
Latin American History and Critical Media Studies: Curricular Explorations



Latin American History and Critical Media Studies: Curricular Explorations

Description / Descripción

This essay [...] focuses upon Latin America by briefly surveying the most relevant sources and following up on their discussion of pedagogically theoretical issues in current use. The second section of this essay spotlights a sampling of syllabi from leading scholars in the field, offering a variety of effective approaches and templates for teaching Latin American film and history in the university classroom, especially given the issues covered in the first section. The final section will list the handful of available filmographies and contact points for film distributors and databases relevant to Latin American film and history studies.

Full article:
Baugh, Scott L. "Latin American History and Critical Media Studies: Curricular Explorations." Film & History, vol. 34, no. 2, July 2004, pp. 65-85.

Creator / Creador(a)

Scott L. Baugh



“Latin American History and Critical Media Studies: Curricular Explorations,” Cinegogía, accessed May 17, 2024,