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    Pixote, a child from the streets of São Paulo, is arrested by the police and sent to a juvenile detention center where he and the other adolescents endure abuse and sexual violation by police officers. When two runaways are murdered and the police frame Lilica, a transgender woman, Pixote escapes with her and their friends to begin living a life of crime. (Film synopsis by Éowyn Bailey)
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    Noche de fuego (2021) es una película dirigida por Tatiana Huezo, basada en la novela de Jennifer Clement titulada Prayers for the Stolen, que presenta un México rural donde la violencia a causa de la cosecha de amapola ha llevado a cometer crímenes contra las personas del pueblo, por lo cuál, madres de la comunidad recurren a crear escondites y cortes de pelo a sus hijas para protegerlas. A lo largo de la película seguimos la historia de Ana, María y Paula, tres amigas que están aprendiendo a vivir en este ambiente. (Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia)
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    Mariana es una adolescente afrocolombiana que vive en un poblado de pescadores en el litoral del mar Pacífico y sueña con forjarse un futuro. Para lograrlo, tiene que superar un sinnúmero de dificultades que le impone el lugar hostil, ignorado y aislado por agentes del narcotráfico en el que reside. Una historia basada en hechos reales sobre la pujanza y resistencia de una joven mujer que se atreve a soñar y a luchar por hacer sus sueños realidad. (Proimagenes Colombia)
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    Pibia Awin es una de cinco ancianos Iskobakebo (Isconahua) que fueron arrancados de su aldea y ahora viven en la cuenca del río Callería, en Perú. Son los últimos sobrevivientes Iskobakebo, un pueblo que habitaba en la profundidad del bosque, en aislamiento. Una visita inesperada sugiere que sus parientes se encuentran en la Amazonía brasileña, y entonces nace la esperanza del reencuentro. Este documental nos acerca al mundo de los indígenas en aislamiento voluntario de la frontera Perú-Brasil y las graves amenazas como la carretera Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul, la tala ilegal, el narcotráfico y los conflictos territoriales que ponen su existencia en permanente peligro. (Film's Official Website)
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    A desperate fisherman and a naive young man embark on a dangerous journey trafficking drugs up the Pacific coast of Colombia. Hidden beneath the waves, they tow a narco-torpedo filled with millions of dollars worth of cocaine. Together they must brave the war-torn region while navigating the growing tension between them. (IMDB)
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    Relata la época de la llamada 'Bonanza marimbera', cuando el lucrativo negocio de la venta de marihuana a Estados Unidos fue un presagio de lo que marcaría al país por décadas. En La Guajira, una familia wayuú vivirá en carne propia el choque entre ambición y honor. Su cultura, sus tradiciones y hasta sus vidas, serán amenazadas por una guerra entre hermanos cuyas consecuencias se podrán sentir en el mundo entero. (Portal del cine y audiovisual latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    Aurelia, quien trabaja en una maquiladora, madre soltera de dos pequeños y novia de un hombre menor que ella inmiscuido en el narcotráfico, conoce circunstancialmente a Ana, de origen español y traficante internacional de arte prehispánico. Ambas emprenden un viaje por carretera de El Paso, Texas a Quintana Ro, huyendo por motivos personales, la primera de una banda de narcotraficantes a quienes les robó dinero, y la segunda de un policía corrupto obsesionado con ella y que se ha empecinado en atraparla y tenerla para sí. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    Cuenta la historia de Laura, una joven cuyas aspiraciones de convertirse en reina de belleza se vuelven contra ella cuando involuntariamente se ve involucrada con un grupo criminal en el norte de México. En una serie de dramáticos eventos que la llevan a ser coronada como reina de belleza de su Estado, Laura es simultaneamente arrojada a la algida y efervecente violencia de la guerra contra el narcotráfico en el México contemporáneo. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    "In the snowy mountains of Bolivia, in the highest city in the world, an infamous Indian crime duo known as "Los Tortolitos" agrees to transport 50 kilograms of cocaine to the Brazilian Amazon for a shadowy figure named 'El Negro'. The couple's journey takes them through deserts, valleys, and cities and into the heart of Bolivia, a world rich in color, music, and joy on the one hand and poverty, corruption, and racial marginalization on the other....Equal parts road movie, crime drama, and social critique." (Josh Rosenblatt, The Austin Chronicle)
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    In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operation Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged. Captain Nascimento is trying to find a man to replace him because his wife is pregnant and he intends to quit the command and become a trainer of the new recruits. Meanwhile, the two idealistic friends Neto and Matias join the Military Police force expecting to become honest policemen and fight the criminals. However, they see only corruption, lack of competence and stupid bureaucracy in the Military Police, and after a serious incident in the Morro da Babilônia, they decide to join the BOPE. The lives of Capitain Nascimento, Neto and Matias are entwined along the next months, first in the tough training period and then in action against drug dealers. (IMDB)
  • tropa de elite_Medina.pdf

    In 1997, before the visit of the pope to Rio de Janeiro, Captain Nascimento from BOPE (Special Police Operation Battalion) is assigned to eliminate the risks of the drug dealers in a dangerous slum nearby where the pope intends to be lodged. Captain Nascimento is trying to find a man to replace him because his wife is pregnant and he intends to quit the command and become a trainer of the new recruits. Meanwhile, the two idealistic friends Neto and Matias join the Military Police force expecting to become honest policemen and fight the criminals. However, they see only corruption, lack of competence and stupid bureaucracy in the Military Police, and after a serious incident in the Morro da Babilônia, they decide to join the BOPE. The lives of Capitain Nascimento, Neto and Matias are entwined along the next months, first in the tough training period and then in action against drug dealers. (IMDB)
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    Medellín, 1989. Antonio brings Rosario to the hospital; she's shot, bleeding badly. Flashbacks, mixed with Antonio's wait at the hospital during her surgery, tell the story: Antonio and Emilio are friends; Emilio attracts women, but is never serious about any until he meets Rosario, who has a mysterious connection to the underworld. Emilio falls for Rosario; she likes him, but she keeps their relationship compartmentalized, apart from her work. Antonio is the loyal friend who slowly falls in love with her and sticks by her in ways Emilio is incapable of. She begins to see that real love might be possible. Is it all moot in Medellín's violent landscape, or is there hope? (IMDB)
  • Rosario_tijeras Medina.pdf

    Medellín, 1989. Antonio brings Rosario to the hospital; she's shot, bleeding badly. Flashbacks, mixed with Antonio's wait at the hospital during her surgery, tell the story: Antonio and Emilio are friends; Emilio attracts women, but is never serious about any until he meets Rosario, who has a mysterious connection to the underworld. Emilio falls for Rosario; she likes him, but she keeps their relationship compartmentalized, apart from her work. Antonio is the loyal friend who slowly falls in love with her and sticks by her in ways Emilio is incapable of. She begins to see that real love might be possible. Is it all moot in Medellín's violent landscape, or is there hope? (IMDB)
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