
Latin American Women Writers and Filmmakers


Title / Título (Original)

Latin American Women Writers and Filmmakers

Description / Descripción

This course will provide students an introduction to the critical analysis of film and literature in Latin America (including Brazil) with a specific focus, particularly at the end of the course, on post-dictatorship film and literature from Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. This course is designed to give students an introduction of literary and filmic analysis at an advanced level as a means of building their speaking, reading, critical thinking, and writing skills in Spanish and English.

Region / Región

Latin America / Latinoamérica
U.S. Latino

Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico

Creator / Creador(a)

William Benner, Texas Woman's University



“Latin American Women Writers and Filmmakers,” Cinegogía, accessed October 6, 2024,