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  • el_aula_vacia.jpeg

    Bajo la dirección creativa de Gael García Bernal, once directores retratan el impacto de la deserción escolar en América Latina a través de un largometraje maravillosamente diverso y complejo. Viaja a siete países y explora las razones por las que casi la mitad de los estudiantes de secundaria nunca se gradúa. (Cine Aparte)
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    Two Diaguita children are grazing their cows when two men on motorcycles come along and tell them it is their land. At school the two kids learn that measurements were different at the time the property was divided, and the land is actually theirs. [This short film is part of a larger media project, "The Empty Classroom" produced by Gael García Bernal, in which eleven directors portray the impact of school dropouts in Latin America through a complex and diverse feature film. We travel to seven countries and explore the reasons why almost half of secondary school children never graduate.] (
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    Diego de Zama, un funcionario americano de la Corona española, espera una carta del Rey que lo aleje del puesto de frontera en el que se encuentra estancado. Su situación es delicada. Debe cuidarse de que nada empañe esa posibilidad. Se ve obligado a aceptar con sumisión cualquier tarea que le ordenen los Gobernadores que se van sucediendo mientras él permanece. Algunos años transcurren y la carta nunca llega. Al advertir que en la espera ha perdido todo, Zama decide sumarse a una partida de soldados y partir a tierras lejanas en busca de un peligroso bandido. Libre de sus esperanzas de traslado y ascenso, sabiéndose en peligro, descubre que lo único que desea es vivir. Quizás pueda conseguirlo. (Cine Nacional Argentino)
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    Mecha and Gregorio are at their rundown country place near La Ciénaga with their teen children. It's hot. The adults drink constantly; Mecha cuts herself, engendering a trip to the hospital and a visit from her son José. A cousin, Tali, brings her children. The kids are on their own, sunbathing by the filthy pool, dancing in town, running in the hills with shotguns, driving cars without licenses. One of the teen girls loves Isabel, a family servant constantly accused of stealing. Mother and son, son and sisters, teen and Isabel are in each other's beds and bathrooms with a creepy intimacy. With no adults paying attention, who's at risk? (Sensa Cine)
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    En una ciudad de provincia un grupo de adolescentes místicas se preocupa por su rol en el plan divino. Un congreso de otorrinolaringología hace desembarcar a un médico prestigioso. El médico roza a Amalia, una de las adolescentes, en la calle. Quizás Dios la ha llamado para salvar de su falta a este hombre. El consolidado mundo del médico se resquebraja ante la misión sagrada de la chica. (Cine Nacional Argentino)
  • la mujer sin cabeza.jpg

    A woman is driving on the highway. She becomes distracted and runs over something. On the days following this incident, she fails to recognize the feelings that bond her to things and people. She just lets herself be taken by the events of her social life. One night she tells her husband that she killed someone on the highway. They go back to the road only to find a dead dog. Friends close to the police confirm that there were no accident reports. Everything returns to normal and the bad moment seems to be over until the news of a gruesome discovery again worries everyone. (Festival Cannes)
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