
Browse Items (26 total)

  • Noche_de_fuego.png

    Noche de fuego (2021) es una película dirigida por Tatiana Huezo, basada en la novela de Jennifer Clement titulada Prayers for the Stolen, que presenta un México rural donde la violencia a causa de la cosecha de amapola ha llevado a cometer crímenes contra las personas del pueblo, por lo cuál, madres de la comunidad recurren a crear escondites y cortes de pelo a sus hijas para protegerlas. A lo largo de la película seguimos la historia de Ana, María y Paula, tres amigas que están aprendiendo a vivir en este ambiente. (Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia)
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    Like the elderly couple in Ozu’s wonderful Tokyo Story (1953), the main characters of Wiñaypacha carry upon their bent backs the sadness of being forgotten by their son. Nonetheless, they do not invest in anger nor build up blame. They spend their days weaving the blanket that keeps them warm on cold nights, chewing on coca leaves, and dreaming of a wind that will bring their firstborn back home. (Film Affinity US)
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    Like the elderly couple in Ozu’s wonderful Tokyo Story (1953), the main characters of Wiñaypacha carry upon their bent backs the sadness of being forgotten by their son. Nonetheless, they do not invest in anger nor build up blame. They spend their days weaving the blanket that keeps them warm on cold nights, chewing on coca leaves, and dreaming of a wind that will bring their firstborn back home. (Film Affinity US)
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    Una pareja se muda a la Patagonia escapando de las imposiciones de la sociedad capitalista moderna. Al principio, el lugar, la gente, la vida parece ser lo que ellos buscan. Un mundo nuevo alejado de todo. Pero pronto descubrirán que no todo es tan mágico ni tan simple, ni ellos están preparados para lidiar con esa vida. Pensaran en desistir. Volverán a la ciudad, pero ahí tampoco encajan: El lugar que dejaron atrás ya los ha modificado. Harán un nuevo intento, una verdad revelada, hará que todo tambalee más fuerte que nunca. Pero al atravesar esto, se harán más fuertes para continuar intentando una nueva vida. (Film Affinity ES)
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    The Amazon is a vast laboratory for sustainable experiments that are revealing new relationships among human beings, corporations, and the natural heritage crucial for life on the planet. This is where the guidelines are being drawn up for a new global economic model: the green economy. With an astonishing soundtrack and cinematography, Eternal Amazon presents a critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and utilized. Exploring the Amazon’s five million square kilometers—home to 20% of the world’s freshwater reserves—the film asks whether it is possible for humans to make sustainable use of the rainforest by featuring nine successful projects for sustainable forest use that directly benefit the local population and foster good economic partnerships. Experts like economist Sergio Besserman, ecologists Bertha Becker and Virgilio Viana, and Amazonians themselves explain activities such as agriculture, fisheries, and animal husbandry. The film portrays the daily lives of the forest people as the guardians of this great natural heritage that, if properly managed, could last into eternity. (Pragda)
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    El cineasta recorrió varios estados de la República para plasmar testimonios muy elocuentes sobre la grave situación del campo y de quienes lo trabajan. Muestra el difícil camino seguido por los campesinos del sur para acceder a las zonas de mayor desarrollo del noroeste, en busca de mejores posibilidades de subsistencia. Y aunque filmado en 1977, la situación sigue siendo tan grave como antes. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    Documental que muestra la elaboración de la panela con la cual, en Quetzaltepec Mixe, Oaxaca, endulzamos nuestros alimentos. Es una parte de nuestra vida, como pueblos indígenas, en la que compartimos el trabajo, la alegría y el dolor. Es también la lucha de continuar siendo autosustentables por medio de la producción de nuestros propios alimentos, y así preocuparnos menos por el dinero. (Filmoteca UNAM)
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    In her first narrative feature film, director Itandehui Jansen tells a powerful story of economic migration between rural and urban Mexico. Soledad is a matriarch and traditional healer whose daughter Adele left their village to work in Mexico City leaving behind her infant son. Years later, Soledad and her grandson Jose share a strong bond rooted in their love of culture and land. As she continues to pass on her knowledge and teachings to him, she receives an unexpected call that her daughter is getting married and intends for Jose to join them in the city. Fearing an uncertain future for them both, Soledad struggles to cope with her impending heartbreak as she awaits her daughter’s return. (Birrarangga Film Festival)
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    Like the elderly couple in Ozu’s wonderful Tokyo Story (1953), the main characters of Wiñaypacha carry upon their bent backs the sadness of being forgotten by their son. Nonetheless, they do not invest in anger nor build up blame. They spend their days weaving the blanket that keeps them warm on cold nights, chewing on coca leaves, and dreaming of a wind that will bring their firstborn back home. (Film Affinity US)
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    The Misak are an indigenous people whose territory is located in Cauca, Colombia. As with many indigenous peoples in Latin America, the Misak lost large parts of their territory during colonial rule. In the 1980s, they started a process of land reclamation and were eventually successful in gaining formal land rights recognition. Since then, the Misak have developed their Life Plan as a tool for self-determined development to ensure their gains would be preserved for future generations. (Film's Official Website)
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    Encina's reductionist approach is driven home in a 15-minute opening sequence, which is basically a fixed frame of an old man and woman emerging from the forest in long shot, stretching a hammock between two trees and sitting on it. Their nonstop bickering eventually reveals that the country is at war and they have not heard from their soldier son in a very long time. The mother seems resigned to his being dead; the father insists on keeping hope alive. Their waiting for something to happen becomes the viewer's cross to bear as well. Little else transpires in this short feature, which uses a bare minimum of sets and camera set-ups to underline the monotony and despair of the old couple's lives. Source: Young, Deborah.  Review of Paraguayan Hammock (Hamaca paraguaya), by Paz Encina. Daily Variety, 18 May 2006. 
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    This debut is the simple story of a journey by Evaristo and Tony, indigenous brothers living in Mexico's rural northwest. After their primary-school graduation, the brothers are asked to deliver medicine to a far-off village; not wanting to walk, they poach their grandfather's horse which, sure enough, ends up lost. The two boys separate to find it, and day turns into night. Wonderfully acted by non-professionals, Cochochi features breathtaking images of a region little explored on film - not to mention a distinctive language (the Tarahumaran dialect of Raramuri). This delicate narrative explores a serious issue for any native population - the question of whether to integrate with society at large or hold onto traditional ways. Source: Peranson, Mark. "The Filmgoer's Festival Guide." Review of Cochochi, by Israel Cardenas and Laura Amelia Guzmán. The Globe and Mail, 28 Sept 2007, sec. Arts. 
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    Impulso cuenta la historia de Jéssica (Cecilia Vallejo), joven de 17 años que, de Quito, donde vive con su abuela y su tia, parte a una hacienda del campo ecuatoriano en busca de su padre, que nunca conoció. Allí es recibida por sus tíos y conoce a su primo de 20 años. El ambiente de la casa, primero acogedor y familiar, va tomando tintes inquietantes que desconciertan a Jéssica y, mientras los dos jóvenes inician una relación amorosa, aparecen cada vez más acontecimientos extraños. (Film Affinity)
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    Es la historia de un argentino Premio Nobel de Literatura, que hace 40 años se fue de su pueblo a Europa. Triunfó escribiendo sobre su pueblo y sus personajes. En el pico de su carrera, el intendente del pueblito donde nació lo invita para nombrarlo Ciudadano Ilustre, y él decide cancelar su agenda y regresar solo a su pueblo. Su llegada desencadena una serie de situaciones entre su figura y el pueblo. (Cine Nacional Argentino)
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    Convertido ya en un hombre, Ernesto regresa a Valle Bermejo. Recuerda su niñez, los que fundaron una cooperativa que agrupaba a los pequeños ganaderos del valle, los tiempos de lucha contra el cacique Andrada, en defensa de la lana de sus ovejas. (Cine Nacional Argentino)
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    In director Jayro Bustamante’s feature debut, Ixcanul (2015), a Kaqchiquel-speaking family negotiates their survival as farmers on a landowner’s plot in Guatemala. Looming in the distance is the Pacaya volcano from which the film takes its name. (Ixcanul means “volcano” in Kaqchiquel.) At stake is the future of María, beautifully portrayed by first-time Mayan actress María Mercedes Coroy, who is to be wed to the landowner, Ignacio (Justo Lorenzo), in the interest of securing her family’s access to the land they work. In the distance, said volcano separates their world from Mexico and the United States, to which María’s lover, Pepe, soon migrates in search of an imagined better future, leaving her to grapple with his loss. What at first seems to be a community and family-driven drama, drawn in long shots across pristine highlands, takes a turn toward social realism once María’s actions catch up with her, putting her family’s future at risk. María’s quiet existence will suddenly implode as her acts of surrender—to her lover and to her fate—bring on both community and broader social interventions. María embodies the tense relationships between Mayan communities and the state, between labor and profit, and against the confines of both tradition and modernity. Source: Córdova, Amalia. "Review of Jayro Bustamante’s Ixcanul." NACLA Report on the Americas, vol. 49, no. 1, 2017, pp. 114-115.
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    The Caravana Rolidei rolls into town with the Gypsy Lord at the mike: he does magic tricks, the erotic Salomé dances, and the mute Swallow performs feats of strength. A young accordion player is completely enamored of Salomé, and he begs to come along. The Gypsy Lord shrugs, and the accordionist and his pregnant wife, Dasdô, join the troupe. Television is their enemy as they go from the coast deep into the Amazon. Salomé lets the accordionist sleep with her once, with Dasdô's knowledge. He's moon-struck. Then, after Dasdô's baby is born and financial disaster hits the troupe, the accordionist must choose between seeing his wife a prostitute and leaving the caravan.
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    Por encargo del propio presidente de la república y a pesar de que está enferma del corazón, la maestra rural Rosaura Salazar sale rumbo al pueblo de Río Escondido para encargarse de la escuela que lleva meses cerrada. Tras su llegada, Rosaura debe enfrentar al cacique Regino Sandoval, quien explota y niega el agua a los campesinos y ha clausurado la escuela.(Cine Mexicano)
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    Misael vive en la inmensidad del monte pampeano trabajando con su hacha. Sobrevive sólo con lo indispensable y casi sin contacto con otras personas. Vemos su vida minuto a minuto intentando descubrir a través de pequeños movimientos o acciones su manera de estar en el mundo. (Film Affinity US)
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    En 1909, María Candelaria y Lorenzo Rafael, pareja nativa de Xochimilco, desean casarse a pesar de que las circunstancias les son totalmente adversas. La gente del pueblo hostiliza a María Candelaria por ser hija de una prostituta y la pareja debe enfrentar la avaricia del tendero Don Damián, quien en secreto desea a la joven. Cuando María Candelaria enferma de paludismo, Lorenzo Rafael roba quinina y un vestido en la tienda de Don Damián. El robo desencadena la tragedia para la joven pareja de enamorados. (Portal del cine y audiovisual Latinoamericano y caribeño)
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    Imaginero is an ethnobiography of Hermógenes Cayo, a self-taught woodcarver and painter who lives on the high Andean plateau of Argentina. The film portrays Hermógenes, his wife Aurelia Kilpe, and their children in their Andean lifestyle, as well as Hermogenes' passion for painting, carving, building, and his devotion to the Virgin Mary. (Documentary Educational Resources)
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    In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson. Can the old man ferry out the ammunition in his violin case under the soldiers' nose? (IMDB)
  • el violin_Medina.pdf

    In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder. Soldiers descend on a town, cutting off the rebels from their cache of ammunition hidden in a field. A family of grandfather, son, and grandson are among the rebels in the hills. The grandfather, with his violin over his shoulder, tries to pass the checkpoint, ostensibly to tend his corn crop. The commanding officer lets him pass but insists on a daily music lesson. Can the old man ferry out the ammunition in his violin case under the soldiers' nose? (IMDB)
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    Manuel, 9, has an old ball with which he plays football every day in the countryside. He dreams of becoming a great goalkeeper. His wishes seem set to come true when Ernest, his father, gives him a new ball. But an unexpected accident sends the ball flying into a minefield. Despite the danger, Manuel refuses to abandon his treasure... He convinces Julián and Poca Luz, his two friends, to rescue it with him. Amid the adventures and kids' games, the signs of armed conflict start to appear in the lives of the inhabitants of 'La Pradera'. (IMDB)
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    Es el año 1988 y el Papa Juan Pablo II visitará Melo. Se calcula que 50.000 personas asistirán a verlo. Los pobladores más humildes creen que vendiéndole comida y bebida a esa multitud se harán casi ricos. Beto, un contrabandista en bicicleta, decide en cambio construir un excusado en el frente de su casa y alquilar el servicio. Para lograr su objetivo debe atravesar una serie de dificultades tragicómicas. Finalmente, sólo unos 8.000 fieles concurren. Nadie vende nada y únicamente una anciana hace uso del retrete. El sueño de Beto se hace trizas pero a lo largo de la historia su hija ha llegado a comprenderlo mejor. Quizás incluso a quererlo. (Montevideo Portal)
  • Bano_del_papa Medina.pdf

    Es el año 1988 y el Papa Juan Pablo II visitará Melo. Se calcula que 50.000 personas asistirán a verlo. Los pobladores más humildes creen que vendiéndole comida y bebida a esa multitud se harán casi ricos. Beto, un contrabandista en bicicleta, decide en cambio construir un excusado en el frente de su casa y alquilar el servicio. Para lograr su objetivo debe atravesar una serie de dificultades tragicómicas. Finalmente, sólo unos 8.000 fieles concurren. Nadie vende nada y únicamente una anciana hace uso del retrete. El sueño de Beto se hace trizas pero a lo largo de la historia su hija ha llegado a comprenderlo mejor. Quizás incluso a quererlo. (MonteVideoPortal)
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