
Browse Items (85 total)

  • Rabin_Intro_Spanish_Language_Film.pdf

    This course is an introduction to appreciating and understanding film art as it relates to the rich and diverse cinema history of Latin America. Conducted entirely in Spanish, the course focuses on students’ acquisition of knowledge on the material and principles of film form, or the basic elements of film narrative, mise-en-scène, editing, and sound. Students will be asked to put their new knowledge into practice by watching closely and analyzing major films produced across the Latin American regions in the 20th and 21st centuries, from Argentina to Chile to Bolivia to Chile to Brazil to Cuba to Mexico. A variety of film genres will be enjoyed, including the documentary, the musical, the comedy, the thriller, the coming-of-age movie and the road film. The “New Latin American Cinema” or the socially-engaged film of the 1960s and 1970s will also receive attention in the course. In addition to studying film as an art form we will also tackle prominent issues in contemporary film studies, including film theory, the history of audiences and the role of cinema as a form of mass media.
  • Schroeder_latin_american_cinema3.pdf

    In this course we will explore how Latin Americans have represented themselves on the big screen, through close readings of representative films from each of the following major periods:
    • silent cinema (1890s-1930s),
    • studio cinema (1930s-1950s),
    • Neorealism/Art Cinema (1950s),
    • the New Latin American Cinema (1960s-1980s), and
    • contemporary cinema (1990s to today)
    Throughout the course we will examine evolving representations of modernity and pay special attention to how these representations are linked to different constructions of gender, race, sexuality, and nationality. We will conclude the course with a collective screening of video essays created by students in the course.
  • Stone_syllabi 2.pdf

    The history of filmmaking in Latin America, as in other parts of the world, has largely taken place in Hollywood's shadow. Whether seeking to adapt US cinematic conventions to a different cultural context or experimenting with radically new paradigms that turn conventional filmmaking on its head, Hollywood has been an indispensable reference point. We will focus on the “Golden Age” of Mexican cinema in the ‘40s and ‘50s, the revolutionary "New Cinema" movement of the ‘60s and ‘70s, and other significant trends such as the growing numbers of women screenwriters and of films focusing on issues related to sexuality and gender in the ‘80s and ‘90s, as well as the increasing globalization of the industry in the new millennium, to the point that the very concept of "national" cinema has lost much of its resonance.
  • Syllabi.pdf

    This course is an introduction to Latin American film and television studies. It is conducted in Spanish and is open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates with the permission of the instructor. Students will acquire knowledge on contemporary trends in film and television studies, including film theory, the archival turn, and ethnographies of television reception, as they relate to the film and television cultures of the rich and diverse regions of Latin America. The course’s historical purview takes students from classical narratives of the 1930s and 40s to revolutionary cinema of the 1960s and 70s to melorealism and the telenovela of the contemporary period.
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    "El curso se enfoca en procesos de cambio cultural en comunidades hispanohablantes de las Américas. Las metodologías empleadas incluyen la histórica (a base de la organización en forma narrativa de evidencia documentada), la transcultural (a base del estudio de las interacciones dinámicas entre perspectivas culturales) y la comunitaria (a base de experiencias vitales de participación comunitaria). "
  • de_cierta_manera-100911123-large.jpg

    Conflicts between old habits that perpetuate marginalization and a new moral era, in the context of the social tranformation that took place in Cuba beginning with the victory of the 1959 Revolution. The construction of the Miraflores neighborhood in 1962 by its residents: the conflicts, contradictions and changes seen from a personal, individual perspective. The film is based on true events and combines documentary wth fiction. (Translation by Jeimy Hernandez)
  • yawar mallku.jpg

    In a peasant community in the Altiplano, tragedy looms over a couple whom after the loss of their children, in their attempt to have more, discover the woman, like many others, is unable to get pregnant. Many suspect the nearby maternity hospital created by the gringos from "Cuerpo de Progreso." (Translation by Jeimy Hernández)
  • 170px-Orfeu_Negro,_1959.jpg

    Young lovers Orfeu (Breno Mello) and Eurydice (Marpessa Dawn) run through the favelas of Rio during Carnaval, on the lam from a hitman dressed like Death (Ademar Da Silva) and Orfeu's vengeful fiancée Mira (Lourdes de Oliveira) and passing between moments of fantasy and stark reality. This impressionistic retelling of the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice introduced bossa nova to the world with its soundtrack by young Brazilian composers Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim. (IMDB)
  • bye bye brazil.jpg

    The Caravana Rolidei rolls into town with the Gypsy Lord at the mike: he does magic tricks, the erotic Salomé dances, and the mute Swallow performs feats of strength. A young accordion player is completely enamored of Salomé, and he begs to come along. The Gypsy Lord shrugs, and the accordionist and his pregnant wife, Dasdô, join the troupe. Television is their enemy as they go from the coast deep into the Amazon. Salomé lets the accordionist sleep with her once, with Dasdô's knowledge. He's moon-struck. Then, after Dasdô's baby is born and financial disaster hits the troupe, the accordionist must choose between seeing his wife a prostitute and leaving the caravan.
  • OsFuzis.jpg

    Ano de 1963, policiais chegam a uma cidade pobre do Nordeste brasileiro para impedir que a população saqueie um depósito de alimentos. Em meio a um cenário desolador, os policiais ficam chocados com a negligência do governo que, ao invés de mandar alimentos para os moradores famintos, manda soldados.(Adoro Cinema)
  • Lucia.jpg

    Traces episodes in the lives of three Cuban women, each named Lucía, from three different historical periods: the Cuban war of independence (with Spain), the 1930's, and the 1960's. (IMDB)
  • JuanQuinQuin.jpg

    La película recoge las aventuras y desventuras de un campesino que durante la etapa prerrevolucionaria debe aprender a sobrevivir apelando a las más insospechadas maneras. Monaguillo, torero, artista de circo, Juan Quinquín debe enfrentarse también al abusivo alcalde de su pueblo, lo que provoca que, tras conocer y enamorarse de Teresa, decida incorporarse a las guerrillas revolucionarias. (Cuba Tesoro)
  • Machete.jpg

    En Octubre de 1868 se inicia la guerra contra la dominación española. Carlos Manuel de Céspedes ocupa Bayamo y un capitán español envía dos fuertes columnas. Éstas son diezmadas por las tropas de Máximo Gómez, que utilizan por primera vez el machete como arma de guerra. Audaz filme-encuesta rodado al estilo de un reportaje, con entrevistas a los personajes históricos. Obra cumbre del realizador, aún cuando adolece de una fatigosa cámara en mano y contrastada fotografía, a imagen y semejanza de las películas primitivas. (Cuba Cine)
  • Opiniao Publica.jpg

    Por meio de depoimentos de estudantes, a classe média carioca é retratada de maneira a salientar seus gestos, seus gostos, e sobretudo sua distância frente a realidade brasileira. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
  • Uma visão abrangente da situação dos diferentes grupos étnicos existentes no Brasil. Nos depoimentos, recolhidos nas ruas e bairros de diversas capitais, negros, brancos, mulatos, portugueses, italianos e japoneses manifestam sua opinião e descrevem experiências pessoais, envolvendo o relacionamento, o racismo, a miscigenação e o intercâmbio cultural. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
  • RioZonaNorte.jpg

    Spirit of Light (Great Othello), a talented composer of sambas, tries to sell his music and succeed in Brazil, but gets tricked by opportunists and finds himself trapped in the schemes of the music industry. Left unconscious after a train accident, he recalls moments from his life and career, based in a neighborhood in the north of Rio. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
  • Megano.jpg

    Este documental está considerado como antecedente del Cine Cubano y uno de los que da origen al Movimiento del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano. Es una denuncia a las infrahumanas condiciones de vida y trabajo de los carboneros de la Ciénaga de Zapata en Cuba antes de 1959. Desde el punto de vista temático, está considerado como el antecedente más importante del cine cubano de la Revolución realizado posteriormente por el Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC). La película es un documento importante para el cine nacional, tanto por sus méritos artísticos como por su valor social que llevó al régimen de Batista a secuestrarla por “subversiva y peligrosa”.
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    Shows daily life of a group of Chipaya Indians in Bolivia in the early 1950s, when drought made food production very difficult. (Worldcat)
  • Rio 40 graus.jpeg

    Num domingo carioca, a vida é retratada através de cinco pequenos vendedores de amendoim. Em Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista e Estádio do Maracanã, pontos turísticos da cidade, eles procuram compradores para seus produtos. O calor escaldante de 40 graus acaba por unir as aflições dos moradores humildes, que buscam algo de melhor para suas vidas. Depois de um dia atribulado, a alegria de viver toma conta de suas vidas, quando participam do ensaio geral das Escolas de Samba. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
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    Everyday the children of the neighborhood known as "Tire Dié", in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, wait for the train to ask for money, shouting "Tire dié!" (toss me a dime!) to the passengers. (IMDB)
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    Al final de la dictadura militar de Argentina en 1983, Floreal es liberado de la prisión. En vez de reunirse con su esposa, él deambula por las calles de Buenos Aires de noche. El se encuentra con gente de su pasado, los cuales son casi todos imaginarios, y se recuerda de su detención y su encarcelamiento.(Translation by Jessica Batista)
  • Terra em Transe.jpg

    O jornalista e poeta Paulo Martins oscila entre diversas forças políticas que lutam pelo poder no fictício país de Eldorado: D. Porfírio Diaz, um líder de direita e político de tradição, D. Felipe Vieira, governador da Província de Alecrim, líder populista e demagógico, e D. Julio Fuentes, poderoso empresário dono de um império de comunicação. Numa conversa com a militante Sara, Paulo conclui que o povo de Eldorado precisa de um líder e que Vieira possui tais atributos. Eldorado encontra-se entre o golpe de estado e o populismo, entre a crise e a transformação. E Paulo, dividido entre a poesia e a política, agoniza sem conseguir solucionar as incoerências de Eldorado e as suas próprias contradições. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
  • Burucua_LatAmFilmFestivalCircuit.pdf

    The course will look at Latin American cinema (mostly contemporary films), and the associated ideas about the region, that circulate in the film festival circuit. Understanding the latter as a complex and dynamic phenomenon, the study of which has been tackled from a wide range of multidisciplinary approaches (from socio-economics to film studies, from anthropology to global studies), special attention will be paid to the political economies at stake in these transnational networks and their impact in terms of film distribution, exhibition and, perhaps more importantly, film production.
  • Hora_de_los_hornos Franco-signed.pdf

    Este film está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia"; "Acto para la liberación", dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos "Crónica del peronismo (1945-1955)" y "Crónica de la resistencia (1955-1966)"; "Violencia y liberación" (CinenNacional)
  • la hora de los hornos.png

    Este film está dividido en tres partes: "Neocolonialismo y violencia"; "Acto para la liberación", dividido a su vez en dos grandes momentos "Crónica del peronismo (1945-1955)" y "Crónica de la resistencia (1955-1966)"; "Violencia y liberación". (Cine Nacional Argentino)
  • Nacional cinema study- Mexico_Jeff Middents-anc.pdf

    This course will examine different histories, approaches and methodologies related to the study of national cinema, tying in aspects of culture, politics, aesthetics and economics. Throughout the course, we will study the Mexican film tradition as case studies and examples. It should be clear, however, that the primary pedagogical thrust of this course concentrates on larger implications of national cinema writ large; to that end, each student will choose a different national cinematic tradition to examine, culminating in a term-long research project.
  • cuba baila_filmography.jpg

    Los deseos y esfuerzos de una familia de muy pocos ingresos, para realizar el sueño de celebrar los quince años de su hija a un nivel mayor que el permitido por su posición económica llevan al padre al punto de la locura. (Kimbara Cine Cubano)
  • El chacal de nahueltoro_filmography.jpg

    Basada en un hecho real y en las crónicas noticiosas de la época, el filme cuenta la historia de José del Carmen Valenzuela autor de un brutal asesinato múltiple en la zona de Nahueltoro. Víctima además de la marginalidad en la que ha vivido, es condenado a muerte por sus actos, aunque antes de la sentencia es rehabilitado: aprende a leer, escribir y sociabilizar. Pero ello no impide que la sentencia se cumpla y que el castigo social caiga sobre él. (Cine Chile)
  • hermogenes cayo imaginero_filmography.jpg

    Imaginero is an ethnobiography of Hermógenes Cayo, a self-taught woodcarver and painter who lives on the high Andean plateau of Argentina. The film portrays Hermógenes, his wife Aurelia Kilpe, and their children in their Andean lifestyle, as well as Hermogenes' passion for painting, carving, building, and his devotion to the Virgin Mary. (Documentary Educational Resources)
  • La batalla de Chile_filmography.jpg

    Registro de los acontecimientos ocurridos en los meses previos al golpe de Estado en Chile, ocurrido el 11 de septiembre de 1973. Diariamente se enfrentan, en todos los niveles, dos bloques políticos: la burguesía opositora (partidos Nacional y Democratacristiano) y la Unidad Popular (partidos de izquierda) que apoya un parlamento para el Presidente constitucional Salvador Allende. Es un documental histórico que en las décadas de los 70 y 80 fue distribuido en 35 países del mundo. No es un filme de archivo: es un documento filmado en el momento mismo de producirse los hechos. (Cine Chile)
  • Latin american Documentary_syllabi_skvirsky.pdf

    This course will investigate Latin American documentary by focusing on three important topics in Latin American cultural studies. We will screen recent and historical documentaries about (1) underdevelopment and poverty, (2) the history and memory of the Southern Cone military dictatorships, and (3) popular culture and folklore. These three topics will provide material for an investigation of documentary form. With respect to each topic, we will consider how the resources of documentary filmmaking are employed to frame the same subject matter in different ways.
  • Latin American Cinema_ syllabi_Skvirsky.pdf

    This course is a survey of Latin American cinema that spans from the 1930s to the present. Topics will include Mexican Golden Age cinema as well as the New Latin American Cinema of the 1960s and 1970s and contemporary new new waves. The course will examine key films in the history of Latin American cinema including María Candelaría (Emilio Fernandez, 1944), Memories of Underdevelopment (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Cuba,1968), and The Jackal of Nahueltoro (Miguel Littín, 1969) as well as accomplished contemporary productions such as Edifício Master (Eduardo Coutinho, 2002) and Neighboring Sounds (Kleber Mendonça Filho, 2012). The course will put these films in dialogue with key debates within Latin American cultural studies including debates around national culture, national identity, aesthetics and politics, and underdevelopment. In many cases, we will compare filmic treatments of these questions from different countries and from different time periods.
  • Podalsky_Laura_ANC_syllabi2.pdf

    Este curso pretende ofrecerles a los estudiantes una introducción al cine latinoamericano al trazar su trayectoria histórica desde el cine mudo al presente, al examinar diferentes contextos y modos de producción, y al analizar diferentes tendencias estéticas. A la vez, se propone darles una introducción al análisis fílmico al familiarizarles con los términos especializados y con varias líneas críticas que han surgido del campo de los estudios fílmicos. Este trimestre nos enfocaremos en el documental y, más ampliamente, en el “impulso documental” el cual se hace evidente en películas que se suelen caracterizar como de ficción.
  • flyer_large.jpg

    Sergio, a wealthy bourgeois aspiring writer, decides to stay in Cuba even though his wife and friends flee to Miami. Sergio looks back over the changes in Cuba from the Castro revolution to the Cuban missile crisis, the effect of living in an underdeveloped country, and his relations with his girlfriends Elena and Hanna. (IMDB)
  • Memorias_del_subdesarrollo Medina.pdf

    Sergio, a wealthy bourgeois aspiring writer, decides to stay in Cuba even though his wife and friends flee to Miami. Sergio looks back over the changes in Cuba from the Castro revolution to the Cuban missile crisis, the effect of living in an underdeveloped country, and his relations with his girlfriends Elena and Hanna. (IMDB)
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