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Pixote: A Lei Do Mais Fraco
Pixote, a child from the streets of São Paulo, is arrested by the police and sent to a juvenile detention center where he and the other adolescents endure abuse and sexual violation by police officers. When two runaways are murdered and the police frame Lilica, a transgender woman, Pixote escapes with her and their friends to begin living a life of crime. (Film synopsis by Éowyn Bailey) -
Pizza, birra, faso
El Cordobés vive con sus tres amigos y su mujer embarazada, Sandra, en la misma casa. Esta banda de adolescentes marginales pulula por Buenos Aires viviendo del robo pero siempre dependen de alguien que los emplea y les quita la mayor parte del botín. La filosofía de vida del Cordobés y los suyos parece ser que mientras no falten la pizza, cerveza y cigarrillos, todo es soportable. (Cine Nacional Argentina)Tags Youth / La juventud -
La ley de Herodes
Durante el alemanismo, un gris funcionario público es nombrado presidente municipal de un pueblo con fuertes carencias. Aunque al principio decide cumplir honradamente con su encomienda, pronto la corrupción reinante termina por convertirlo en un monstruo hambriento de poder. Remitiéndose al pasado, el director Luis Estrada y un equipo de escritores entre quienes está Vicente Leñero, orquesta una estupenda sátira sobre los vicios más deplorables del ejercicio del poder en nuestro país. (Cineteca Nacional México) -
Canoa: Memoria de un hecho vergonzoso
En 1968, año de gran inquietud social, un grupo de jovenes excursionistas empleados de la Universidad de Puebla, es agredido (con saldo de dos muertos y varios heridos) por los enardecidos habitantes de un pueblo cercano a la Malincheque que han sido asuzados por el cura quien los tacha de peligrosos comunistas. (Filmoteca UNAM) -
São Paolo, 1992. A new doctor arrives in the notorious male prison of Carandiru, aiming to promote Aids education. Gradually we become aware of individuals within the crowd of convicts, as they come to the doctor's office for treatment. In flashback we learn the crimes that brought them to the prison. Dagger has killed another prisoner's father. Highness is a good-looking thief with a white wife and a black mistress. He has taken the blame for a fire set by his jealous wife. Chico is a dignified older man, waiting in vain for a visit from his grown daughter. Zico, a drug dealer, was taken in by the family of Deusdete after being abandoned by his mother. Deusdete has killed the two men who raped his sister and now shares a cell with Zico. Antonio and Miro are armed robbers brought down by the jealousy and treachery of their wives. Lady Di is a transsexual who aims to marry fellow inmate Too Bad. On visiting day the partners and children of all these characters are allowed into the prison. Zico, now addicted to crack, goes crazy and pours boiling water over Deusdete. He is killed in turn by a number of prisoners, and Highness gets Ezequiel, another addict, to take the blame. There is a football match among the convicts. Afterwards a fight breaks out which escalates into a riot. Although the prisoners give up their arms, the riot squad enter and slaughter the inmates. The final titles tell us that 111 convicts were killed and not one policeman. Documentary footage shows how the prison was finally demolished in 2002. Source: Smith, Paul Julian. Sight and Sound, vol. 14, no. 4, 2004, p. 44-45. -
Cidade de Deus
Basada en hechos reales, describe el mundo del crimen organizado en Cidade de Deus, un suburbio de Río de Janeiro, desde finales de los sesenta hasta principios de los ochenta, época durante la cual el tráfico de drogas y la violencia impusieron su ley en las favelas. A finales de los sesenta, Buscapé, un niño de 11 años tímido y sensible, observa a los niños duros de su barrio, sus robos, sus peleas, sus enfrentamientos diarios con la policía. Pero él sabe muy bien lo que quiere ser si consigue sobrevivir: fotógrafo. Dadinho, un niño de su edad que se traslada al barrio, sueña con ser el criminal más peligroso de Río de Janeiro y empieza su aprendizaje haciendo recados para los delincuentes locales. Admira a Cabeleira y su pandilla, que se dedican a atracar los camiones del gas. Un día Cabeleira le da a Dadinho la oportunidad de cometer su primer asesinato. (Film Affinity) -
Rodrigo D: No futuro
Rodrigo, a poor and troubled teenager in the barrios of Medellin, Colombia, struggles to find hope in a world ravaged by violence and chaos. An aspiring drummer in a punk band, he uses his music to try to drive the despair out of his head. Rodrigo and his friends are bored teenagers living in Medellin. Rodrigo wants to start a punk band. The youths mainly loaf around the hillside shanty towns and, for kicks, steal a bike or car, or shoot someone. (Portal del cine y audiovisual latinoamericano y caribeño)Tags Youth / La juventud