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  • Bakosó_Afrobeats_of_Cuba.png

    What does "Está Rico" by Marc Anthony, Will Smith & Bad Bunny have in common with "Made For Now" by Janet Jackson x Daddy Yankee? They both high-jacked AfroBeats and did not give the genre's origin props. Bakosó is a film that does the opposite, following DJ Jigüe to his hometown of Santiago de Cuba to find inspiration from the new sounds. He finds Afrobeats has helped create a new genre called Bakosó, which itself is beautiful proof that the exchange between Cuba and Africa did not end with the Transatlantic slave trade. Through stunning visuals and a score created by the founders of the genre, the film shows the technology, culture and landscape that shape this African-Caribbean fusion. (WORLD Channel)
  • nana_dijo.jpg

    “Nana Dijo. Radiografía irresoluta de la conciencia negra”, es un trabajo que expone las condiciones de segregación, discriminación, censura y violencia cultural contra las poblaciones afrodescendientes en Latinoamérica y negros latinos en Estados Unidos. Es, pues, un documental que está llamado a convertirse en material elemental para comprender y transformar la conciencia general sobre la negritud en países de habla hispana, donde lo afro ha sido silenciado por siglos, incluso, para los mismos afrodescendientes. En una industria cultural inundada de proyectos sobre afro-descendencia políticamente tibios, con enfoques completamente subordinados a las hegemonías culturales y que solo apuestan por la exortización del cuerpo del oprimido y no por su empoderamiento, “Nana Dijo” emerge como un esfuerzo sólido por afirmar las narrativas de la experiencia Negra en primera persona (
  • Shamash_FIST434_CourseSyllabus.pdf

    By tracing a Latin American centric social, geo-political, cultural, historical, cinematic map, we will be looking at the praxis of key visionary filmmakers and cinematic movements. We will examine how these filmmakers, their films, their texts, and their legacies engage local and global contexts. Cinema from the global south is not an addendum to "First World Cinema"; the majority of world cinema is actually produced in the "Third World”. By mapping the vibrant, often neglected, legacy of Latin American cinema, we will revisit films from New Latin American Cinema to more contemporary films from the continent in order to delve into the poetry and politics of a subjective repertoire of films. By grounding our critical approach and analyses in the historical, theoretical, political, social, economic, and cultural framework that these films were created in, “Poetry and Politics in Latin American Cinema” aims to deconstruct some of the dominant, oppressive discourses and colonial systems that provoked the counter-narratives and resistance manifest in these cinematic works.

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