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  • konagxeka-o-diluvio-maxakali.jpeg

    Konãgxeka in the indigenous language maxakali means "big water". It is the maxakali version of the flood story. As a punishment, because of the selfishness and greed of men, yãmîy spirits send the "great water". It is an indigenous film. One of the directors is a representative of the indigenous people Maxakali, from Minas Gerais. Maxakali language spoken film, with subtitles. The film's script is the diluvian myth of the Maxakali people. The illustrations for the film were made by indigenous Maxakali, during a workshop held in the Green Village Maxakali, in the municipality of Ladainha, Minas Gerais. (Porta Curtas)
  • matanag-a-encantada 1.59.23 PM.jpg

    Based on a traditional myth of the Maxakali people, directed by Shawara Maxakali and Charles Bicalho, the film follows Mãtãnãg, who upon seeing her husband die from a snake bite, decides to follow him, thus commencing her journey towards the village of the spirits. In this animation film, the boundary between the world of the dead and the world of the living gains other possible meanings. (Olhar de Cinema Festial Internacional de Curitiba)
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