Browse Items (13 total)
La foquita: El 10 de la calle
La foquita, El 10 de la calle cuenta la inspiradora historia de Jefferson Farfán, un niño de un barrio humilde de Lima, que a pesar de las adversidades a lo largo de su vida nunca se dio por vencido, sacando a su familia adelante y logrando llevar a su amado Perú a jugar un mundial de fútbol luego de 36 años. (Cine Aparte) -
Tupac Amaru
This is a dramatic retelling of the heroism of Tupac Amaru, an Incan leader who organized the people who made up the lowest rungs of society underneath the Spanish colonialists -- the workers, slaves, and the remains of the Incan nation -- and raised an armed rebellion against the Spanish. His rebellion failed, his family was killed, and he was cruelly executed, with his legs and arms tied to four horses and torn away from his body. ( -
Beginning with a breathless, Robin Hood-style train robbery and ending with a highly provocative—and not for the faint of heart—final sequence, the directing debut from journalist, musician, and actor Wagner Moura (Elite Squad; Pablo Escobar in Narcos) is a searing and energized portrait of one of Brazil’s most divisive historical figures, Afro-Brazilian poet and politician Carlos Marighella (actor/singer Seu Jorge, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou). Driven to fight against the erosion of civil and human rights following the CIA-backed military coup of 1964 and the brutal right-wing dictatorship that followed, the revolutionary leaves behind his wife, Clara (Adriana Esteves), and son, Carlinhos, to take to the streets, authoring the highly influential Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla,becoming a notorious enemy to the power structure, and being doggedly pursued by sadistic chief inspector Lucio (Bruno Gagliasso) before an untimely death in a dramatic police ambush in 1969. (Review by Hebe Tabachnik, Seattle International Film Festival, Film's Official Website) -
Frida, naturaleza viva
The most prominent female painter of Latin America, Frida Kahlo, is agonizing in her Coyoacán home. She evokes memories of her childhood, of the streetcar accident that caused her to terrible pain and affliction, her friendship with Trotsky and painter Alfaro Siquieros, her marriage to Diego Rivera, her miscarriage, her political commitment, her long affairs and the anticipated exhibition of her works. (IMDB)Tags Feminism / Feminismo -
Yuli relata la vida de Carlos Acosta, leyenda de la danza y primer bailarín negro cubano en interpretar algunos de los papeles más famosos del ballet, originalmente escritos para blancos, en compañías como el Houston Ballet o el Royal Ballet de Londres, donde ha sido primer bailarín durante más de quince años. El filme abarca desde su dura infancia hasta su madurez, etapa protagonizada por él mismo, quien, pese al éxito y al reconocimiento internacional, nunca olvidó sus orígenes. Inspirada en No Way Home, autobiografía de Carlos Acosta. (CubaCine - Portal del ICAIC) -
Evita, una tumba sin paz
Recuento de la vida y muerte de Eva Perón. (Cine Nacional) -
Um passaporte húngaro
Através do pedido de um passaporte, Sandra Kogut guia este documentário, partindo em busca da história de sua família, dividida entre dois mundos e dois exílios: aqueles que se foram e aqueles que permaneceram onde estavam, os imigrantes que chegaram ao Brasil na década de 40 em decorrência da Segunda Guerra e os que não puderam sair da Hungria. (Adoro Cinema Brasil)Tags Hungary / Hungria -
Rio, 40 graus
Num domingo carioca, a vida é retratada através de cinco pequenos vendedores de amendoim. Em Copacabana, Pão de Açucar, Corcovado, Quinta da Boa Vista e Estádio do Maracanã, pontos turísticos da cidade, eles procuram compradores para seus produtos. O calor escaldante de 40 graus acaba por unir as aflições dos moradores humildes, que buscam algo de melhor para suas vidas. Depois de um dia atribulado, a alegria de viver toma conta de suas vidas, quando participam do ensaio geral das Escolas de Samba. (Cinemateca Brasileira) -
Madame Satã
Bandit, lover, rebel, homosexual, marginalized, and adoptive father, João Francisco dos Santos, reigned in the streets of Lapa, Carioca, during the 30's, where he invented his own mythology in which he turned himself into 'Madame Satã', a name he borrowed from the movie Homônimo by Cecil B. De Mille made in the 1930's. The story takes place in 1932, the moment when João's dream of becoming a famous performer becomes a reality. (Translation by Jessica Batista) -
¡Asu Mare!
Before becoming one of the most recognised public figures of Peru, Carlos Alcántara tells his origins beginning from just a normal guy to the great "Pataclaun" and more characters. (Translation by Jessica Batista) -
Diarios de motocicleta
Narrates the story of the trip undertaken by a young Ernesto Guevara y Alberto Granado. Before becoming one of the most famous relevationaries of Latin America, Che Guevara decided to travel throughout various Latino countries on his motorcycyle. With his friend by his side, he set out to get to know the people of the countries he visited, their lives, their costumes, and their social standing. Based on the books Notas de viaje, diarios de motocicletas, by Ernesto Guevara, and Con el Che por Ameríca Latina, by Alberto Granado. (Translation by Jessica Batista). -
Yo, la peor de todas
La cinta narra la historia de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, quien nacida en el S.XVIII y con una intensa pasión por la música, la poesía y la filosofía, entra en un convento para no contraer matrimonio y así poder seguir escribiendo. Mientras la inquisición azota a su alrededor y la política de la iglesia es cada vez más represiva, las obras y los polémicos poemas de Juana empiezan a atraer la atención. Un nuevo y liberal virrey sube al poder, cuya esposa guapa y educada cobra interés por Sor Juana. Las dos mujeres se entienden en seguida e inician una relación al principio intelectual, pero que pronto es mucho más. "Yo, la peor de todas trata sobre la represión, sobre el oscurantismo. En esa medida, es una visión sobre el fascismo." (Bemberg) (Filmoteca UNAM) -
In 1840's Buenos Aires, Argentina, a beautiful young socialite named Camila falls in love with Ladislao, a Jesuit priest. After several failed attempts at fighting his own feelings, he ultimately succumbs to her. The two later escape to a far off, secluded village where they assume new identities as husband and wife and begin running a children's school. After several months of relative happiness, the couple's identity is discovered by a local priest. Under moralistic pressure from both Camila's family and the Catholic church the authorities apprehend the lovers, and imprison them for sacrilege. (IMDB)