país. (Proimágenes Colombia)
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    Empoderadas é uma websérie que apresenta entrevistas com mulheres negras das mais diversas áreas, profissionais bem sucedidas que falam sobre suas trajetórias, sobre o mercado de trabalho e o racismo e o machismo que o envolvem. Cada capítulo nos apresenta uma personagem real e uma história única. Foram entrevistadas atrizes, artesãs, cantoras, professoras, dentre várias outras profissionais que conversam com a câmera e falam sobre negritude, gênero, suas vidas e suas lutas. (Arte Aberta)
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    Camilo es el hijo adoptivo de dos indígenas Quillasinga de la laguna de La Cocha en Colombia. Es el único hombre negro en su comunidad y siempre se ha sentido diferente. Durante años se ha preguntado quiénes son sus padres biológicos. El gobernador Quillasinga lo aconseja y le da Ayahuasca, una planta sagrada y guía espiritual. Durante el viaje interior Camilo tiene visiones de su madre biológica. Apoyado por su padre adoptivo, Camilo emprende un viaje en busca de sus orígenes. Cuando la verdad se revela, Camilo encuentra su identidad y logra reconocerse como el hijo de dos razas. (Source:
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    Lourdes Portillo is a filmmaker of undoubted importance for Latin American nonfiction cinema. Her lucid filmography oscillates between documentary, experimental film and video art. Astutely inscribing herself to the genealogy of Third Cinema, she became a pioneer in the exploration of Latin American identity within and outside of the United States. Dealing with themes of extreme sociopolitical complexity and exploring them through a meticulous investigation guided by intuition and feeling, Lourdes’ work – which has documented situations from Argentina to California – carefully highlights the postcolonial relationalities that have emerged in the various societies that reside in the continent commonly referred to as the “Americas”. [...] This is a film in which Lourdes rerouted her experimentation towards the task of informing audiences in the United States about Bolivian, Dominican and Haitian societies and cultures. Portillo weaves together a documentary that is at once formally conventional while also defiant of the model in which it was produced due to its insightful social, political and aesthetic study. This documentary directly speaks of the consequences and changing contradictions that have occured in these territories due to European colonization and the neo-colonial process coming from the United States. Making use of a procedural approximation, she shows us the crystallized elements but also a point of demonstrating that we are witnessing cultures in the process of transformation and hybridization: presenting traits and fragments of who they were and who they will become. (Portillo, Lourdes. Interview with Eduardo Makoszay. Corrientes, Nov-Dec 2020,
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    Favela Gay tells the story of eleven individuals in their own words. Living in eight slums (favelas) in Rio de Janeiro, these members of the LGBTQ community – two transgender women, a crossdressing man, a travesti (in South America, a person who was designated male at birth who has a feminine, transfeminine or femme gender identity) prostitute, a famous carnival dancer, two community activists, and even a young man who used to be transgender, but transitioned back – have fought prejudice and seen some of the most unsavoury sides of the city. (Sounds and Colours)
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    Patricia, una dominicana, busca un hogar y una seguridad económica que su situación de inmigrante ilegal no le permite alcanzar en Madrid. Milady, una cubana de veinte años, sueña con recorrer el mundo. Marirrosi, una bilbaína con casa y trabajo, vive en la más completa soledad, una soledad como la que comparten Alfonso, Damián y Carmelo, vecinos de Santa Eulalia, un pueblo sin mujeres casaderas ni futuro. Gracias a una fiesta organizada por los solteros del pueblo, unos y otras se conocen y comienza una agridulce historia de convivencias a veces imposibles. (Film Affinity ES)
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    Near the end of the 16th century, slaves working in northeastern Brazilian sugar cane mills conspire to escape to Quilombo dos Palmares, a haven for fugitive black slaves. Among the group is young Ganga Zumba (Antonio Pitanga), who rises to become head of the first revolutionary republic in the Americas. (Film at Lincoln Center)
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    El discurso rebelde y contestatario de los músicos cubanos y norteamericanos nos invita a reflexionar sobre la contracultura y las realidades paralelas que nacen en todo sistema de gobierno. Los sueños, la familia, el barrio, la ciudad, la vida, la guerra y la política son algunos de los temas que permean su música y nutren nuestra historia. Desde los barrios de La Habana y Nueva York, la cámara retrata con una visión cómplice las reflexiones que los músicos de ambas ciudades han elaborado con relación a sus raíces, a la evolución del tambor y al alma del Hip Hop. (Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia)
  • Havanyork_Franco.pdf

    El discurso rebelde y contestatario de los músicos cubanos y norteamericanos nos invita a reflexionar sobre la contracultura y las realidades paralelas que nacen en todo sistema de gobierno. Los sueños, la familia, el barrio, la ciudad, la vida, la guerra y la política son algunos de los temas que permean su música y nutren nuestra historia. Desde los barrios de La Habana y Nueva York, la cámara retrata con una visión cómplice las reflexiones que los músicos de ambas ciudades han elaborado con relación a sus raíces, a la evolución del tambor y al alma del Hip Hop. (Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia)
  • Hermano_Franco.pdf

    Hermano narra una historia sencilla y poderosa de dos hermanos: Daniel (Fernando Moreno) y Julio (Eliú Armas) que luchan por convertirse en futbolistas profesionales. Daniel es un delantero excepcional, un fenómeno. Julio es el capitán del equipo, un líder nato. Ambos juegan al fútbol en el Barrio La Ceniza. La oportunidad de sus vidas llega cuando un cazatalentos del Caracas Fútbol Club les invita a unas pruebas en el equipo. Pero la vida del barrio se interpone y una tragedia les sacude. Ellos tendrán que decidir sus destinos sobre una cancha. ¿Qué es más importante: la unión de la familia o el sueño de sus vidas? (El Mundo)
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    Hermano narra una historia sencilla y poderosa de dos hermanos: Daniel (Fernando Moreno) y Julio (Eliú Armas) que luchan por convertirse en futbolistas profesionales. Daniel es un delantero excepcional, un fenómeno. Julio es el capitán del equipo, un líder nato. Ambos juegan al fútbol en el Barrio La Ceniza. La oportunidad de sus vidas llega cuando un cazatalentos del Caracas Fútbol Club les invita a unas pruebas en el equipo. Pero la vida del barrio se interpone y una tragedia les sacude. Ellos tendrán que decidir sus destinos sobre una cancha. ¿Qué es más importante: la unión de la familia o el sueño de sus vidas? (El Mundo)
  • Uma visão abrangente da situação dos diferentes grupos étnicos existentes no Brasil. Nos depoimentos, recolhidos nas ruas e bairros de diversas capitais, negros, brancos, mulatos, portugueses, italianos e japoneses manifestam sua opinião e descrevem experiências pessoais, envolvendo o relacionamento, o racismo, a miscigenação e o intercâmbio cultural. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    This latest documentary by the Dean of Afro-Cuban Cinema Sergio Giral investigates the black Cuban exile community in South Florida, since the first wave of political refugees in the 1959 revolutionary aftermath, to today. It tracks its presence throughout the region, and highlights its contribution to Miami’s civic culture through testimonies and visual documentation. (African Diaspora International Film Festival)
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    Irma es una joven afrocolombiana. Ella es perseguida, como en una pesadilla, por la sombra de su extinto padre boxeador. La madre de Irma intenta alejarla del boxeo, con la convicción de que salvará su vida. Irma es una película que explora temas como la juventud, la violencia psicológica, la resistencia cultural y la magia de la herencia africana del pacífico colombiano. Es un ritual de pasaje. Una historia de sanación y búsqueda de la identidad. (Proimagenes Colombia)
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    Jennifer follows the ways in which a Black female high school student navigates the relationships and insecurities of teenage life. Jennifer wrestles with self-understandings of her own beauty, her relationships with classmates and friends, and developing skills to become employable. Ultimately she seeks independence through work and develops a strong sense of herself as an individual with enough agency to make her way in life. (Gillam, Reighan. Visualizing Black Lives: Ownership and Control in Afro-Brazilian Media. U of Illinois P, p. 86)
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    Kafe Negro tells the story of migrations around a small grain that became the second most important raw material on the global market. This film tells the story of the waves of migration of Haitian workers who, over time, profoundly transformed the culture and demography of Cuba and developed coffee growing on the island. (
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    Hair is an important marker of black female identity. Many films have been made about 'nappy' hair, but this debut by Yasmin Thayná is among the best. This powerful visual essay is a form of resistance to invisibility and an audiovisual experience about being and becoming a black woman. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
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    Until 2018, a Black woman had not directed a feature-length film for national distribution [in Brazil], yet Black female film directors have been active in the independent short-film space. Yasmin Thayná wrote and directed Kbela (2015), an experimental film that depicts Black women developing their identity and affirming themselves through accepting their hair texture. Kbela represents the challenges Black women face and their actions to overcome them, but it doesn't focus only on the individual. (Gillam, Reighan. Visualizing Black Lives: Ownership and Control in Afro-Brazilian Media. U of Illinois P, p. 84)
  • La foquita_Franco.pdf

    La foquita, "El 10 de la calle", cuenta la inspiradora historia de Jefferson Farfán, un niño de un barrio humilde de Lima, que a pesar de las adversidades a lo largo de su vida nunca se dio por vencido, sacando a su familia adelante y logrando llevar a su amado Perú a jugar un mundial de fútbol luego de 36 años.
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    La foquita, El 10 de la calle cuenta la inspiradora historia de Jefferson Farfán, un niño de un barrio humilde de Lima, que a pesar de las adversidades a lo largo de su vida nunca se dio por vencido, sacando a su familia adelante y logrando llevar a su amado Perú a jugar un mundial de fútbol luego de 36 años. (Cine Aparte)
  • La_foquita_EN_Franco.pdf

    La foquita, El 10 de la calle tells the inspiring story of Jefferson Farfán, a young boy from a poor neighborhood in Lima [Peru], who never gave up. Despite many hardships throughout his life, he provided for his family and helped his beloved country return to play in the World Cup after a 36 year absence. (Translated by Cinegogía Team)
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    Guy, un niño haitiano que huye de la pobreza, presenció el asesinato de sus padres mientras cruzaba la frontera dominicana. Años más tarde, se enfrenta a los asesinos, enredados en una vorágine de venganza, amor, odio racial y un futuro incierto. (Parada RD)
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    Guy, un niño haitiano que huye de la pobreza, presenció el asesinato de sus padres mientras cruzaba la frontera dominicana. Años más tarde, se enfrenta a los asesinos, enredados en una vorágine de venganza, amor, odio racial y un futuro incierto. (Parada RD)
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    La Negrada is the first Mexican feature film about the Afro-Mexican community, filmed entirely with people from different towns around the Costa Chica in Oaxaca. Neri, a fisherman, splits his time between two women: his wife Juanita with whom he has a daughter and his lover Magdalena, mother of three additional children. Things are about to change for Neri as Juanita falls gravely ill and Magdalena prepares to take her place. Shot entirely on the beautiful beaches of Corralera in Oaxaca and featuring a cast of non-professional actors from the nearby communities, La Negrada explores the social mores of and the discrimination faced by Mexico’s unacknowledged black community. Sources: Pan African Film Festival & Cinema Tropical
  • La_negrada.pdf

    La Negrada is the first Mexican feature film about the Afro-Mexican community, filmed entirely with people from different towns around the Costa Chica in Oaxaca. Neri, a fisherman, splits his time between two women: his wife Juanita with whom he has a daughter and his lover Magdalena, mother of three additional children. Things are about to change for Neri as Juanita falls gravely ill and Magdalena prepares to take her place. Shot entirely on the beautiful beaches of Corralera in Oaxaca and featuring a cast of non-professional actors from the nearby communities, La Negrada explores the social mores of and the discrimination faced by Mexico’s unacknowledged black community. Sources: Pan African Film Festival & Cinema Tropical
  • La_pesca_del_atún_blanco.jpg

    Mariana es una adolescente afrocolombiana que vive en un poblado de pescadores en el litoral del mar Pacífico y sueña con forjarse un futuro. Para lograrlo, tiene que superar un sinnúmero de dificultades que le impone el lugar hostil, ignorado y aislado por agentes del narcotráfico en el que reside. Una historia basada en hechos reales sobre la pujanza y resistencia de una joven mujer que se atreve a soñar y a luchar por hacer sus sueños realidad. (Proimagenes Colombia)
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    Tomas, an Afro-Colombian teenager who fled the country’s Pacific coast pushed out by the war, faces the difficulties of growing up in Bogotá, a city of exclusion and racism. When Jairo, his younger brother disappears, Tomas plunges in the streets of the city searching for Jairo. This initiatory journey compels him to face his past and to leave aside the influence of his brothers in order to find his own identity. Tomas reveals a unique perspective of a vibrant and unstable city that, like Tomas, stands on the threshold between what once was and what might be. (
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    Tomas, an Afro-Colombian teenager who fled the country’s Pacific coast pushed out by the war, faces the difficulties of growing up in Bogotá, a city of exclusion and racism. When Jairo, his younger brother disappears, Tomas plunges in the streets of the city searching for Jairo. This initiatory journey compels him to face his past and to leave aside the influence of his brothers in order to find his own identity. Tomas reveals a unique perspective of a vibrant and unstable city that, like Tomas, stands on the threshold between what once was and what might be. (
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    La presencia de los esclavos africanos en México ha sido desconocida por la historia oficial. La raíz olvidada incursiona en este tema desconocido para la mayor parte de la población mexicana. (SIC México)
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    La Soledad is a dilapidated villa located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Caracas. It used to be the home of director Jorge Thielen Armand’s great-grandparents, but when the owners passed away fifteen years ago, the property was unofficially inherited by their lifelong maid, Rosina, now 72, who remained to care for the house and raise her grandson, José, now 27, Jorge’s childhood friend. José works as a handyman, dreaming of a better life for his six-year-old daughter Adrializ, amidst Venezuela’s economic crisis. Waiting in long queues for food and the medicine Rosina so desperately needs is part of José’s routine. When he learns that the legal inheritors of the house plan to sell the estate, José struggles to try to find a solution that will keep his family away from the crime-ridden slums. Yet the house holds a secret that could save them all: a treasure that is rumored to be buried in its walls. Set in the beautiful derelict eponymous mansion and played by the real inhabitants, LA SOLEDAD (THE SOLITUDE) poetically depicts Venezuela’s socio-economic crisis through José’s struggle to save his family from homelessness. (Festival Scope)
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    La Soledad is a dilapidated villa located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Caracas. It used to be the home of director Jorge Thielen Armand’s great-grandparents, but when the owners passed away fifteen years ago, the property was unofficially inherited by their lifelong maid, Rosina, now 72, who remained to care for the house and raise her grandson, José, now 27, Jorge’s childhood friend. José works as a handyman, dreaming of a better life for his six-year-old daughter Adrializ, amidst Venezuela’s economic crisis. Waiting in long queues for food and the medicine Rosina so desperately needs is part of José’s routine. When he learns that the legal inheritors of the house plan to sell the estate, José struggles to try to find a solution that will keep his family away from the crime-ridden slums. Yet the house holds a secret that could save them all: a treasure that is rumored to be buried in its walls. Set in the beautiful derelict eponymous mansion and played by the real inhabitants, LA SOLEDAD (THE SOLITUDE) poetically depicts Venezuela’s socio-economic crisis through José’s struggle to save his family from homelessness. (Festival Scope)
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    La Soledad is a dilapidated villa located in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Caracas. It used to be the home of director Jorge Thielen Armand’s great-grandparents, but when the owners passed away fifteen years ago, the property was unofficially inherited by their lifelong maid, Rosina, now 72, who remained to care for the house and raise her grandson, José, now 27, Jorge’s childhood friend. José works as a handyman, dreaming of a better life for his six-year-old daughter Adrializ, amidst Venezuela’s economic crisis. Waiting in long queues for food and the medicine Rosina so desperately needs is part of José’s routine. When he learns that the legal inheritors of the house plan to sell the estate, José struggles to try to find a solution that will keep his family away from the crime-ridden slums. Yet the house holds a secret that could save them all: a treasure that is rumored to be buried in its walls. Set in the beautiful derelict eponymous mansion and played by the real inhabitants, LA SOLEDAD (THE SOLITUDE) poetically depicts Venezuela’s socio-economic crisis through José’s struggle to save his family from homelessness. (Festival Scope)
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    The film showed a pious sugar plantation owner in Cuba who holds a large banquet and attempts to teach his slaves about religion and the necessity of suffering for eternal happiness. While the slaves believe that they are being shown kindness, they are merely being placated, and the landowner does not give them the following day off of work as he promised to do, leading to a slave revolt. This film also makes anti-religious commentary through the actions of the count and the hypocritical ideologies that he preaches. Source: Sundt, Catherine. “Religion and Power: The Appropriation of Da Vinci’s the Last Supper in Viridiana and L’Ultima Cena.” Romance Notes, vol. 49, no. 1, Jan. 2009, p. 72.
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    Bebé, una joven de 18 años relatará la vida de personas en La Habana: Mariana, una joven bailarina ninfómana; Julita, una mujer madura que oculta un secreto de su pasado y Elpidio, un joven mulato inadaptado que fue abandonado por su madre. (Premios Goya)
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    Bebé, una joven de 18 años relatará la vida de personas en La Habana: Mariana, una joven bailarina ninfómana; Julita, una mujer madura que oculta un secreto de su pasado y Elpidio, un joven mulato inadaptado que fue abandonado por su madre. (Premios Goya)
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    Documental acerca de Julio ''Chocolate'' Algendones Farfán, destacado percusionista, compositor e intérprete de la música afro-peruana y del jazz. Fue considerado el gran maestro del cajón y reconocido internacionalmente. (Videoteca de Culturas)
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    "La producción de Rolando es un documental etnográfico e histórico sobre la comunidad de Baraguá, un enclave cañero de inmigrantes antillanos en el cual aún sobreviven los descendientes de estos trabajadores. De esta producción, emergen dos impresiones fundamentales: su carácter y potencial didáctico y, a su vez, la incertidumbre ante la visión y el recuento histórico que nos presenta. Con respecto a lo primero, el documental nos lleva al complejo mundo de principios del siglo veinte, cuando inmigrantes caribeños provenientes de las antillas coloniales británicas viajaron a Cuba para trabajar en la industria azucarera El carácter etnográfico y audiovisual del trabajo de Rolando brinda elementos y sensibilidades de una historia que difícilmente pueden ser encontrados y documentados en la literatura antropológica, histórica y sociológica de la inmigración antillana. Por otro lado, con relación al recuento histórico presentado, el producto final del documental nos deja con cierto número de interrogates y presunciones - ciertas y no tan ciertas - sobre lo que fue la experiencia de los inmigrantes anglo-antillanos en Cuba y lo que fue su experiencia en el caso particular de Baraguá." (Giovannetti, Jorge L. "Historia visual y etnohistoria en Cuba: Inmigración antillana e identidad en 'Los Hijos de Baraguá.'" Caribbean Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, 2002, pp. 216–52. JSTOR, Accessed 27 May 2022.)

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    No fundo da mata virgem nasce Macunaíma. Nasce diferente, a mãe acocorada deixando cair o feto preto, de cabeça. Corre em selvagem alucinação pela mata, de preto virando branco, e depois deixando o sertão em troca da cidade na companhia dos dois irmãos, Jiguê e Maanape. Na cidade, estranha e hostil, segue o mesmo caminho zombeteiro, conhecendo e amando a guerrilheira Ci e inúmeras outras mulheres, enfrentando o vilão milionário Venceslau Pietro Pietra, na busca de reconquistar a pedra mágica que herdara de Cy, a muirakitã. Depois de tumultuada aventura urbana, consegue reaver a muirakitã e deixa o caos da cidade, voltando para a selva cheio de quinquilharia citadina. Mas sua disposição em ser ladino não se adapta mais ao ambiente e, por isso, é abandonado por seus irmãos. Sozinho e faminto, mas sem disposição para caçar, Macunaíma relata suas aventuras para um papagaio até o dia em que uma súbita vontade de brincar o faz cair nos braços da Iara. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    En la época colonial, los negros esclavos que huían, cimarrones, fundaban comunidades conocidas como palenques. Maluala fue el principal palenque de la región oriental de Cuba. Ante la imposibilidad de vencer, los sublevados deciden tomar justicia por sus manos. Una historia de otro siglo, llena de acción.
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    Chocó es una de la regiones con mayor riqueza natural e hidráulica en el mundo, de ahí viene nuestro personaje: Paulina, una mujer fértil como su tierra, madre de 26 hijos, partera y artista. Una persona con una alegría y amor por la vida sorprendentes. Un día un bombardeo la obliga a dejar su casa y su tierra junto con su familia y vecinos. Junto a miles de desplazados camina durante meses hasta que llegan a Cali, la tercera ciudad de Colombia. Abandonados a su suerte no tienen otra opción que hacinarse en una casa de madera, plástico y tierra. Es el símbolo de millones de desplazados por la guerra de sus hogares en el campo, junto al mar o en la selva, donde saben pescar, cultivar y criar ganado, pero en las ciudades no tienen opciones, nadie le da trabajo a un desplazado. Con cantos, Paulina evoca a su pueblo y nos lleva en un viaje imaginario a una región rica y a la vez desolada por la guerra, donde escuchamos la voz de los que se quedaron. Es la crónica del dolor del destierro y la lucha por vivir dignamente en un lugar que llame hogar. (Film's Official Website)
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    A desperate fisherman and a naive young man embark on a dangerous journey trafficking drugs up the Pacific coast of Colombia. Hidden beneath the waves, they tow a narco-torpedo filled with millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Together they must brave the war-torn region while navigating the growing tension between them. (IMDB)
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    A desperate fisherman and a naive young man embark on a dangerous journey trafficking drugs up the Pacific coast of Colombia. Hidden beneath the waves, they tow a narco-torpedo filled with millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Together they must brave the war-torn region while navigating the growing tension between them. (IMDB)
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    Beginning with a breathless, Robin Hood-style train robbery and ending with a highly provocative—and not for the faint of heart—final sequence, the directing debut from journalist, musician, and actor Wagner Moura (Elite Squad; Pablo Escobar in Narcos) is a searing and energized portrait of one of Brazil’s most divisive historical figures, Afro-Brazilian poet and politician Carlos Marighella (actor/singer Seu Jorge, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou). Driven to fight against the erosion of civil and human rights following the CIA-backed military coup of 1964 and the brutal right-wing dictatorship that followed, the revolutionary leaves behind his wife, Clara (Adriana Esteves), and son, Carlinhos, to take to the streets, authoring the highly influential Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla,becoming a notorious enemy to the power structure, and being doggedly pursued by sadistic chief inspector Lucio (Bruno Gagliasso) before an untimely death in a dramatic police ambush in 1969. (Review by Hebe Tabachnik, Seattle International Film Festival, Film's Official Website)

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    En Palenque de San Basilio todos hablan de regresar a la tierra de sus ancestros. Andris y Gabriel (21 y 18 años) son los primeros palenqueros que parten a África buscando las huellas de su héroe Benkos Biohó y la cámara de Diana, la directora, estará ahí para ser testigo de ese momento. Como los sueños no siempre se imponen a la realidad, en Dakar le es negada la entrada a Andris y a todo el equipo de filmación: Diana y Gabriel quedan solos en Senegal. Con su marímbula y una gran desilusión a cuestas Gabriel se dispone a descubrir qué tiene Palenque de África y qué tiene África de Palenque. El protagonista se adentra en Senegal en búsqueda de las huellas de su héroe en una travesía en la que se encuentra con personajes y situaciones que descubren una África no imaginada por él. (Proimágenes Colombia)
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    Más allá del fútbol is a feature length documentary film that introduces the highland Afro-Ecuadorian communities of the Chota-Mira valley and the genre of music and dance known as la bomba. Afrochoteños, as many in the region today self-identify, are the descendants of enslaved Africans brought by Jesuits in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to labor the sugarcane fields situated along the rivers Chota and Mira in the provinces of Carchi and Imbabura. For much of the twentieth century, Afro-Ecuadorians had been marginalized to the extent that their presence within the nation has now been reduced to their athletic contributions. This film goes beyond soccer to document the rich history and culture of the Afro-Ecuadorians through a discussion of la bomba. Featuring interviews with local community members, organization leaders, and renowned bomba musicians along with segments of bomba music and dance, Más allá del fútbol presents an overview of the history and development of la bomba and addresses the genre’s significance for afrochoteños. In the process, the film’s narrative and discourse illuminates the current dynamics of race and racism currently impacting perceptions and representations of la bomba and afrochoteño identity and culture today. (YouTube:
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    The Forgotten Boys of Brazil follows the research of historian Sidney Aguilar, beginning with the discovery of bricks marked with Nazi swastikas on a farm in the countryside of São Paulo. The documentary reveals something really frightening: during the 1930s, fifty black boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro and led to the farm where the bricks had been found. There, the boys were identified by numbers and subjected to slave labor by a family that was part of the political, military, and economic elite of the country. This family did not hide their affinity for the Nazi ideology.

    At the time, Brazil had the largest German population-with 100,000 German-born people and a community of 1 million people of German descent. 2,822 were members of the Nazi Party. Such context helped Brazil become a safe haven for Nazi war criminals after WWII when 20,000 Germans settled there. The most notorious fugitive to settle in Brazil was Dr. Josef Mengele.

    Two survivors from this Brazilian tragedy, Aloísio Silva (the “boy 23”) and Argemiro Santos, as well as the family of José Alves de Almeida (known as ‘Two’), reveal their stories for the first time. (Pragda)

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