
Latin American Literature and Film Archive


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Description / Descripción

The site is an attempt to research, gather, organize, and disseminate information about the relationship between Latin American literature and film. The literary side of this pairing has directed the project: the archive aims to identify works by Latin American authors whose novels, short stories, drama, poetry, and other writings have served as the point of departure for the production of feature films, documentaries, shorts, and films for television produced inside and outside Latin America. In addition, information about film scripts written by Latin American authors--both original scripts and scripts based on Latin American literature--has been incorporated into the archive.

Creator / Creador(a)

Lucille Kerr
Juan Navarro Santiago
Javier Guerrero
Sofía Ruiz-Alfaro



“Latin American Literature and Film Archive,” Cinegogía, accessed May 17, 2024,