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    Cuenta la historia de Laura, una joven cuyas aspiraciones de convertirse en reina de belleza se vuelven contra ella cuando involuntariamente se ve involucrada con un grupo criminal en el norte de México. En una serie de dramáticos eventos que la llevan a ser coronada como reina de belleza de su Estado, Laura es simultaneamente arrojada a la algida y efervecente violencia de la guerra contra el narcotráfico en el México contemporáneo. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    A partir de un hecho real (el mismo que sirviera de base a, "Amantes sanguinarios", de Leonard Kastle), se narra la carrera criminal de la pareja formada por una enfermera y un estafador quienes sirven para reinterpretar temas como la obsesión amorosa y el poder destructivo de los celos. Aquí, el amor loco de los protagonistas, los vuelve primero amantes y después asesinos que borran del mapa todo aquello que impide su deseo. Víctimas de su pasión, deambulan por un mundo que no ofrece salidas posibles y los encamina a su destrucción. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    This is the story of Yuma, a strong-willed and rebellious girl, from the poor neighborhoods of Managua, who dreams of being a boxer. (IMDB)
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    When the Miami star of a sensationalist newspaper travels to a small town on the coast of Ecuador to cover a story on a child serial killer, his personal ambition and his pursuit of glory takes him on a journey with tragic consequences.The coastal town of Babahoyo, Ecuador lives in terror ever since its children have begun to disappear. Many of the kids have been found in pits with various signs of abuse and torture. The police have no leads and the horrifying story becomes the sensationalist reporter's, Manolo Bonilla's, obsession. A fortuitous event, the trampling and consequent death of a kid by one of the towns most cared for citizens, puts them on the path of discovering the serial killer, but Manolo's obstinacy in wanting to give the public a truly impacting story turns him into the serial killer's accomplice. (Translation by Jessica Batista)
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    Una banda de ladrones aterroriza a la alta sociedad de la Ciudad de México en 1915. Los asesinatos, robos y secuestros se suceden mientras un detective sigue la huella de los criminales. (Cine Mexicano)
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    Cinta sobre la misteriosa muerte del tío de la realizadora en Chihuahua y de cómo reaccionó su familia ante la posibilidad de un suicidio. Es un reflejo de la sociedad actual de provincia. El gobierno está lleno de secretos que todo el mundo sabe pero no lo dice. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operation Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged. Captain Nascimento is trying to find a man to replace him because his wife is pregnant and he intends to quit the command and become a trainer of the new recruits. Meanwhile, the two idealistic friends Neto and Matias join the Military Police force expecting to become honest policemen and fight the criminals. However, they see only corruption, lack of competence and stupid bureaucracy in the Military Police, and after a serious incident in the Morro da Babilônia, they decide to join the BOPE. The lives of Capitain Nascimento, Neto and Matias are entwined along the next months, first in the tough training period and then in action against drug dealers. (IMDB)
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    Manuel, 9, has an old ball with which he plays football every day in the countryside. He dreams of becoming a great goalkeeper. His wishes seem set to come true when Ernest, his father, gives him a new ball. But an unexpected accident sends the ball flying into a minefield. Despite the danger, Manuel refuses to abandon his treasure... He convinces Julián and Poca Luz, his two friends, to rescue it with him. Amid the adventures and kids' games, the signs of armed conflict start to appear in the lives of the inhabitants of 'La Pradera'. (IMDB)
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