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  • Madeinusa_Medina.pdf

    Madeinusa is a girl aged 14 who lives in an isolated village in the Cordillera Blanca Mountain range of Peru. This strange place is characterized by its religious fervor. From Good Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon (the time of day when Christ died on the cross) to Easter Sunday, the whole village can do whatever it feels like. During the two holy days sin does not exist: God is dead and can't see what is happening. Everything is accepted and allowed, without remorse. Year after year, Madeinusa and her sister Chale, and her father Don Cayo, the Mayor and local big shot, maintain this tradition without questioning it. However, everything changes with the arrival in the village of Salvador, a young geologist from Lima, who will unknowingly change the destiny of the girl. (IMDB)
  • madeinusa_filmography.jpg

    Madeinusa is a girl aged 14 with a sweet Indian face who lives in an isolated village in the Cordillera Blanca Mountain range of Peru. This strange place is characterized by its religious fervor. From Good Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon (the time of day when Christ died on the cross) to Easter Sunday, the whole village can do whatever it feels like. During the two holy days sin does not exist: God is dead and can't see what is happening. Everything is accepted and allowed, without remorse. Year after year, Madeinusa and her sister Chale, and her father Don Cayo, the Mayor and local big shot, maintain this tradition without questioning it. However, everything changes with the arrival in the village of Salvador, a young geologist from Lima, who will unknowingly change the destiny of the girl. (IMDB)
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    Fausta padece una muy conocida enfermedad, llamada “teta asustada”, que se transmite por la leche materna de las mujeres que fueron violadas o maltratadas durante la guerra del terrorismo de Sendero Luminoso en Perú. La guerra se terminó hace tiempo, pero Fausta vive recordándola a causa de su enfermedad, “la enfermedad del miedo”, que le ha robado el alma. La muerte de su madre la pondrá en una situación extrema, teniendo que enfrentarse a sus miedos y al secreto que oculta con más recelo. Y es que se ha introducido una papa en la vagina, a modo de escudo, ya que sólo el asco detiene a los asquerosos. La película, de algún modo, cuenta la búsqueda de un florecer, un viaje del miedo a la libertad. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
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