Browse Items (9 total)
El espinazo del diablo
Esta historia, ambientada durante los últimos días de la Guerra Civil, tiene lugar en el orfanato Santa Lucía, un impresionante edificio de piedra situado en una meseta desolada. Carlos, un niño de 12 años, se enfrenta al escalofriante lugar ya que su tutor no puede hacerse cargo de él. Nada más llegar, el niño notará la presencia de un ser extraño. Poco a poco, Carlos descubre que esa misteriosa presencia corresponde a un niño asesinado brutalmente en el pasado, cuyo fantasma vaga sin rumbo por el orfanato... (Sensa Cine)Tags Youth / La juventud -
El Libertador
Starring Édgar Ramírez, The Liberator narrates the story of Simón Bolívar, who fought over 100 battles against the Spanish Empire in South America. He rode over 70,000 miles on horseback. His military campaigns covered twice the territory of Alexander the Great. His army never conquered - it liberated. (Pragda)Tags War Films -
De generación
Un grupo de jóvenes cubanos analizan temas comunes a su época, expresando sus diferencias con el proyecto político creado por sus padres. (Film's official website) -
Traces episodes in the lives of three Cuban women, each named Lucía, from three different historical periods: the Cuban war of independence (with Spain), the 1930's, and the 1960's. (IMDB) -
Jean Charles
Inspirado no assassinato do brasileiro Jean Charles de Menezes pela polícia inglesa, em 2005, o filme reconstrói os últimos meses da vida do eletricista mineiro em Londres (Cinemateca Brasileira) -
Las caras de la luna
Five women from five different countries come together in Mexico to participate as judges in the Latin American Film Festival for Women. During the six days that they are together, they share their experiences, their worries, and their expectations. While they confide in each other, their personal stories start to reveal aspects of Latin American history. (Translation by Jessica Batista). -
Pulqui: un instante en la patria de la felicidad
El Pulqui fue el primer avión a reacción diseñado y construido totalmente en Argentina durante el gobierno del presidente Perón (año 1951). En el mismo momento en la URSS se fabrica el Mig 13 y en EEUU el Sabre F86. En 1955 un golpe militar derroca a Perón y este proyecto muere junto con la esperanza de un país diferente. Argentina, 2005, el pintor Daniel Santoro se propone realizar un singular objeto artístico: un avión Pulqui, a la mitad del modelo original, construido totalmente en aluminio. (Encuentro) -
Historias de fútbol
Three stories about football, one of the most important twentieth-century rituals. A third division player from Santiago de Chile is bribed, but does not realise that his behaviour betrays more than the loyalty of his team-mates. A boy from Calama, Chile wins the local derby pichanga, a soccer match that can last all afternoon, but he loses the few pesos he acquired by pawning his mother's last possessions. Francisco, a boy from the city, is stuck in a remote corner of the southern island of Chiloé on the day that Chile has to play its qualifying match for the World Cup. The only TV is in the house of the Serón sisters. While the local male population gathers to watch the match, the sisters decide which of them will initiate the young Francisco into love. (IMDB) -
Historias de fútbol
Three stories about football, one of the most important twentieth-century rituals. A third division player from Santiago de Chile is bribed, but does not realise that his behaviour betrays more than the loyalty of his team-mates. A boy from Calama, Chile wins the local derby pichanga, a soccer match that can last all afternoon, but he loses the few pesos he acquired by pawning his mother's last possessions. Francisco, a boy from the city, is stuck in a remote corner of the southern island of Chiloé on the day that Chile has to play its qualifying match for the World Cup. The only TV is in the house of the Serón sisters. While the local male population gathers to watch the match, the sisters decide which of them will initiate the young Francisco into love. (IMDB)