Browse Items (15 total)
A Dios Momo
In this magical and surreal tale set in moody Montevideo, Uruguay, a cheerful and dynamic eleven-year-old named Obdulio lives with his devoted grandmother and two sisters. He carries the self-imposed burden of being the only "man" in the family. His grandmother wants him to go to school, but he refuses proclaiming his "working man" status-he helps support his family by selling newspapers on the street. Ironically, Obdulio is illiterate and unable to read what he sells. One night, he meets a night watchman who is full of magical visions and gifts. This charismatic mentor introduces Obdulio to the beauty of words and the songs of the Murgas sung during Carnival processions. As Obdulio begins to understand the lyrics, he welcomes the challenge and eventually writes his own Murgas, which are later performed by the mysterious Carnival band. Reminiscent of Cinema Paradiso and the films of Fellini, this gem for viewers of all ages and is a celebration of life, the beauty of friendship, and the magic of knowledge. (Tribeca Film Festival) -
Bixa Travesty
A documentary that follows Ms Linn da Quebrada, a black trans woman, performer and activist living in impoverished São Paulo. Her electrifying performances (with plenty of nudity) brazenly take on Brazil's hetero-normative machismo. (IMDB) -
A negação do Brasil
A documentary film about the taboos, stereotypes, and struggles of Black actors in Brazilian television "soaps." Based on his own memories and on a sturdy body of research evidence, the director analyzes race relations in Brazilian soap operas, calling attention to their likely influence on Black people's identity-forming processes. (Kanopy) -
Uma análise sobre o importante movimento musical homônimo, liderado por Caetano Veloso e Gilberto Gil no final dos anos 1960. O documentário resgata uma fase na história do Brasil em que cena musical fervilhava e os festivais revelavam vários novos talentos. Ao mesmo tempo, o Brasil sofria com a ditadura dos generais no poder, o que fez com que Caetano e Gil fossem exilados do país. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)Tags Cinema Nôvo -
Alegría de una vez
El filme trata sobre los jóvenes que viven de la música, los conciertos y bailes, sin importarles los estudios y la realidad social que los envuelve. En ese grupo está Carlos, un chico rebelde e inocente, que pasa sus días entre presentaciones artísticas, amigos y cervezas. No le importa asistir al colegio, pues él aprende mucho más en la calle, en la música que oye y en las conversaciones con sus amigos, cuyo tema central son las mujeres. Carlos llegará a conocer a Alegría, una chica misteriosa, amorosa y maligna. Este romance se convierte en un nuevo eje para él, quien descubrirá todo sobre el amor. (Cinemateca Nacional Ecuador) -
Retazos de vida
Tras 10 años en España, Andrea regresa a Ecuador, su tierra, y mientras a través de la ventana del avión divisa su ciudad natal, no puede dejar de evocar su infancia, pero le sobrecoge la incertidumbre de no saber con qué se encontrará a su retorno. Su prima... Cristina, la top model de Ecuador, se debate entre las drogas y la bulimia, porque a pesar de su éxito profesional, tiene una vida vacía. Sabe que no es prioridad para Thiago y no ha logrado el reconocimiento de su madre, la exitosa Rafael Marti, prestigiosa empresaria dueña de la agencia de modelos más importante del país, quien está a punto de enfrentarse al mayor conflicto de su vida. (Film's Official Website) -
The Three Caballeros
A large box arrives for Donald on his birthday, three gifts inside. He unwraps one at a time, and each takes him on an adventure. The first is a movie projector with a film about the birds of South American: Donald watches two cartoons, one tells of a penguin who longs to live on a tropical isle and the other about a gaucho boy who hunts the wild ostrich. The second gift is a pop-up book about Brazil. Inside is Zé Carioca, who takes Donald to Brazil's Bahia for a mix of animation and live action: the two cartoon birds sing and dance with natives. The third gift is a piñata, accompanied by Panchito. A ride on a magic serape takes the three amigos singing and dancing across Mexico. (IMDB) -
Rodrigo D: No futuro
Rodrigo, a poor and troubled teenager in the barrios of Medellin, Colombia, struggles to find hope in a world ravaged by violence and chaos. An aspiring drummer in a punk band, he uses his music to try to drive the despair out of his head. Rodrigo and his friends are bored teenagers living in Medellin. Rodrigo wants to start a punk band. The youths mainly loaf around the hillside shanty towns and, for kicks, steal a bike or car, or shoot someone. (Portal del cine y audiovisual latinoamericano y caribeño)Tags Youth / La juventud -
Saludos amigos
Live-action segments show members of the Disney staff touring South America and recording their impressions in sketches. These segue into four animated sections: "Lake Titicaca" depicts tourist Donald Duck's troubles with a stubborn llama; "Pedro" tells of a little mail plane's adventures flying over the treacherous Andes; "El Gaucho Goofy" transplants an American cowboy into the Argentine pampas; and in "Aquarela do Brasil," Jose Carioca shows Donald the sights and sounds of Rio de Janiero. (IMDB) -
De generación
Un grupo de jóvenes cubanos analizan temas comunes a su época, expresando sus diferencias con el proyecto político creado por sus padres. (Film's official website) -
Juan de los muertos
Juan tiene cuarenta años, de los cuales la mayoría los ha dedicado a vivir en Cuba sin hacer absolutamente nada. Ese es su modo de vida, y está dispuesto a defenderlo a cualquier precio, acompañado de su socio y compinche, Lázaro, que es igual de vago pero el doble de tonto. El único vínculo emocional de Juan es con su hija, Camila, una joven y bella muchacha que no quiere saber nada de su padre porque lo único que hace es meterse en problemas. De pronto comienzan a suceder una serie de extraños acontecimientos: la gente se vuelve violenta y se atacan unos a otros. Después da algunas dudas Juan llega a la conclusión de que se trata de zombies y decide que la mejor manera de enfrentar la situación es prosperar con ella y comienza un negocio con el slogan: Juan de los Muertos, Matamos a sus seres queridos. -
Ahí está el detalle
La confusión entre el perro ""Bobby"" y un gángster del mismo nombre desencadena una serie de enredos entre un celoso marido, su nerviosa esposa, una pícara criada, una esposa abandonada con ocho hijos y el singular Cantinflas. (Cine Mexicano) -
Miss Bala
Cuenta la historia de Laura, una joven cuyas aspiraciones de convertirse en reina de belleza se vuelven contra ella cuando involuntariamente se ve involucrada con un grupo criminal en el norte de México. En una serie de dramáticos eventos que la llevan a ser coronada como reina de belleza de su Estado, Laura es simultaneamente arrojada a la algida y efervecente violencia de la guerra contra el narcotráfico en el México contemporáneo. (Filmoteca UNAM) -
Madeinusa is a girl aged 14 with a sweet Indian face who lives in an isolated village in the Cordillera Blanca Mountain range of Peru. This strange place is characterized by its religious fervor. From Good Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon (the time of day when Christ died on the cross) to Easter Sunday, the whole village can do whatever it feels like. During the two holy days sin does not exist: God is dead and can't see what is happening. Everything is accepted and allowed, without remorse. Year after year, Madeinusa and her sister Chale, and her father Don Cayo, the Mayor and local big shot, maintain this tradition without questioning it. However, everything changes with the arrival in the village of Salvador, a young geologist from Lima, who will unknowingly change the destiny of the girl. (IMDB)Tags Quechua -
Madeinusa is a girl aged 14 who lives in an isolated village in the Cordillera Blanca Mountain range of Peru. This strange place is characterized by its religious fervor. From Good Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon (the time of day when Christ died on the cross) to Easter Sunday, the whole village can do whatever it feels like. During the two holy days sin does not exist: God is dead and can't see what is happening. Everything is accepted and allowed, without remorse. Year after year, Madeinusa and her sister Chale, and her father Don Cayo, the Mayor and local big shot, maintain this tradition without questioning it. However, everything changes with the arrival in the village of Salvador, a young geologist from Lima, who will unknowingly change the destiny of the girl. (IMDB)