Vengo volviendo
Title / Título (Original)
Vengo volviendo
Here and There
Release Date / Fecha de estreno
Film Guide / Guía de película
Language / Idioma
Spanish / español
Country / País
Production Company / Compañía de Producción
Description / Descripción
Ismael, crece bajo el cuidado de su abuela Mariana, partera y curandera, debido a que sus padres emigran del Ecuador. A sus 22 años, solo piensa en viajar a los Estados Unidos. Luego de acordar un precio con el coyote para su viaje, Luz, su mejor amiga, retorna tras ocho años de vivir fuera, para convertirse en la fuerza que llena a Ismael de dudas sobre su situación. Los dos amigos viajan hasta lo más profundo de su provincia para encontrarse con diversos personajes, historias y leyendas que enfrentan a Ismael con lo que más teme: su destino. (
Ismael grows up under the care of his grandmother Mariana, a midwife and healer, because his own parents emigrated from Ecuador. Now 22 years old, Ismael only thinks about traveling to the United States. After Ismael secures passage with a trafficker, Luz, his best friend, returns to Ecuador after living abroad for eight years. She becomes the force that fills Ismael with doubts about his situation. The two friends travel deep into their province to discover new characters, stories, and legends that confront Ismael with what he fears the most: his destiny. (Translated by Bridget Franco)
Ismael grows up under the care of his grandmother Mariana, a midwife and healer, because his own parents emigrated from Ecuador. Now 22 years old, Ismael only thinks about traveling to the United States. After Ismael secures passage with a trafficker, Luz, his best friend, returns to Ecuador after living abroad for eight years. She becomes the force that fills Ismael with doubts about his situation. The two friends travel deep into their province to discover new characters, stories, and legends that confront Ismael with what he fears the most: his destiny. (Translated by Bridget Franco)
Category / Categoría
Genre / Género
Subject Coverage / Tema
Cinematic Period / Periodo cinematográfico
“Vengo volviendo,” Cinegogía, accessed October 8, 2024,