Migrations and Immigrations
Title / Título (Original)
Migrations and Immigrations
Description / Descripción
To learn about the main events and historical characters that have forged the development and the evolution of the Latin-American culture(s) , arts and literature from Pre-Columbian times to the present. To address social-cultural and political issues derived from the tutelage of the Spanish Empire.
Country / País
Region / Región
Latin America / Latinoamérica
Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico
Films taught / Películas
Creator / Creador(a)
Manuel Medina, University of Louisville
Copyright / Derechos de propiedad
Open Educational Resources (OER)
“Migrations and Immigrations,” Cinegogía, accessed October 14, 2024, https://cinegogia.omeka.net/items/show/585.